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Kili's POV:

I stood in shock as Gandalf approached the girl. He knelt down next to her and began to check her wounds. I wondered why he was not as shocked as I was about this. Had he known about her before this? Is this the person he needed to make sure was safe?


"I thought you'd be safe here." He whispered to himself. "We need to get her inside." He said louder as he picked her up.


Gandalf carried her into the house, which I now see to be bigger than I originally thought. The rest of us follow looking around the house. He turns into a smaller room off of the main room and laid her in the bed that sat in the corner. He seemed to know exactly where he was going.


"I need bandages, I will take care of her. The rest of you get the fire started. We will rest here for tonight." He said as he turned away.


"We could travel much further today. There is still plenty of light left. I don't even know who or what she is." Thorin retorted angrily.


"You want to just leave her here alone and injured?" I cried.


"Young Kili is right, and I have more reason than any of you to protect her. And as to what she is, that is for her to explain to you if she so choses." Gandalf replied as he went back into the room.


Soon a fire was going and a pot of stew was cooking. I grabbed a bowl to bring to Gandalf, who hadn't left the girls side since entering the house. I walked cautiously into the room, not knowing if he was still angry about his earlier encounter with Thorin. I walked towards him and set the bowl of stew on a small table next to the bed.


"Gandalf you should rest awhile, I'll stay with her." I said looking toward the bed.


"Thank you master dwarf, call me if she wakes." He replied as he strode out of the room taking the bowl of stew with him. He turned and gave me a soft smile before walking out the door.


I sat down in the chair that Gandalf had vacated, and looked towards the bed. This is the first time I had really been able to look at her up close. Her hair was long and brown, with loose waves. Her skin seemed to shimmer slightly, and she had pointed ears like an elf. She was shorter than a human, but slightly taller than a dwarf or a hobbit. She was built much like an elf, slim but muscular and fit, in fighting shape. Her eyes were closed, but I had a memory from the fight of them being dark. She was beautiful, unlike any creature I had seen before. I sat with her for about an hour before she stirred, beginning to wake.


"Gandalf!" I called "She's waking up!"


He hurried into the room and went straight to the bed. "Attara." He called softly. "Wake up young one."


Her eyes slowly opened and she turned towards Gandalf. "Gandalf?" She asked groggily." Gandalf!" She cried sitting up rapidly.


"Attara be careful you're hurt." Gandalf said quietly.


She grimaced slightly and then her features immediately went back to neutral, like she was practiced in concealing emotion and pain. She lowered herself carefully back into the bed.


"Do you know where Esmeralda and Gregory are?" He questioned.


Her features saddened "They're gone Gandalf. Another family hurt because of me. Its all my fault again. I put everyone in danger. I can't do this any more." her features again returned to neutral, but her eyes still shown a hint of sadness.


"Attara I'm sorry, it's not your fault." Gandalf replied softly.


Her eyes turned to me. As I remembered they were a dark shade of brown, but now that I could see them up close I saw they had a goldish tint when they caught the light. They seemed to sparkle, like her skin.


"Who are you?" She turned her head toward the rest of the house and the noise coming from the other dwarves. "Who are you and what are you doing in this house?"


"I'm Kili." I replied smiling slightly.


"He is the nephew of Thorin Oakensheild, and they are going on a quest to reclaim their homeland." Gandalf added.


"And might I ask who you are?" I questioned. The curiosity must have been evident in my face.


"I am Attara." She replied. Her features softened for a moment, seeming to be deep in thought, making her even more beautiful. She then seemed to snap out of it and return to the present world, her features going back to neutral.


I glanced questioningly towards her silvery wings. "One of the last of the fairies of Middle Earth."

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