The New Member

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Attara's POV:

Silence filled the room, and shock was evident on Kili's face. This was no surprise, very few people in middle earth believed that we existed. This is probably why no one came to our aid when we needed it most. The elves had tried, but they made it too late.


"But it was only a story from when we were little." Kili replied, his voice shaking slightly.


"Well here I am." I huffed. Slowly I sat up, and not feeling too much pain I tried standing.


"Attara be careful. You were injured in the fight." Gandalf warned.


"I'm fine." I replied sharply. "Show me these other dwarves."


Gandalf lead me into the main room of the house, with Kili trailing behind. As we entered silence fell. Kili went to stand by two other dwarves. One looked similar to him, but with blonde hair. The other looked older, with black hair starting to grey. All the people in the room turned to stare at the wings sparkling on my back. In normal circumstances I would tuck them against my back to hide them from sight, but various injuries prevented that.


"Who are you and why are you in this house?" I snapped.


The older dwarf that Kili stood by replied, "I am Thorin Oakensheild, king under the mountain. We are traveling to take back Erebor from the great Dragon. We were passing through the woods when we heard the fight and Gandalf insisted that we stayed here so he could help you."


"I would have been fine by myself." I snapped. "Now you should all leave. I don't want to be putting you in any more danger then I already have. Being here with me puts a target on your back." I began to turn away.


"May I ask who you are that makes it so dangerous for us to be around you?" Thorin questioned.


"I am Attara." More questioning glances at my wings. "One of the few fairies left on middle earth."


A hush filled the room with shock evident on all their faces. They had to have had suspicions, they had all seen my wings, but it seemed none of them truly believed anything until it was said out loud. Thorin was the first to regain composure.


"Then why are you living here, in a humans house? And how do you know Gandalf so well?"


I turned towards him. "I have lived with this family for a few years now. I, as all others of my kind, were forced to flee our homeland. Since I was still young at the time, only nine in your years, my parents entrusted me to Gandalf..."


Gandalf cut in. "I wouldn't have taken you if you were just any fairy Attara."


I turned towards him quickly, shooting him a glare. They couldn't know, I didn't need anymore attention than I was already getting.


Turning back to the dwarves I spoke again, "So Gandalf took me in. After that I spent many many years in mirkwood, learning everything I could from the elves. It was the only safe place I could hide as my people had been close friends to the elves. I was about 15 in your years when I left, Gandalf still considered me too young to be on my own. For many years now I have been switching from human family to human family, concealing my true identity. We thought hiding amoung humans would keep me safe, and it did. Until now that is."


I turned towards Gandalf. "I can't go back to another human family now. The orcs will be tracking me. They want me dead Gandalf. I guess I could go back to mirkwood, it would be good to see legolas and thranduil again, I couldn't do that though. There is already darkness infiltrating the woods, my presence would only make it worse." I turned away again.


"You could travel with us." Gandalf suggested. "Your parents entrusted me with your protection, and I don't intend to let you get hurt now."


"First a hobbit and now a fairy!" Thorin boomed. "This was supposed to be my quest Gandalf!"


"I can fight." I replied sharply. "You may need me. There are only fourteen of you against a dragon. You all saw what I can do during the fight."


"That was you?" Kili questioned, shock evident in his features.


I turned towards him and stiffened, focusing. My skin began to glow slightly. Water rose from a bucket near the fire in a perfect orb, floated around the room, and settled back into the bucket. "Does that answer your question?"


The dwarves stared in shock yet again. This whole staring thing was beginning to get annoying. I would have to break them of that habit.


"So be it." Gandalf cried. "Welcome our fifteenth member!"

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