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Attara's POV


"Something's coming!" Thorin yelled.


Gandalf tossed Thorin a sword as the rustling grew louder. At a brief glance I noticed it was of elven make, similar to mine. We all brandished our weapons, even little Bilbo who seemed to have found a sword of his own in the troll hoard.


Just then something, or should I say someone, burst through the trees. He was riding his sled pulled by rabbits and looked like no one I had ever seen. His hair a birds nest - literally - and he was dressed in all brown.


"Thieves! Fire! Murder!" He cried. He did not seem to be a threat, but our weapons remained drawn just in case.


"Radagast!" Gandalf cried, a smile forming across his face "radagast the brown! What are you doing here?"
He asked.


"I was looking for you" he explained. "Something's wrong. Something's terribly wrong" he explained a frantic look in his eyes.


"Yes?" Galndalf asked ask we put our weapons away. This man seemed harmless, he barely even looked like a wizard to me.


"It was right on the tile of my tongue" radagast explained. Curling his tongue "it a silly old" he paused


Gandlaf then did something truly horrifying. He pulled a stick insect out of the mans mouth. 


"Stick insect!" Radagast explained.


I averted my eyes as my stomach clenched at the sight. Even the dwarves looked disguisted and taken aback at the sight.


Then the mans face seemed to darken. "The Greenwood is sick Gandalf." He began "nothing grows anymore. At least nothing good. But worst of all are the webs"


"The webs?" Gandalf asked.


"Spiders Gandalf. Giant ones. They come from Dol Guldur." He said with a far off look.


"Dol guldur?" Gandalf questioned, not seeming to believe radagast. "But the old fortress is abandoned.


"No, Gandalf, it is not. A dark power dwells there. One that can summon the spirits of the dead. A necromancer has come." He exclaimed.


As the conversation came to a close a howl came from the distance.


"Was that a wolf? Are there - are there wolves out there?" Bilbo asked, visibly shaken by the sound.


"Wolves? No that is not a wolf" Bofur responded.


Just then a warg jumped out from a bush. Thorin quickly cut it down with his sword. Another jumped out and kili shot it with his bow. The hit did not kill it so Dwalin finished the job.


A dwarf with a bow? That's unusual. Then it hit me. The arrow that felled the orc that could have killed me back at my old house. It had been Kili. He saved me. I didn't get to dwell for long before the commotion continued.


"Warg-scouts! Which means an orc pack is not far behind." Thorin said with a scowl. My blood boiled at the thought, all thoughts of Kili completely pushed from my mind. Orcs had taken so much from me and I couldn't wait to get the change to take some revenge.


"Who did you tell about your quest, beyond your kin?" Galdalf asked Thorin.


"No one" Thorin retorted.


"Who did you tell?" Galdalf repeated, more angrily this time.


"No one, i swear. What in Durin's name is going on?" Thorin asked equally angry.


"You are being hunted"

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