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Attara's POV

As the spiders returned, they surrounded the party. We all drew our weapons and attacked, managing to take down a few of the beasts. I struggled to fly with all of the webs surrounding us, so I was stuck relying on my blade. 

Suddenly, one of the spiders lunged at Bombur, knocking him to the ground. The creature towered over him, pinchers snapping wildly preparing to strike. 

"Grab a leg!" someone shouted, and each of the dwarves grabbed a leg of the beast. "Pull!" someone else yelled.

The legs were pulled free from the creature with a sickening crunch. The beasts body landed heavily on Bombur, but he managed to shove it off. 

We began to run through the forest; we had defeated all the spiders, but more were coming.  As we prepared to battle the approaching group of spiders, a figure appears from the treetops above us. An elf, with long blonde hair and blue eyes - Legolas.

Legolas slid down one of the spiders silk and sliced it in half before knocking an arrow and pointing it at Thorin. 

"Do not think I won't kill you, dwarf. It would be my pleasure." Legolas said menacingly. 

I quickly stepped forward between the elf and the dwarf. "Legolas!" I exclaimed in a scolding manner, "Is this how you would treat me coming back to Greenwood?" I asked.

He lowered his bow quickly. "Attara!" he exclaimed, expression softening. But before he could continue, I heard shouts from the forest. 

"Help!" I heard Kili call.

Fili tried to rush to his aid, but the elves brandished their weapons stopping him. "Kili!" he cried out.

As I spun around I saw one of the spiders had Kili by the foot and was dragging him away. I took off in the direction of Kili, flying to get greater speed. One of the elven guards tried to stop me, but Legolas held him back. 

A female elf with long auburn hair was heading towards Kili as well, but there were three spiders in her way. As I drew nearer to Kili, I knocked an arrow and let it fly. It hit its mark directly through one of the spiders eyes killing it instantly. I quickly helped Kili to his feet.

"Thank you" he breathed. 

"We're even now" I said smiling. 

As the auburn haired elf reached us, she knocked an air and pointed it at me. 

"Tauriel!" Legolas shouted "Do not harm Attara, she is a friend of the elves." he commanded. She lowered her bow slowly, and did not seem completely convinced. Kili and I joined the rest of the party, Tauriel following behind. 

"I see you have improved your aim since I last saw you." Legolas said with a wink as I returned with Kili. 

I grinned up at him "Maybe I can even best you now" I retorted.

"We will see when this is done" Legolas promised, "but for now, search the dwarves" He commanded, I looked at him in shock. 

"What?" I cried "They mean you no harm" I assured him.

"It matters not. No one is to pass through our kingdom without the leave of my father." Legolas informed me. 

"so we've got two princesses on our hands" I heard Kili mutter behind me. Legolas and I both turned to face him. I was trying to stifle a laugh, but Legolas was not so amused. 

I watched as the elven guard began to take my friends weapons. "Please" I tried again "They are my friends. I swear to you they mean no harm" 

"It matters not" Legolas replied "I cannot disobey my fathers orders."

One of the elves handed Legolas Thorin's sword to examine. He muttered something in elvish angrily under his breath. "Where did you get this?" He questioned.

"It was given to me" Thorin replied bitterly.

"Not just a thief but a liar as well!" Legolas replied angrily as he pointed the sword at Thorin. At Legolas's word the elves grabbed the dwarves and tied their hands. 

"No!" I cried trying to stop the elven guard. 

"Attara leave them" Legolas commanded, "I do not want to make you suffer the same fate" he warned, his previous light tone completely replaced.

I sighed heavily before turning towards Fili and Kili. "I will get you out of this" I whispered. They nodded, but in all honesty I had no clue if I could be true to my word. 

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