Thanks Overdue

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Attara's POV


"Ay lassy you're back!" I heard gloin call out as I approached the group.


"And looking good too." Dwalin winked before laughing. I chuckled lightly myself before joining the circle of dwarves.


They were sitting around a fire, it seemed they had not be impressed by the elven feast as they were cooking their own food. I leaned back against a pillar and took in the scene before me.


As my eyes traveled around the circle, they met warm brown ones. Kili was across the circle from me, staring with his mouth slightly agape. As I met his gaze I raised my eyebrows, causing him to shut his mouth and look away quickly.


Wings still catch him by surprise huh I thought to myself and cracking a smile. When I looked back at him his cheeks had reddened, and he looked away quickly when our eyes met. That reminded me-


"Kili." I said as I stood "can I speak to you for a moment?" He nodded, still blushing slightly, and followed me reluctantly.


Once we were far enough from the group I stopped. We were in another courtyard similar to the one we had just left but this one was deserted. I turned to face him meeting his nervous eyes.


"I never got to thank you." I started. He looked surprised at my words.


"For what?" He asked.


"You saved me back at my house. If you hadn't shot that orc I don't know what would have happened." I said seriously.


His eyes returned to their normal state, sparkling a bit with humour. "Oh it was nothing." He laughed "always willing to help a lovely damsel in distress." He said smirking.


"Dwarves" I muttered chuckling. A slight breeze blew, flowing through my hair and over my wings. I stretched them appreciatively, it felt amazing to be able to walk around with them out freely. 


I noticed Kilis eyes had landed on my wings as I moved them. I fluttered them lightly to lift myself off the ground a little, and his eyes widened. I laughed lightly as I landed, messing with these dwarves sure was fun.


Kili's face then changed from awe to a more serious look. "Atara, how did lord Elrond know you?" He inquired.


I sighed, knowing questions like this would come up. "During my time with the elves of mirkwood we would travel here occasionally." I responded, keeping to the bare minimum detail.


"How many people know about you?" He questioned, his expression changing from serious to more curious.


"Not many outside of the elves. Long ago our people were good friends." I told him.


"Are there many more like you?" He asked.


"There used to be many." I began "now I do not know how many are left, but we are few in number." I said sadly.


His took my hand gently as his eyes found mine, matching them in sadness. Normally I would have pulled away, but in this moment the support he provided was well needed.


"I'm sorry." He began, trying to console me.


"Don't be." I replied simply "I should not be complaining when you lost your home as well."


It wasnt fair for me to dump my problems on him, especially when he was faced with a similar struggle. I pulled my hand away quickly, feeling I overstepped.


"We should return to the group." I told him, as I quickly turned to walk back towards the other courtyard.

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