Chapter 15 (END)

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The shoreline has significantly decreased since I have arrived. What used to be thirteen feel was now thirty feet, and some people have actually noticed and have started leaving the beach. Any minute now Violet is play the audio and everyone will leave. In the distance I see it rising, but its going slowly so hopefully I will have time.
When I had gotten to the Mayors office I explained the situation and she tried ordering an evacuation, but because she isn't officially mayor anymore nothing stuck. We called our friends and got them to try and get people around to listen but nobody would. I was telling Violet about our powers we discovered and she had the brilliant idea. Her brother was a radio host for the city, and she had access to the sirens that can be blared around town. I recorded an audio of me singing while I thought of everyone leaving just outside of town. As long as it works and everyone gets hypnotized by my song everyone can leave and be safe. Because if I fail and cant stop this wave, I don't want any casualties but myself. That's why I left the others. They cant pay for my mistake, only I can fix it.
The sound of my song begins to play over every speaker, every alarm system, my voice can be heard from the entire city. It sounds beautiful and entrancing, a blue haze begins to form around everyone on the beach, and they begin to pack up their stuff, get in the cars and drive off. Not saying a word. The only sound being the waves crashing and my voice. I am standing on the beach, watching the shoreline trying to come up with a way to complete the goal. Step one was to get rid of the civilians in the way, and that worked. Soon everyone will be out of the city and it would have been evacuated. Within a few minutes the beach is empty, nothing but the crabs joined me on the sand.
Once I had given everyone enough time to be out of the way, I am going to use all of my energy and emotions on a storm, a storm that will push with all its might in the opposite direction of the wave. Hopefully that will be enough to keep everyone away and keep the distribution to a minimum.
My watch beeps, it has been two hours of me standing on the shore. And the wave is more visible now. I guess now is the time. I plant my feet on the edge of the water, standing above the drop off that is now clearly visible.
"Nixie!" I hear my name being called in the distance, but I ignore it. Everyone is gone and its just me.
"Nixie!" I hear it again but closer. I turn and look and.... no .
"Amber! Coral! What are you doing here?!"
They finally reach me and look exhausted. They must have swam and ran all the way here.
"We are here to help." Amber said she stood up straighter.
"No I have to do this by myself. Get to the hill top quickly."
    "We arent leaving you Nixie, we are in this together." Coral said laying a hand on my shoulder and bringing me into a hug. Amber then hugs around us and we are in a group hug. Maybe I don't have to do this alone.
"We are mermaids together, we made our choices together. Not everything has to be burdened on your shoulders alone." Amber says and takes a step back, she looks so mature and adult like. Coral steps away and she looks just as mature, maybe more. Her pink is now only visible by her socks, the rest of her casual and not as colorful. She was right. We did this together. We changed together.
"The boys? Where are they?" I ask. I hope they are still on the island safe and away from harm. I had told Violet that when this was over to help get them off.
"They are on their way, they shouldn't be that far behind us. "
"No they should have stayed back, they could get seriously hurt if we fail" I'm practically frantic, if they are in the ocean or on the shore they are too close not to be hurt.
"You wont fail." He says from behind me. I turn around and see him standing there, his hair all messy and knotted up. It looks like the wind did a number on them. They were all there.
"Jack you guys need to get up high and stay safe." I say practically pushing them away. But Jack grabs my hand, and I stop. I feel the sensation again, but I don't pull away. It feels comforting. It feels safe. There is something in his hand that he hands to me. I don't look, I just embrace the feeling of him holding onto me. But I feel the wind blowing colder and colder along my skin. It was getting closer and we didn't have any time. I knew he wouldn't leave my side. He would stand right there as we battled an unforgiving fight. I did what I had been fighting my entire life.
I lean up and put my hand against his face, his eyes are staring into mine. I don't want to look away. But I know I have to. I press my lips against his, and he pulls my body closer to him. The sensation is like an explosion in my body. It feels so right, his lips are so soft against mine.  I pull away. And let go of him.
"Amber. Now" She lets go of Hunter and listens to me. I knew she would know what to do. To keep them safe we have to push them away. She pushes her hands out  and the three boys his forced backward by her shield. I use the wind to lift them up to the top of the cliff. They were being pushed and flown through the air. They are yelling at us to stop but we have to do it. Once they are safely on top we release them. All that I have of him is his necklace that lay wrapped in my hand.
I turn to face the girls, and we give each other a gentle smile that just says that we did what we had to do. A tear escapes down my cheek, and I leave it there. The cold of the water on my cheek brings me back to reality. The tidal wave is easily visible now it looks only miles away. It was coming faster now, and looked as if it was fifty feet tall.
I look at Coral and Amber and grab their hands. "Coral tell the creature to get away from here and swim in the opposite direction. Amber, use your shield to push the water away as much as you can and keep us covered. I am going to create a storm to blow it down and level it out. Then together we need to sing and send our voices out. If we can get control we can stop it. " I squeeze their hands softly and they return the gesture. They nod and we hug one last time. We each take a breath and begin our jobs. It's time to fight for our home.


    The wave is getting closer and closer, we can see it so clearly from the cliffside.  We see the girls as small figures on the shore. They are standing together in a line facing the wave. We can't make it down the cliffside in time to help them. And if we did they would just waste time putting us back here. As much as being flown in the air was kind of fun. In this circumstance I hated it. I couldn't help her, couldn't hold her hand and support her. But I know I would just be a distraction to her and I couldn't do that to her. She needed to focus. I knew that, but I hated her doing it alone. But she isn't alone, I tell myself. She has Coral and Amber. They can do this.
    "They can do this." It was a statement but it came out as a question.
    "If anybody can do it, they can." Hunter says sitting next to me putting a reassuring hand on my shoulder.
    I hear thunder above us, and the sky starts to get darker as the wind begins to rage. The wind starts howling around us and around the shore. It is pushing its way out to sea, The lighting strikes on the sand, making it the only light. The thunder shakes the ground and seems filled with so much anger. The rain begins to pour down like hail. We run under a tree, I can barely see the girls from that point of view. But I see them. They have their hands out to the open ocean. The wind and rain seems to follow the direction. I hear a faint sound, the sound of them singing. I can't make out the words but it is definitely their voices.
    Along with the wind and rain a mist entwines the water pushing its way out. The mist is a red plue and purple, spinning in circles attacking the wave. It isn't working. The wave is coming into the shore faster.  It looks as if it is about to crash into the shore. Into the girls. When it reaches a sudden stop. Amber. Her shield was up stopping the storm. The wind and rain blew harder.
    We clung onto the tree afraid if we let go we would go flying into the open ocean. I cant see the girls anymore. The sky is so dark and the only light is the bolts of electricity slamming into the ocean. Their voices grew louder, it was a scream now. Then something exploded. A sound pierced all of our ears. Then everything stopped. The sky began to clear, and the wave flattened out.
I ran to the edge of the cliff. I can't see the girls. The wave had flattened out completely, the water level was back to normal, the sun began to shine through the disappearing clouds. I can't see them. I begin running as fast as my feet can take me down the cliffside. I hear my name being called from behind me, but I don't care to look. I have to find her. I run across the sand. I keep slipping and tripping over seaweed and twigs. I get right back up again, looking around the shoreline for her, or any of them.
I get to the water line and run in the water. I can't see anything but I keep swimming and looking around. I need to save her.
Arms wrap around me and pull me out of the water back onto the shore. I try to fight Hunter and Zach's grip but I can't with both of them on me. They bring me back up to the sand and I collapse onto the sand. Where is she? I close my eyes and pray, pray she is still alive.
I feel a pinch on my knees and look down. There is a crab against my knees holding.... Holding my necklace. I grab it and hold it against my chest. Hunter and Zach are by my side. They keep looking out at the horizon hoping to see them. A tail, anything. I close my eyes and grip the necklace tight.
"They're gone."

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