Continuing On

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Attara's POV:

The dwarves spent the night in the main room. I gathered all the extra blankets I could find in an attempt to make them comfortable, knowing that on a quest they wouldn't have very many comfortable nights.
I also knew this would be the last night I slept in my own bed, at least what I considered to be mine. Gregory and Esmeralda had loved me, but I never truly felt as though I belonged with them. I never allowed myself to grow too attached to one family as I knew I would have to move on. Fairy life spans compare to that of an elf, so I age very slowly. Because of this I had to switch families regularly to keep from being found out by the humans, and to keep from being found by the orcs.
*the night passes*
I woke from a fitful sleep. It was the same nightmare as always. Orcs, hundreds of thousands of them. They ran through our old palace, slaughtering everyone they could. I remember the eagle that swooped down and picked me up from the middle of the battle. It was the same every night since Gregory and Esmeralda were killed.
I heard Gandalf and Thorin talking quietly in the main room. I continued breathing steadily, remaining as quite as possible while I dress.
"Gandalf I don't need another member of this quest to look after. I already have the hobbit to worry about." Thorin complained
"Attara is a valent fighter Thorin, you could use her help where you are going. And besides I cannot just leave her behind. She is more important than you realize." Gandalf replied.
I scowl slightly at what Gandalf says. I have chosen to keep my secrets and he might just give them away if he keeps talking about how "important" I am.
"What is that supposed to mean? She may be a fairy but she's so young. She could get hurt, and if she's as important as you say, that could have disastrous consequences." Thorin replied.
At this point I finished dressing and emerged from my room. I had changed into a pair of thick black leggings and a light blue blouse. My wings were tucked against my body, concealed inside my shirt. The shirt had openings down the back allowing my to extend my wings quickly in case of a fight. I slipped on a pair of leather boots and put on my sword belt as well. The necklace my parents had given me for my birthday just before the attack hung around my neck, like always.
"I am not so young Thorin." I replied sharply. "Fairy lifespans compare to that of an elf. In your years I would be about 19, no younger than your youngest member."
Thorin scowled at me, obviously enraged I had been listening. "You have no say in this bug-girl. This is mine and my peoples quest."
Bug-girl?! How dare he speak to me like that. If only he knew who he was dealing with...
My skin began to glow, a hot anger filling me. No dwarf could speak to me like that! King or not.
"Attara!" Gandalfs voice cut through the air. I snap out of my rage and realize what was happening. "I would suggest you didn't say anything like that to her, Thorin. You have no idea of her powers yet."
"Waits going on?" I heard kili ask from behind us. Gandalf must have woken him when he yelled for me to stop. I turned to face him, and saw the blonde dwarf from before. They looked like they could be brothers.

"Nothing." I replied sharply. "Now who are you?" I turned towards the blonde dwarf and asked.
"I'm Fili." he replied with a smirk.
I rolled my eyes and headed back towards my room. These dwarves were starting to get on my nerves, and I needed to pack before the rest of them woke.
Back in my room I grabbed a pack from a chest. Looking into my wardrobe my eyes fell on the dress. It had been a present from my mother and it was made for me to wear when I was older for a special tradition of our people. I had it with me when we were attack and it was the only thing I was able to take with me beside my necklace, which had been around my neck. I folded it carefully and packed it into the bottom of my pack.
I quickly threw in some more clothes, extra leggings, blouses, a warm fur vest, and a maroon fur lined cloak. Then came armor and weapons. The elves had given me a set of beautiful armor, custom made sword, and bow and arrows. I put on the intricate chest piece that had been custom fit for me and my arm guard. I reattached my sword belt with my custom made sword in the loop. Lastly I swung my bow and quiver, my final present from the elves, over my shoulder. They really had spoiled me before I left, but I suspected it was as much out of guilt as much as the from fact they cared for me.
With my bag packed I reemerged into the main room to see the other dwarves had woken and began packing up. We would be leaving soon. I let my mind wander, thinking about the hard times ahead.

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