trolls pt 2

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Attara's POV


I flew quickly, spotting the light of a fire as the sounds grew louder. The noise then suddenly cut off, that couldn't be good. As I approached the light a saw a clearing open up and landed on a nearby branch in the shadows. In the center of the clearing there was a huge fire, with some of the dwarves on a spit being spun over it and the rest tied up in sacks along with the hobbit.


Great, not only are they trolls, there are three of them I thought. Trolls are extremely hard to kill, with their thick skin and huge size.


"Untie us you monsters!" "Take on someone your own size!" I heard oin and gloin yell at the trolls. This only seemed to anger the trolls more.


Then I heard Bilbo begin to go on about worms in the dwarves tubes. I realized he was attempting to buy them time and if I was going to do something it had to be now.


"Here goes nothing" I said quietly to myself before jumping off the branch.


I launched myself towards the nearest troll sword in hand managing to land a blow on his back, but it barely scratched his thick hide. I saw some of the dwarves smile in recognition and I soared out of the trolls reach. Even Thorin and dwalin looked relieved to see me.


My skin began to glow as the wind swirled around the three trolls, blowing the fire out. Only the moonlight and glow of my own skin illuminated the clearing now. "This is your last warning" I said as menacingly as possible "untie them or you'll regret it"


The trolls looked up at me for a minute and I hoped they would take my threat seriously. "What is it?" One troll asked the others "can we eat it?" Another asked.


"Or not" I muttered angrily.


I allowed the winds to die down so I could fully focus on my attacks. Once again I dived at the trolls swinging my sword. This time they were more prepared though and tried to fight back. I dodged their swings easily by darting between their arms. Them didn't seem to be used to fighting a flying enemy.


I then focused on one troll, the largest of the group. I paused for a moment and focused before I sent a small blast of flame at him. He screamed as the flame scorched his face, but would not go down so easily.


"Watch out Attara!" I heard Kili yell from where he was tied. I spun around, but not quickly enough. One of the other trolls took my momentary stillness as an opportunity to land a blow. His fist landed on my left side and knocked me from the air into the ground. I felt a few of my ribs crack on impact and pain sear through my side.


The trolls began to approach me and I held up my sword to defend myself, with no time to stand. But before the trolls could reach me, something unexpected happened.


"The dawn will take you all!" A figure exclaimed from a ledge high above. It was Gandalf back from wherever he had stormed off to. A feeling of relief flooded through me.


"Who's that?" One troll asked "no idea" another responded "can we eat 'im too?" The third added in.


Then Gandalf struck the cliff he was standing on with his staff causing it to split. Morning light spilled through causing the trolls to turn to stone almost instantly. He had saved us all.

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