Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

My soaked clothes were dragging me down, making every step i took away from my friends harder and harder. I took off my soaked clothing when I knew I was far enough away, but left my swimsuit on, my mind drifted into the thoughts my anger put away.
I thought he was my friend? Was he that impatient? Did he think I could handle it? What if i wasn't able to pull myself out of the water? If he knew i almost drowned would he have made the same mistake? Does he even care? Was he ever my friend?
My foot caught on a branch on the ground while I was walking, and I fell to the ground, my hands bracing my fall but barely. "Wow my luck is just poor today" I thought. The dark brown mud went through my fingers. I was pushing my body up so I could sit up when something caught my eye. I walked over to a bush that was covered in vines and leaves that looked like they were placed there on purpose. I moved the leaves and saw a book. It had a leather back that felt wet and old, and looked it too. It had a shiny metal clasp which had caught my eye. I picked up and dusted off all the dirt and bugs. I opened the first page and read.......
August 15 1949
    I love the nights here, I don't know why I feared getting picked to come here, it's only been a week but it has been a wonderful week. Sure me and Edward had some problems of him being a pathetic  jerk, but we are alone on this island with our 4 other friends so I had to forgave would actually him,he is the best guy in the world and the only one I  want to be alone on an island with. I Alice Brown made this diary so when I get home I can show my brother what we did and how jealous he will be. Well I have to go the boys are fighting again. See you tomorrow.

This is so cool a diary from 66 years ago, wait, if she wanted to take it back. Why didn't she?


"I didn't mean too" I told them. As I backed up.
"Yeah sure you didn't, now with Nixie gone missing we are all going to die on this island!" My sister exclaimed in my face while shoving my shoulder.
"We sent Coral after her, but is she doesn't find her we are eating you for dinner." Zach said to me.
I understand why they're mad at me but seriously, threatening to eat me was on a whole nother level. I truly didn't mean to push her, I thought she was scared and needed help getting off. Now, I understand she wasn't scared she was preparing. Which because of me she almost died, If she did I couldn't bare to live with myself.
    "Okay, I know I screwed up but if Coral does find Nixie shouldn't we have a fire started and our tent set up so she doesn't go off on everyone." I told them, I had to get them off my back so I could live longer before Nixie tries to kill me.
"Fine. At least I can get the satisfaction of Nixie going off on you." Amber said as she turned around. Then she walked over to a large fat stick on the grough and pried open the first crate to see what was inside.
    It took a minute but my sister finally found the crate with the tent in it, "Boys, get you sorry butts over here and set up the tent over there," she said, and then pointed to where the forest starts, "It will give us protection from the ocean, but for the night watchmen," she turned and glared at me, "It will provide maximum fear, if he lives that long." She tossed the tent box to hunter and  gave the Hammer to Zach, but when she came to me she whispered, "You better hope she forgives you, because I don't know what mom and dad will do to her." She got rid of her angry face for a second and gave me a sorry look, and handed me the spikes needed to hold the tent down. I should apologize to her once she comes back. If she comes back.

1 hour later 

We all took a few steps back, Hunter wiped the sweat off hi forehead and said, " Dude, that was hard." he took a breath " Yet, we did it" The plastic gray windows from the breeze flapping, the Green base darkened as the sun slowly crossed the island sky. Each rooms door was rolled up at the top, and the windows in each window were rolled down but the outsides were down. It had No bottom in the Hallway so We used an extra trap they gave us and Laid that in the hallway, and used the long rolled up carpet they gave us as an extra for our good supply choices so it looked like an outdoors hotel and they couldn't get a seven room so they have eight, so insted of haveing two storage rooms we are  using one as a Health room for where all the doctor and health supplies are going.
    "Now for the fire," Amber said as she walked over to the last two boxes left, she stopped and sighed. I walked over to them. The boxes had Nixies name watermarked on it. Amber took a deep breath and stood up straight "She'll be back,she can't just leave the island," She picked up the wooden stick she used earlier, "Let's do this" and she started to smash the box and pried it open.
I looked inside and saw what she ordered. A Compound bow and A huge box on Hunters arrows, A polaroid camera and a giant box of film. In a small little box was a necklace that said, "Flint and steel fire starter necklace". Amber saw it and picked up and opened the box.
"Hunter and I will go and try get some dry wood and dry leaves if not we shall try to use the crate wood  to start the fire, Zach you start digging a hole in the sand we can place the wood in, and I would suggest putting rocks on the edge of the hole so it blocks the wind and stops it from spreading," She looked at me and said, " Jack start putting the cots inside every room and our luggage in the storage room so it can stay dry, Let's do this" She clapped her hands, to signal that we need to separate.
She smiled her fake smile she usually gave at funerals or when she was "supposed" to be happy, only I saw it because when we were little before we knew what drama was, we had fun never fought, nothing. Now, I can tell the difference between her smiles and she can tell when i am socially awkward and save my butt. Amber turned around and went into the woods with Hunter. Zach went to find something to dig a hole.
As I went over to the stack of beds and lifted up the one on top. I dragged it across the sand, my feet going deep into the sand every step I took I opened the door to the tent and dragged it into the middle of the first room, I did the same for the next 5 beds. Next I went to where our luggage was, I went to mine first it was black with gray stripes and my side bag was my football gym bag and I pulled the plastic cover off of the bags and tossed the plastic into one of the crates. I picked the bags up and lifted it into the room I wanted which was next to the storage room on the Left.
I did the same for the others, except I put theirs into the storage room, by the time I got to Nixies Hers was soaked and covered in sand. I hope she will forgive me, I truly didn't mean to. I hope she see's that I would have never done anything to put her in any danger on purpose. I took the plastic off of her old tan bags and lifted them trying not to let any sand get on them. I placed it into the storage. I looked outside of the tent, I found Zach coming out from the woods.
"Hey, Jack come help me pull some logs out here!" He said as he waved me over. I nodded my head and ran over to him. "I found so large logs i figured we could use for seats around the fire, can you give me a hand?"
Where did he find logs? "Sure," He turned around and walked through the forest, I followed him. We walked by some soggy bushes, trees, but we stopped where for logs were lined up.
"I was able to get them in a row but I can't carry them back to camp alone," He said going to the other side of the log "Lift that end." I nodded my head and reached down  and lifted one end of the log. I placed it on my right shoulder and started to walk back to camp. "Did you really mean it when you said you pushed her on accident?" He asked
"Yeah I did, I would never do that to her on purpose," I took a sigh and said "I just hope she believes me."
"Yeah man, I'm sorry. and thanks for helping me with these."
"No problem man."
We set the other logs down around the hole he dug. When we were done with the other logs, Amber and Hunter got back with some tinder and some dry leaves.
"We couldn't find some wood to keep the fire going, but we found some to get the fire started, if it works." Hunter said  "Cool idea man" he said looking at the logs placed around the fire.
"Hey If you guys want to go pick your room your stuff is in the storage room." I said sitting down on a log.
"Yeah I'll do that after I figure out what we are going to eat." Amber said, "Did anyone remember to bring canned food?" She said looking around at everyone.
"Nixie did," Zach said lifting up a fire pot and a can of chicken noodle soup, "I will bet 10 dollars she has an instruction manual in her bag on how to create a stand to cook this" We laugh and silently thanked Nixie for being smarter than us.
"And I bet you're right,  I'll go look," Amber said smiling her real smile and walking into the tent.Amber came back with three pamphlets of paper "Okay I got bushcraft cookers 101, Working with twine, and How to start a fire 101 which one first?" She said walking out of the tent. I heard some rustling from the forest. It probably the wind.
"Well, if my eyes are correct, you should start the fire first, so we can actually eat." Someone from behind me said.
We all turned around to see Coral and Nixie coming through the forest, Nixie wearing her swimsuit she wore for swim team, holding her soaked clothing in her hands. "You should also need to filter some water because I certainly don't want to drink salt water," She said as she walked over to a log and laid her cloths down, and there was something bulged under her shirt but I couldn't see what.
"Nixie Your back!" Amber said running up and hugging her. " We were like struggling without you, I was just guessing on what to do."
"You were guessing, you are lucky we survived amber" hunter said giving Nixie a fist bump. "But seriously, we wanted to have everything set up before you got back but.."
"We are seriously clueless." Zach said finishing Hunters sentence
"Okay I get it," she said laughing and putting her hands up to show us to stop. "You are loss without me, now do you want to eat tonight?"
"Yeah we do. Or at least I do, plus I am freezing." Coral said
"Alright now here's what I need you to do, Zack and Hunter I need you to go into the forest and find one long skinny stick that can go over the fire and then some plus some medium size stick's that split into two or just some medium ones that we can split, Amber and Jack," she hesitated when she said my name " you go and start splitting those crate woods in half with the axe Zach ordered, Coral thanks for finding me so you go set up your room in the tent, and I will set up the fire. Now let's do this so we can get off this island." She said then looked at the bulge under her shirt and clapped her hands, so we split again. Only I felt better I felt more safe now that Nixie didn't try to kill me. I wonder why?

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