A Mountain Cave

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Attara's POV


I woke up to the feeling of strong arms holding me. A pleasant smell enveloped me - one of a pine forest and crackling fire - it smelled like home. My head pounded and I felt extremely groggy so I kept my eyes closed. I shifted closer to the chest of whoever was holding me and felt warm furs and long hair brush my cheek.


"You want me to take a turn with her, Kili?" A voice asked.


"I've got her. She's lighter than she looks." He replied.


Just then we stopped moving - they must have found some shelter. "It looks safe enough" someone said.


"Search to the back; caves in mountains are seldom unoccupied." Someone else replied, must have been Thorin.


"There's nothing here" the same voice repeated.


"Right then! Lets get a fire started!" A voice called cheerily.


"No, no fires, not in this place. Get some sleep. We start at first light." Thorin explains.


"We were to wait in the mountains until Gandalf joined us. That was the plan." Yet another voice said.


"Plans change, Bofur take first watch." Thorin commanded.


I felt myself being set down gently on the hard surface of the cave floor. Then I felt something completely unexpected, a hand - which must have belonged to Kili - gently tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.


"When do you think she'll wake up?" I heard him ask.


"I don't know lad." Another voice responded "she used a lot of her energy to steady the rock giant."


At this I decided to ignore the throbbing in my head and open my eyes. I blinked back the faint light of the lanterns the dwarves had lit and stretched wearily. As I sat up slowly all the dwarves turned to look at me.


"You're awake!" Kili called excitedly. I smiled at him lightly, my vision blurring a bit at the sudden movement.


Thorin then stepped forward. "We can't thank you enough lass. You saved half of our party from almost certain death." He said sincerely.


"It was nothing really." I replied sheepishly.


"How are you feeling lass?" Oin asked.


"A bit tired is all" I replied "and a bit of a headache but it'll pass."


"I'll make you something for it." He replied and I nodded greatfully.


All the other dwarves then returned to what the were doing. Some went to eat, other to sleep, and Thorin and Dwalin where talking slightly away from everyone else, but kili remained at my side.


"Do you want something to eat?" He asked me.


"I can get it myself." I said quickly.


"No no. You saved us, you saved me. You should rest." He said before hurrying towards the other eating dwarves. He returned with a waterskin and a few rations.


"Thanks" I replied greatfully.


"So I guess we are even know, huh?" He said as I began to eat.


"How so?" I asked between mouthfulls.


"I saved you back at your house, then you saved me here." He laughed.


"Lets not make a habit of it." I replied also laughing. As I finished up my food, oin returned holding a cup of some greenish liquid.


"Drink this." He told me "it'll help with your headache build up your strength."


I smiled greatfully and downed the liquid, but wrinkled my nose at the foul aftertaste.


Oin laughed lightly. "That's the reaction I normally get. Now get some sleep." He ordered.


As I laid down to sleep I felt someone put a fur blanket over me. I looked up to see kili and heard him say "you need it more than I do." Before I drifted off into a deep sleep.

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