Chapter 2

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When we entered the cafe we looked over in the corner booth where Coral, Hunter, Zach, and Violet were waiting for us. When we walked in they waved us over. I walked in and sat next to Violet. She was so happy for us, and herself. She didn't want to go to the island. I knew because for the past couple of weeks she's been acting well, bad. Not knowing the teachers already picked the students. Violet was her happy girly smart self after they announced the names. I don't think she minded the fact almost all of her best friends were gonna be trapped on an island just as long as she wasn't one of them.
After we sat down Michelle, Ashley (otherwise known as Ash) and her boyfriend Tristan followed by Anne: Coral's bestest best friend (their words not mine) walked in. Assuming they were late. They sat down next to us. Thank god for the upgraded booths, Or else I'd be squished like a bouncy ball. We ordered our juices I ordered my usual Mango Tango. That drink always calmed me down, and I definitely needed calming with all these questions running through my head. By the time our drinks got here the others were already mid deep in a conversation that I wasn't paying any attention to.  I finally listened long enough to understand what they were talking about. They were talking about how people's emotions change when alone on an island. No idea what that meant, and I don't want to know so I dozed off again into my drink and my thoughts.
I was about to doze off completely when someone shoved my arm so hard I almost fell off the booth. I didn't know who it was, but apparently my reflexes didn't care, I almost slapped Violet as hard as I possibly could, but luckily Jack grabbed my arm just before I hit her face. Everyone knew how fast my reflexes were. I was just surprised Jack caught my arm. "Sorry,  I am just distracted, that's all." I felt so bad for that. Violet was one of my best friends. If it was Hunter however I wouldn't feel so bad. "What do you need?" I tried to keep my head on straight.
"Oh we were just talking about what you will be doing on the island. Then they told me you were elected leader. Why didn't you tell me?" She said that like I won an Oscar, then she continued, "so I asked what will you be doing and it looked like you passed out so I shoved your arm," Violet said reminding me of what I missed. 
"And then You almost flattened her face" Zach said with a laugh. I gave him an evil look. This is gonna be a long month, with those three around. He and Hunter were almost twins. Not by blood, but their stupidity and ways to tick me off were down right the same.
"Sorry about that." I stirred my drink with the straw and stayed looking down. "I don't know what we will be doing at the island maybe surviving." I didn't want to sound harsh but I think that's how it came out. "Sorry it's just I'm thinking a little too hard about the island." I started to finish my drink. Then I dozed off again letting all these worrying questions go through my head like a fast rap song that won't leave your head.
I let the others talk for a while. I don't pay attention to what they're saying. I didn't want to either, my guess was it was the mysterious Island. I was tired of hearing about it. I knew I got the news today, but still all I wanted to do after I got home was swim. Then Amber and Jack came over. I didn't mind, they always came over. Maybe I should ask if they all wanted to come over to swim. Yeah.
"Hey I was thinking," I interrupted their conversation and I'm glad I did. They were all talking about who hit puberty first. It wasn't the weirdest conversation we had, but definitely in the top ten. "Wanna head to my place to go swimming? It will break up this weird and awkward conversation for a while" at that last part I gave them a weird look. Which made them laugh, so I laughed with them, then I stood up. "If you want to come, meet me at my house in 20" I set a five dollar bill on the counter that covered my smoothie. "Oh and there will be food." I left the cafe with a  big smile on my face. No matter what our differences were, all of us loved food so I knew they would come. I also knew my parents wouldn't mind. They would be busy with either my dad's company or Planning my trip.
I ran home because I knew they would get a ride. I also knew they would all come over, because food meant Buffet which none of them were gonna miss. I got home and my parents never seemed to move until I yelled, "Friends coming over in Fifteen, Pool party, I'll do the buffet!" I screamed it so loud, my dad lost the game and Oreo thought we were going for a walk. I ran upstairs surprised I had seen my bed and a packed suitcase "Wow mom, you're quick" I also saw a bikini swimsuit on the bed. Was she speedy or something? I just announced the pool party. I put on the light blue bikini with a sort of laced veil on the bottoms as if scales on a fish. It was my favorite. I put on my one striped navy blue sundress, and I put my hair up in a high ponytail and put a blue fake flower pin in my ponytail it matched my tan skin and my brown hair with natural blonde highlights. It only left me five minutes to get  the food ready.
I ran downstairs to find mom and dad competing in pinball. "Thanks mom for putting my clothes together and thanks for getting my swimsuit ready as fast as un humanly possible, and thanks for letting everyone come over" I said to them as I pulled out the watermelon and cantaloupe, from the fridge.
"No problem hun, they are always welcome, oh and don't forget the brat dogs they are in the fridge second shelf. Want me to get the stereo?" My mom asked as she sat up and paused their game and looked behind the couch to find me already putting all the plates on the counter.
"Yeah mom that'll be great." Right after I said that my phone blew up with texts ' I can come to the pool party' They all said that or something similar. I grabbed the hot dogs from the shelf and set them on the counter. I walked out back to heat up the grill leaving the brats on the table. There was a familiar smell in the air. I turned around to find the smell led to idiocy. Apparently the boys wanted to show up first. I checked my waterproof watch, I always wear. They were 5 minutes early "How rude to not wait for the girls, oh and by the way I do have a front door." I gave them a cheesy look and went back inside. "They're here, and apparently they've never heard of a front door" I laughed as I told my parents.
I placed the hot dogs on two plates that were stacked on top of each other and placed some tongs on top. I walked outside next to the grill and placed the plates down. The boys were already in the water and playing who has the best cannonball. I placed the dogs on the grill when I heard the doorbell ring "You see that is how you tell someone you're here, not barge into their backyard" I snapped at the boys in the water. I went to the door and opened it. The girls were all their bathing suits and I let them in and gestured to the backyard after they said Hi to my parents. I had to bite my lower lip not to laugh at Coral's face when she saw Zach. I shoved her shoulder and gave her the "go for it" look. Her face turned red so she just ran into the pool. I ignored her utter lack of confidence, and flipped the dogs on the grill. It didn't take long. When the dogs were done I set them on the table that was set out. I went inside grabbed the buns, ketchup, mustard, and the fruit. They were all set up on the table next to my mom's garden.
Once all that was done I turned off the grill. I grabbed the towel I set out earlier on a dining chair. I have been a swimmer since I was two. I ran outside to find the boys already into the dogs. They were such slobs. I set my towel down and did a perfect dive into the deep end of the water. I let myself glide for a while. Letting the cold water flow on my skin allowing me to clear my head. I felt all those worrying questions just flow away like a leaf down a gentle stream. I just floated under the water. My mind drifted away. When I popped my head above the water. Then I was immediately relieved. I honestly felt like I could tackle anything.
I dove back under the water letting myself swim gracefully like a dolphin. I opened my eyes under the water to find Jack staring at me under the water in the corner of the deep end. What's gotten into him lately? "What?" I said under the water. The water muffled it so bad I don't think he heard it. When I hit the surface for air, I was perfectly calm so I pulled my body out of the water and just sat on the edge of the pool letting my legs float up and down in the smooth clear water.
Amber came over to me and sat next to me putting her legs into the water like me. She put 'em in slowly. I guess it was too cold for her. When her legs got fully in we just sat for a while didn't really say anything. We just sat and listened to all the conversations. I got bored and instead of letting all those questions flow through my head again, I broke our silence.
"You freaked?" For our reputation, being scared was out of the question.
She nodded. I knew all her smart talk was just a cover so all of the same questions bouncing through my head didn't bounce through hers. "Are you?" She asked as quietly as possible. She thought Violet had super hearing too.
I nodded "I'm Leader, I'm responsible for everyone," I let out a soft sigh "and by the way, thanks for voting me leader" I said with a sarcastic tone. She laughed then sat up to go eat. I slid in the water again, after eating the only hot dog and fruit left. Now understanding why Amber thought the water was so cold.
I guess we swam for a while, because it was sunset by the time we all realized how late it was. We were all out of the pool getting dried when all of a sudden buzz buzz buzz  everyone's phones were blowing up with texts from  their parents saying to get home right away.  I walked everyone to the front door and said bye, and that I'll see them at school tomorrow. After I shut the door, once the last person was out my parents were already in bed. I guess packing and filling out paperwork was hard.
I decided to heat up some macaroni and cheese from yesterday that was in the fridge. After I pulled it out of the microwave I decided to eat on the couch and watch some Tv before bed, but what I saw didn't give me any comfort. "6 students from Clear view middle school were chosen today to spend a month on an island in the middle of nowhere but little do they know they are going to the new "Bermuda Triangle" or that's what some people have said, the ones who come out alive that is. That's all on that topic for now. Now, Fire in the mountains, How big is it and, how safe are you?" The news caster said," before it went to commercial. What in the world?
I can't believe this. I pressed record on the DVR hopefully it will save that report. What was I thinking? No freaking way was I going on this trip. What if I like die or something? I bet Hunter will just laugh at that. NO. I will do this. But without any sleep is for sure. I decided that watching anything wouldn't do anything to help me wants so ever.
I went upstairs to go try to get some sleep. As I slept, a so real dream went through my head, but this was weird it was like I was already there, but I wasn't scared like I think I will be, I'm actually quite fine. I was talking with Jack by a campfire. I guess I was right about one thing, I wasn't going to sleep. I woke up less worried than before. Until I got like fifty texts from Coral and they all said "THE FREAKING BERMUDA TRIANGLE I AM GONNA SUE THIS CITY!" I guess she saw the same report as I did.
I went back to bed, but I soon stood up because my mom was an angel by cooking bacon and putting in front of my face, I again almost bit her finger off trying to eat the bacon in her hand. I love my mother. I got up out of bed and walked downstairs still with my bed head and sundress from yesterday. I was so tired from tossing and turning I needed a good breakfast.
I looked on the clock on the stove they woke me up half an hour before school, what was that for. I didn't care after I saw the bacon, and eggs with a biscuit and jam. Heaven. While my mom made my dad's plate I put on the report I recorded last night. It did record the part I watched last night, all though it's something you would not want to watch in the morning if you are one of the kids going.
My mother made my plate and then turned the Tv off  "Don't listen to them they were just kidding," She laughed and then gave a fake smile "It's just publicity honey" Great that makes me feel better. This was gonna suck more than I expected. At least there was one thing I can look forward to when I get home. My mother's cooking, She was like a greek goddess when it came to cooking. I just hope her teaching me will at least let us eat well on the island......... I hope.
About ten minutes later I was waiting in the passenger side of our truck. My bag was packed with the stack of papers that were due. I was wearing my usual Blue jeans with a  Black and White T-shirt with a long Black Cardigan, and Black ankle high Converse. However, my mom wanted me to wear a dress and get all dolled up but I made a compromise. I let her do my hair instead and I gotta say. I look way too girly, but I don't mind. She did my hair in a beautiful waterfall braid and with my natural highlights I admit I looked cute.
My mother finally got to the car I swear everytime we go anywhere she thinks she is going on a runway. She got in the driver side and started the car. She sat back in her seat. I better tell her to remember to pick me up at Amber's at 3 because all the parents got a call to pick up the kids up at noon instead of 3. We all were texting last night before the newscast came on and freaked us all out so we all decided to go to Amber and Jack's after school so we could chat and hang. "Hey mom?"
"Yeah" She said with a slight grin
"Uh mom can you pick me up at Amber's at three instead of at school, and by the way I love this hair." I gave her a soft smile I knew she would say yes, she always liked Amber. Besides I asked her to do some printing of survival techniques since we are only 13 years old.
"Yeah of course," She said as we turned onto Bear st where my school was. We never lived far from all my school 10 maybe 15 minutes tops. So it was a quick ride there down hill. Our school was half outside and half inside. My first class was choir with Ashley, Anne, and Coral. The announcements were usually made in second period instead of first so the kids who get here late could hear the announcements.
"Bye mom" I waved as I got out of the passenger seat of our truck. I turned around to find our "group" standing next to the stairs that lead to the lunch room which we call sea hall since the entire inside walls were a mural of the ocean floor. There were fish and crabs everywhere. I walk up to find Ashley holding Tristan's hand and leaning her head on his shoulder since she was tired (like she always is). Then there was Coral and Anne talking about how cute Corals homemade earrings were, there was also Violet talking with Amber about a book that she just finished, and Michelle and the other boys were probably with some of the other groups around school. So I walk up and sit in the outside of the circle and they stared at me  what did i have oreo hair all over me? I looked all over me to see what was wrong. Nothing. I think. "What?" .
"You have no weird and rude comment on that newscast report?" Tristan said. Oh great did everyone see that report?
"No, I don't in fact, I think it is kinda cool and besides if it was the new Bermuda Triangle there wouldn't be any survivors to talk about it." I replied putting my hands in a like duh potion.
They nodded their heads in agreement. Then the bell rang and everyone split up into their classes except for the 6 who are going to the island, they need to drop off the papers. Then go back to their classes for the rest of half the day.

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