and Into the Fire

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Attara's POV


"...and into the fire. Run! RUN!" Gandalf yelled.


We all took off down the mountain as fast as we could. I took flight to increase my speed, but I was careful not to rush too far ahead of the party.


A few wargs managed to catch up to the party, but they went down easily. I was able to shoot my bow behind me as I flew, and the dwarves made quick work of whatever I couldn't take down.


Suddenly we came upon a large clearing fringed with trees. On the otherside of the clearing was the sheer drop of a cliff, we had nowhere to go.


"Up into the trees, all of you! Come on, climb! Bilbo, climb!" Gandalf shouted.


"They're coming!" Thorin responded.


We all did as we were told. I flew near the trees, helping the dwarves as they climbed. Once everyone was up, I landed on a branch in the tree Fili, and kili had climbed into.


Wargs circled around the trees snarling. We were sitting ducks, but they couldn't reach us.


Suddenly the wargs below us stopped growling, and turned to face something. As I looked up I saw him. A white warg approached us slowly, azog on his back.


I froze at the sight, memories from that night filling my mind. The screams all around me. The sounds of battle, of death. I was running, running towards the palace. It had always been safe, it had to be. As I ran towards the palace, its great doors opened revealing a pale orc - covered in blood. He charged towards me. I was frozen with fear. Once I finally managed to run it was far too late. He landed a blow along my back, leaving a deep cut that remained today as a scar. But before he was able to finish me off, a huge eagle scooped me up and flew me to safety. I snapped back to reality, shaking.


"Azog?!" Thorin cried.


The creature replied, the horrible sound of black speech filling my ears. I did not understand what he said, but the sheer tone of it sent shivers down my spine. I huddled into the tree I was in, shaking with fear.


Fili and Kili looked towards me with concern. I simply shook my head, unable to form words. How could I explain what I was feelings? This creature had taken everything from me, killed everyone I loved.


"It cannot be" Thorin said in disbelief.


Azog spoke again, this time gesturing toward the trees. As he finished speaking, the wargs lunged towards us. They jumped as high as they could, shaking our trees violently.


The trees began to be uprooted under the weight of the massive wargs. The dwarves jumped from tree to tree as they continued to fall. I flew between them trying to make sure no one fell. As we reached the final tree on the edge of the cliff, I felt azogs gaze on me.


"You must be the little extra gift the goblin king got for me." He snarled, smirking.


Suddenly a flaming pinecone shot past my head towards the wargs, who retreated in fear. I glanced up at Gandalf as he tossed more flaming pine cones down to the dwarves. I helped him light fire to more pinecones, and tossed them to the dwarves around me. As the ground around our tree began to burn, we cheered as the wargs retreated.


Our cheering came to an abrupt stop as our tree began to give way beneath us. The tree stoped, hanging precariously over the edge of the cliff. Ori began to fall, but managed to grab onto dori's leg. Dori then began to fall, but grabbed onto Gandalf's staff.


Thorin rose from the branch he had been clinging to. He approached azog slowly. Azog spread his arms, a grin spreading accross his face. Seeing this my fear turned to rage. I flew from my branch and landed alongside Thorin.


Thorin charged Azog as I send the other wargs flying backwards with a strong gust of wind. Azog's warg leapt at Thorin knocking him to the ground. As Thorin got back to his feet, I attempted to distract azog sending a blast of fire in his direction.


Upon seeing this, his grin grew even wider. I realized my mistake too late. "No ordinary fairy" he said "if you can control multiple elements you must be" my heart sank "royalty"

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