Chapter 4

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We arrived at the beach just a couple miles from the cove, where the ceremony was taking place. When we got there a man in a lifeguard shirt took my bag and had trouble carrying it somewhere else, my dad offered to help but the man said no possibly confused my dad who looks like a muscle maniac, offered to help.
It looked like half the town was here I saw my neighbors, people who walk their dogs on the beach, and the rest I didn't see were probably watching it live on Tv, yet nobody was on stage, but there was something on the stage. A huge helicopter, it's steel propeLLers stuck in its place the grey tail shined from the waves crashing behind it, I stopped and stared at it, my parents walking ahead. We are going to be jumping out of that?
"Nixie" I heard someone scream from the crowd, then a girl I knew since forever a girl from India with her long black hair tied into a braid dark brown eyes, she came running out of the crowed
"Violet you came" I said right before she hugged me half to death.
"School was canceled because of this so we all came to watch you leave"
"Violet we need her like now." Amber said from behind violet
"Okay okay good luck" she said before she hugged me and Amber one last time
"Alright let's do this" Amber said pulling my arm behind the stage, I saw all our parents and I saw the mayor talking to Ms. Love. "Found her"
"Where were you?" Coral said looking at me
"Violet found me first" I said with a slight smile
I heard the mayor on the microphone that was on the stage, I said bye to my parents then they went to the audience in front of the stage. I can't believe it's actually here, we are actually leaving to the middle of nowhere.
The mayor was about to all us up to enter the helicopter "Now let me show you the lucky girls and guys leaving on this trip, first up Coral Patterson," Coral walked up the stage "Next is Zach Phillips," Zach went up the stairs and stood next to Coral,"Next up is Amber Wood, and Hunter Reed," they walked up the stairs together.
"Hey, it'll be fine Nix." Jack told me he Nudged my shoulder he smiled at me, I smiled back. He may be annoying, but he still was a nice guy.When nobody was around at least
"Next is jack wood" jack went up the stairs. I took a deep breath. I was going to be next ."and last but certainly not least, the leader of the team Nixie Hail," here we go, time to take and experience of a lifetime.
I walked up the stairs, everyone started clapping like crazy, I took a breath and stood next to jack. The ocean breeze blew thru our hair.
"Are you ready to watch them take off," the crowd went wild, I guess they want to see a helicopter take off or all the people here are the owners of the houses Hunter, Zach, and Jack have egged over the years.
"Didn't I egg that family last year?" Jack whispered in my ear. I couldn't help but laugh, I guess he just answered my question. Luckily the crowds claps and screams were so loud no one heard my laugh, except for jack.
Six people came out from the helicopter and each carried a big backpack, they each put one on our backs and told us how to use it when we jump. They said it was specially made so when we fall it will hold our bags as well as us. I guess me and coral are going to have a hard time.
The mayor came up to each of us and wished us luck.When she came to me she shook my hand and placed what I think is a piece of paper, when she hugged me she said "Not yet," Now this was a scene from a movie. A scary movie.
She walked to the microphone and told everyone "in Two minutes time we will be shooting this helicopter into the air and to its destination." The crowd went wild again, all our friends from school were waving us off, and we weren't ready because Coral, Amber, Jack, Zach, and Hunter had the same looks that is  on my face when I was told I was going to the island, fear.i placed the piece of paper in my back pocket. Not knowing what was on it or why the mayor only wanted me to have it?
A man came from the helicopter and gave. Each of us headpiece to communicate and showed us onto the helicopter, it was so cool, inside I thought I Zach drool, I almost did to but I was still freaking out that thematic gave me a piece of paper with. Worried look on her face.
I took my seat and buckled in and leaned out the open side door and waved goodbye to my mom and dad. I almost cried at the thought of leaving but then I remembered I was with people who I really didn't want to see me cry so I toughed it out. I looked at the mayor who was holding a piece of paper and shaking it, I guess now was the time.
I reached into my back pocket when the pilots started to say" okay ladies and gentlemen fasten your seatbelts because we are about to take off" he voice in the headphones startled me, I didn't want to lose the paper, and i didn't  want to worry about it either, so i decided to wait till the door was shut and when we were mid air to look at it.
I heard the mayor yell "You ready? Alright, 3...2...1... Take off!" All of a sudden a noise came out from above us it sounded like an old rusty car starting for the first time in 10 years, and then it was all smooth whistle noise that if not for the headphone they gave us, it would have made me lose my hearing. Then I felt my stomach lift from my body then back down, I looked out the open door to see everyone waving and getting smaller and smaller till suddenly all i could see were tiny people moving their hands. I saw the latch that closed the door, I pulled and the door slammed, Jack did the same thing but on the other side.
I wanted to read what the mayor wrote to me know. I reached in my back pocket and pulled up a now crumbled piece of paper. I opened it and read the sentence on the piece of paper and froze. I couldn't believe my eyes. What did they have planned what did she mean.
Coral who was sitting next to me saw me freeze and grabbed the paper
"What is it?" Hunter asked I think it was him my head is pounding too hard to tell
Coral read it aloud "Nixie, I would get in big trouble for this, but be aware that whatever happens be prepared not to come back." Those last four words made Coral shiver and the others, it was that or the cold air from being his high.
"Well it's too late to turn back now." Zach said sitting up straighter.
I was kind of focused now and all I could say or think and surprisingly without thinking I said it  "There is still time to jump," I was tempted too, i mean we aren't far from the shore. I didn't realize it but I was looking down while i said it I looked up to all their widened eyes facing me. " I won't do it, they will get us, and if they don't, we are smart enough to get off by ourselves, let's just wait until we get there and not worry about it.
I've already taken 1 nap today but my body wanted another one, I gave in. I felt my body dozing off. Until all I could see was black, darkness everywhere I looked. Flashy of light blinded me in my sleep. Images of being stranded for years. Flashed in my head, I looked up hoping to wake up but all I saw was a boy with shaggy blonde hair, tan skin, and dead green eyes hanging from a palm tree. Jack! I couldn't speak. I couldn't think.
A shook in the helicopter, woke me up, and thank god for that. I couldn't stand to see his body hanging. He was my best guy friend of all time I couldn't stand to see him dead,I looked up to see the others asleep, at least i wasn't the only one sleeping. In front of us were trays of snacks, they already got into. The only snack left was Rits crackers, at least they were my favorite snack to eat or I would have been there half starved. I ate the Crackers and looked out the window next to Jack. Blue all I saw was blue. The middle of the ocean.
I knew I was going to wake them up but I had to ask "How long have we been Flying?" I heard two moans in the headphones, I woke someone up for sure.
"About an hour and a half mam, we will arrive to your jumping destination shortly, so I sugest to be prepared. It's awfully cold in these waters." The captain told us on the loud intercom. I saw heads pop all around me. Their up. I hope I didn't get them grumpy
"Thanks a lot Nixie, I was dreaming of Pie." Zach said in a sleepy voice.
"Well you won't be getting any of that for a while," Coral said with a smile "for the next few minutes I want to talk about the tides." Tides? From the waves of course. The waves grow extremely higher on the shore at night.
"Simple we just go on the edge of the forest." Hunter said probably feeling grateful for coming up with a good idea.
"If their is a forest," Amber said "Most islands in the middle of nowhere don't have trees only sand." Amber did research about islands in 5th grade for an assignment so she knows her stuff.
I looked out the window next to Jack, I saw it, Green trees, Golden sand,Clear waters. It was a dream come true. "Look" I said pointing out the window. Jack pulled the switch that closed the door, in order to open it. It swong open sending a burst of air flow through the helicopter, I did the same thing to my side to let the air flow through the door and not at us. Everyone Unbuckled and stood up, and crowded at the door, "Where do we jump?" I didn't know the pilot's name so I couldn't address it to him, but he guessed and answered it.
"Where those crates are, those are your supplies." He said taking a slight turn around the island. I looked at the beach to find stacks and stacks of creates. All our stuff. "Get ready to jump." The pilot said. I walked over to my suitcase and bag which was in a waterproof seal so it won't get wet. The others did the same.
Hunter set his headphones on the seat. "Bye" He said then he fell backwards into the air with his bags holding on to him. about halfway down he pulled a string and a parachute came out.
Amber stepped up tossing the headphone on her seat, and took one step out the Door, waiting just as long as Hunter did going down. 
Next was Zach, Then Coral. I stepped up to the door taking a deep breath, the Jack pushed me and I fell doing at least 5 flips in the air, with my bags swinging in my face I barely got to pull the strap before i hit the ground. I jolted back Floating in the air. I am so mad. Jack is a jerk, I wasn't ready yet, I was going to step forward then he shoved me. He could have killed me.
splash  I landed in the water, the cold water. I opened my eyes seeing me sink lower and lower. I swam, I swam harder than I ever could, I almost couldn't do it without a breath, I almost lost the battle. I made it out. The fresh air filled my lungs.
I looked onto the shore, everyone else landed on the sand. I looked up to find Jack floating down, and landing on the sand.
I walked out of the water. Soaking wet. Everyone staring at me. Jack Had his hands raised in the air, for an applause, but when he saw everyone staring at me, he turned around and asked, "What happened?"
"You happened" I screamed in his face "You pushed off so I didn't have enough time to pull the chute so I landed in the water!" I screamed in his face again but louder.
"I.." He began to say but I cut him off
"I don't want to hear it, You know what. Don't ever talk to me again!" I emphasized the word Don't, and walked off to the forest. Not knowing where I was going. Just away. Away from him.

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