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Kili's POV:

It has been two days since we left the Shire. At first Bilbo did not want to come with us, but after we left he changed his mind. He caught up with us rather quickly, although he protested to having to ride a pony. He does not seem used to sleeping outdoors, but he doesn't complain and trys not to get in our way. Thorin still thinks it was a bad idea to bring him.


It was a beautiful day with few clouds in the sky. It was warm, and as we rode through the forest a slight breeze rustled the leaves. No one spoke as we rode, we were all thinking of the time ahead. Sneaking into Erebor, taking our home back from smaug, and all the hardship from here to there.


That's when I heard it. It sounded like distant yells, and the clash of metal on metal. There were also low and guteral yells, yells that couldn't be human. I stopped, wanting to make sure I heard right before I raised the alarm. I rode up to Thorin, he had heard it too.


"Orcs?" I questioned.


"Sounds like it." He replied.


"This way!"Gandalf yelled as he started leading us towards the noise.


"Towards the battle? We should move on its not our business." Thorin replied.


"There's someone I need to make sure is all right." Gandalf snapped.


This wasn't like him, he wouldn't usually snap at any of us. We followed him as he started off the path into the forest. The forest was thick, so we couldn't move faster than a walk. Gandalf seemed worried that we wouldn't get there in time. Whoever this person was, they were obviously important to him.


We broke from the trees into a vast clearing with a house and a pen with ponies towards one corner. In the center of the clearing a group of about ten orcs were circled around one person attempting to fight them off. Through a break in the line of orcs I could see the person clearer. It was a girl no older than 20. She had brown hair cascading down her back and blowing up as she spun to face her foes. As I watched one of the orcs blows hit home on the girls side and she cried out in pain.


"We have to help her!" I yelled swinging off my horse. As I ran forward, the ground began to tremble. I paused for a moment unsure of what was happening.


"Wait young dwarf." Gandalf called. I looked back at him, confused.


Just then the ground trembled harder then ever. The orcs had paused their attack also, seemingly just as unsure. Through a break in their lines I could see the girl again, she was standing very rigid and a slight glow seemed to be coming from her.


What in the world... I thought to myself.


Just then the earth gave way beneath the orcs feet, leaving a pillar where the girl was standing. As quickly as it had happened the hole filled up with fresh earth. The girl seemed to relax and swayed where she stood.


Then I saw it. One orc had survived, standing too far back to fall into the great hole. It ran towards her and before I could yell it was up on her. It landed a blow on her shoulder. I quickly knelt down and let an arrow fly. It found its mark and the orc fell. The girl began to turn towards me her eyes searching, but before she could see me she collapsed.


Gandalf ran towards her looking concerned. I ran forward as well wanting to help in any way I could. That's when I saw them. I froze the shock etched into my face.


It couldn't be. I thought to myself. They can't be real. It's just a story.


On her back a pair of silvery wings glittered.

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