Chapter 7

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We have been on this island for a week now. Coral can't wait to get back to civilization, and her sewing machine. Amber finally admitted her feelings for Hunter, and even though I already knew since like second grade just from observing her and Hunter together. She had finally told Coral and I the truth. I acted like I didn't know, but Coral actually didn't know so she didn't have to act. Zach and Hunter are finding better things for us to eat for breakfast, like this morning they actually found a dead dear. I never knew Coral liked the taste of deer I figured she would be squeamish about it. I was also freaked out because I wondered what killed the deer, Hunter said they found it freshly dead I believed the story because if they actually killed it they would be bragging tremendously.Jack and I have been taking up the Night duty and have gone through every movie he has on his Ipod.
I have found an idea of what to send Violet, but have no clue how to do it. When Violet and I were in fourth grade we were being bullied by this girl Hailey and we wanted to talk without Hailey picking on us and twisting our words around. So at a sleepover we devoted the entire time learning Morse code, and If she still remembered how to read it. I could ask her to find out what happened to Alice. If they survived? If she is still alive?  I need to know why we were sent here. If she is still alive maybe she'll know?
The breeze feels so nice on my skin. The wind blows through my hair, pushing it into my mouth, I pull the strands of hair out . The ocean ripples pull up to my feet on the shore, getting my toes wet. I hug my knees, hoping that I could go home. I have been here for a week and I already want to go home, but I have to stay for two reasons. One I have no way to get back. Two I have to swim out farther than where I have gone before. Two days ago I went swimming and found a wreckage, a big wreckage It couldn't be the Titanic, we are in the Pacific for crying out loud. I couldn't look any further because it was getting darkout, and I hate sharks i don't like the main course, but I also am waiting for all the free time I can get. Which won't necessarily come right away with all these questions running in my head, and me procrastinating from finding out what's on the wreckage or who.
I glance back at the camp, Coral see's me and starts running up. I look back at the water waiting for her to come and sit next to me. She finally gets to me I can feel her presence behind me, but she doesn't sit down only stands right above me.

"Hey Nix." Coral says. Her hair tied back into a fishtail braid a pair of sunglasses are on the top of her head , she's wearing a pair of flower printed shorts and a salmon colored baggy T-shirt, wearing a pair of pink sandals.
"Hola" I however am not so inclined to a superior dress code as her. I am wearing some plain denim shorts, with a pure grey sports tank top, I didn't even bother wearing shoes. Even though my feet are going to regret it sooner or later.
"Wanna go exploring with me? I get bored doing it all alone."
I take a deep breath "Sure,"  I glance down at my feet, now I have to go get shoes "Let me get some shoes on first." She smiles and runs back to camp, I stay, waiting to wake up  because I was sitting on the beach looking out into the open ocean wondering how I am going to get a hold of Violet. I was hoping it was all a dream so I could just wake up and want it all to be over.
I get to my room at the tent, It is a mess. I haven't gotten a chance to clean it, and I probably won't either. I put on my Black ankle high Converse and tie my hair up in a pony tail. I am just about to walk out when Jack comes up to my door, or whatever that thing is. He is wearing some khaki shorts and an old School spirit shirt and some striped suspenders which is just plain hilarious. Nobody wears suspenders anymore.
"Hi," He says it in such a manly tone it's funny, he sees me holding back laughter and goes back to his normal voice. "Want to walk on the beach with me?"
I turn around and pretend to look for something mostly to think of a way to say no, so I just grab my phone instead, I don't know why I bought it anyway it's useless out here , I really want to go, but Bff's before bro's. "Can't sorry going exploring with Coral," I turn back around and look at him, he looks hurt almost, "Maybe tonite during your watch" I put quotations around "your" since we both stay up and take turns sleeping. He smiles and nods again. We walk out together then I part and go with Coral into the woods
I haven't been back in these woods since the day we arrived, since I found the journal, since I got that note from the mayor, since I got pushed out of a airplane . Coral and I walk up some rocky hills, I think she wants me to go to the highest one on the other side of the island.  I hear a beep in my back pocket. I pull out my phone. I got one bar. We are on the top of a shorter hill then the one we are heading to.
Yes now I can find out about Alice  I jump up in the air.
"Uh, what are you so jumpy about."  Coral asked
"Umm......." I can take this two different ways, tell her the truth or be a total liar. "I got cell reception......" Well, It's the not whole truth, but it'll work.
"Really?"  Suddenly Corals was attention drawing off me. She pulled her phone out of her back pocket. When did she put that, there? "Oh will you look at that. Hey, maybe if we go to the tallest mountain here we can call someone. Like Anne" Or Violet "Or Ashley.Or-"
"Instead of talking about it why don't we do it huh?" I cut her off. She nodded in agreement and started walking towards the next hill. I took a deep breath step one complete. Now how am I going to do step two.

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