Chapter 3

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The day was long even though it was half a normal school day it was still unbelievably long. First of all, in choir the 6th graders would not stop talking so we barely even got to sing, then in 2nd and third the teachers would not shut up so I barely stayed awake, finally in fourth period we were in the middle of a fun science when we all got the call to go home. The one class that I liked and I had to leave.
We all met up by Sea hall to wait for Amber's mom's van to come and pick us up. "O' my god that was the longest day EVER." I said as I leaned my elbow on Amber's shoulder.
"Yes so true," Hunter said "Yet, school is alway slow." He did have a point but today it seemed to be like a snail in time.
Finally Amber's mom arrived with her big minivan. I got in the very back with Coral and Jack then in front of us was Zack, Hunter and Amber, then in the passenger side was Amber's dad. At least her home wasn't as far as mine because if I was claustrophobic, I would be freaking out. I sat in the middle in between Jack and Coral. Everyone was singing to the song Locked Away by R city, but I was just staring at the hills as we passed them, then we pulled up into Amber's driveway and her dogs came running up from behind her house. I had to wait for Hunter and Jack to get out before I could get out and I swear they took long on purpose. Amber's house was like mine but had a huge barn. And they had more of a barney look to their home but mine has more of a beachy look. They also had a oak double door.
We entered her home and then we ran up to her room as her dogs Katie and Shawn a husky and lab ran passed us and jumped on her bed. We set our backpacks down at the door of her closet and then Amber jumped on her bed and snuggled with her dogs. I sat on her desk chair and started a conversation. "So what do you wanna do first on the island?" I want to have the guys set up the tent and the girls go for wood and start the fire. but I think I should hear their thoughts first.
"Uh maybe we should get a tan or go for a swim?" Zach said. I gave him the are you kidding me look and he changed his response "Uh maybe we should......." He was so puzzled, luckily Coral saved his butt.
"We girls should start a fire and let the boys try to set up the tent on their own." Wow I guess the saying good minds think alike is so true on an unbelievable level. "Anyway when are we meeting the mayor?"
"Oh yeah......." Hunter said as he dozed off probably thinking of the mayor. Wow they were so childish. When he woke up his face turned as red as a tomato I couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah I think we are meeting her tomorrow the day we leave. She sends us goodbye" I knew it, he's been counting down the day to meet her.
Again not knowing I have super hearing Jack whispered in his ear "Dude pull yourself together, It's really obvious now" Like it wasn't before.
"Come on kids I made lunch" Amber's mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs. Knowing the boys well enough I just opened the door for them before I get tripped or squashed.
Her mom made us sliders (mini burgers) and grapes and macaroni. I have two sliders on my plate. I wasn't that hungry, for once. Even if I did want more the boys took the last two. I sat across from Amber and next to Coral, next to Amber was Hunter and Jack, and Zach was next to Coral and for once I guess she didn't notice. She was eating her meal one thing at a time and like always it took forever, so while we all finished and we were being polite and waited and just chatted.
2 hours later 
Its 3 o'clock now, "Hey Nixie could I get a ride?" Coral asked we lived a block away and I am sure my mom wouldn't mind she was a very understanding person. and Apparently Hunter is going with Zach to a "sleepover" So they showed up first  and after they left, we girls sat on their couch and watched shows on netflix. We got through one show then my mother arrived. I went up to the door and she rolled the window down.
"Hey mom could you give Coral a ride to her home?" I asked her.
"Yeah sure hop on in, and don't step on the bread." She said as she unlocked the back of the truck. We climbed in, carefully avoiding the bread. "So how was it?"
"It was very boring, we barely got one question about the island in!" Coral shouted out the window, Avoiding trying to sound like she is yelling at my mom. Wow she beat me to the punch. Am I becoming unbelievably slow or is she becoming fast? We listened to a couple of radio stations before we actually got to her house.
Her's was basically her personality: fun and creative. I can't wait to see her outfits for the island. She got out of the backseat, luckily not dropping any of the food, I would have dropped three things at least. She was like a graceful swan, how did she do it?
After we dropped her off. We went back home and because my dad was at work, I had to carry like 5 bags in at once if I wanted to take one trip. I am only 13 and that was hard. At least I did it, but I had to stop and do nothing for a while. I broke one bag because it was one of those stupid plastic bags that break if there is too much in them. I had to walk back to the driveway to get the stuff that dropped.I picked up the cans of corn and peas that I droped. Oreo came out probably to go pee in the yard, and I was right, she went potty next to the apple tree in our front yard. I let her go pee in privacy. I walked up the cobblestone steps to our front door and as soon as I got there I whistled for Oreo to come inside. She did with her happy self grin on her snout. 
I can't believe I am gonna be on a island for a whole month. How is Oreo gonna survive, I went away on a camping trip for three days and mom said that she was in my room staring out the window waiting for me the whole time. She could be a dumb dog but she is also the sweetest. I was really bored and had no idea what to do so I just walked into my room and plopped onto my bed. I grabbed my phone to put some music on to crash too, but I had some texts, one from Jack and another from Violet. Eh I just saw Jack. So I replied to Violet. She asked,"Hey do you wanna head down to the beach in 30? Everyone is going- Violet
Should I go? She sent that 20 minutes ago, it isn't that far from our special beach spot, we found it when we were in fourth grade and it's away from all the tourists. It is pretty big so we could take Oreo like we usually do. I should go, I mean I have nothing better to do. I put on my Swimsuit (the one I wore yesterday).  But instead of having my hair up I had it down, I am way too lazy to put it up. I grabbed my beach towel and a drink from the kitchen. "Hey mom Violet invited my to head to the beach, I'm  going, bye," I grabbed my flip-flops and put them on so i don't burn my feet off...... again.
"Okay take Oreo with you, she needs the exercise." Ugh she will probably trip me and I'll fall down the hill. Fine, the others will like her being there. Plus it'll just be another scab that'll disappear in a couple of days.
The path that leads to the secret cove is actually closer to my house than any of them. I walked down the street till the houses stopped and tree's began, I stepped into the palm tree filled forest, these trees were all over the coast line so one little opening would seem like nothing to the tourist and some locals, but to us it was an entrance to a beautiful cove. There was a lot of gaps but this one we made special by putting two flower lily's pinned into the top of the tree. Of course it was the boys who did it but still it was my idea.
We walked down the path with Oreo sniffing and peeing every five feet. you can imagine it  took longer than ten minutes to get down to the others, and my guess was it was a goodbye party that I knew she was planning. If it was I would have met with the others before I got there.
The entrance to the cove is very different to the entrance to the path to get to the cove. The entrance to the cove was covered with all these different kinds of flowers we planted in 5th grade so we didn't get lost. This path has lots of twists that lead to dead ends but the flowers show us the way.
I entered the cove to find a party of 15. I knew it! Violet always was one of the smartest girls in out group but she also knew how to say goodbye, as in an awesome party. This one was a swimming party and she even got new goggles for all of us too, probably from the dollar store. The music wasn't playing that loud but because of the cave that covered half of the cove it echoed everywhere. Because of that rock from above and around it looked like a giant cone shaped boulder. It was our spot and only we knew where it was, but it was Jack and I who found it.
Amber was sick at home and Jack needed help with his homework. He was having trouble with spelling back then  and now he is the definition of Nerd. He's not all nerd though. He's also a jock. Back then he was the definition of stupidity. Anyway, he came over in fourth grade so I could help him spell explanation. My parents wanted me to be nice so I walked him half way home and then he fell down the path trying to act like an idiot again. We walked for a while. Then about ten minutes later I realized I didn't know where we were. I tried to take a shortcut through a forest full of palm trees thinking it would lead to an open area where I could see where we were. I was wrong. Instead we found this cave that was half covered. We finally found our way home and we told our friends about it. So we went back there. I decided we should put up the flowers so we could find it again. I now stand in the cave four years later with all my friends in front of me.
I wanted to go for a swim but apparently since I was leader of the "team" I had to make a speech. Thank God for Jack. He really saved my butt this time, but I am afraid of the favor I am gonna owe him for taking over. Somehow he knew they would make me say a speech and he knew I would mess up because he had one prepared. Apparently I missed the memo.
He gave the speech about how he hoped we wouldn't be eaten and that we would have a good time and some other stuff like that, but when he was in the middle of his speech I snuck out, grabbed the leftover goggles and then I jumped into the pool in the cave that led to the ocean before the next wave. Even if I did have goggles on I still had the reflex to close my eyes. So when I finally opened them I thought It was gonna be  dirty and sandy, but it looked like a scene from Finding Nemo. I wanted to swim for a while but then I remembered what I needed to survive. Air. So I popped my head above water. I wanted to go back under but I couldn't help but laugh my head off when I saw Jack take a bow for the end of his speech and everyone was staring at each other doing the slow awkward clap.
Yet, when they heard my laugh they all stopped and stared. Jack gave me an evil look. Great I hope he doesn't use this against me. I quickly put my head under the water to hide my embarrassment. Yet, I was still laughing. What I didn't expect was Coral tapping on my shoulder from behind. I knew it was her because she was the only one I didn't see on the beach laughing at Jack.
I turned around to find Coral's........feet? I laughed and went under and I laughed under the water She gave me a sneer then her face went cold. I swear to god if there is a shark I am throwing the biggest punch to the nose, or throw Coral at it first. I turned around very slowly, I wished it was the shark.
Jack was behind me I went to the surface with an evil glare for almost scaring the living daylights out of me. He went to the surface too.
"Is that the look I get for saving you from doing a speech," He had a point, so I changed my look from an Ugh why are you here to a fake girly girl smile "That's better"
I groaned, boys are so naive. They just like a girl with a pretty face and who is fabulous, and who they can protect, and just let the girl run scared, as they "protect" her. Nobody cares about personality anymore. They just want those photoshopped princesses in magazines. 
"Now I am gonna go back to shore before a shark comes and bites my foot off" I said as I started to swim back to shore, and judging by the splashes coming from behind me they didn't know I was joking about the shark. Besides, shark week was last month so they shouldn't be that scared.
What If I screamed shark? Nah. I would get blasted with yells. And tomorrow I am gonna get blasted with a microphone by the mayor . Who was Michelle's cousin. The mayor looked like Michelle except the mayor has light blue eyes and Michelle has light brown eyes. Other than the fact that the mayor is 33 and Michelle is 13 the eyes are the only difference. Plus the day won't be a total waste, Hunter will probably embarrass himself when the mayor speaks tomorrow.
I got to shore to find Jack and Coral On the beach passed out. When did they pass me? I snuck past coral and I stood behind Jack as he was still sleeping. I went right behind his head "Boo!" I screamed. He jumped like 2 ft in the air, He might be a jock but he was a scaredy cat, I think I had a part in creating that, but he would have known by now i could scare him. so he shouldn't jump like a cat anymore. Yet, he did.
I couldn't help but laugh at the evil glare he gave me when he landed back on the ground "What?" I could see him fight to hide the laughter, as he was trying act serious "oh come one you know you want to laugh," he held is evil glare but, because of my glasses I put on moments before. When I opened my eyes wide I looked like a bug, So i widened my eyes as wide as i could. He couldn't help it, so he cracked up laughing so much I couldn't help but laugh the same amount as him  and so did the rest of us. .
The rest of the time we had at the beach was fun, we listened to music we played games, we talked, and most of all we got to say goodbye before we leave tomorrow. Everyone thought we left on friday, but no we leave on wednesday. Tomorrow basically, we are being given this big speech by the mayor, then we get this 2 hour helicopter ride before we jump out of the plane then swim to shore . To a shore where i knew nothing about, absolutely nothing.
This party we had was probably Violets way of saying "Bye don't you die on me." I thought it was a joke as she said it as we left. I didn't take her literally till i got up the cove hill with Jack and Coral at my side Amber went home with hunter a little earlier than us so we walked together.
When Jack saw the confused and worried look on my face "What remembered the test in math?" he teased. I gave a faint smile still lost in my thoughts.
What did she mean by die? Why would we die? I almost tripped on a rock but Coral grabbed my elbow to straighten me out while jack gave some stupid remark about a movie he saw recently
"Okay, now i know, you aren't paying attention, I know you saw the movie i just laughed at, you saw it with me and Amber and Ashley,"
Him and coal stopped to stare at me. I kept on walking and realized they hadn't moved Ugh why were they so complicated "What Violet said is running through my brain"
"What don't step in poop?" Coral said With a chuckle
"No," I said with a sneer actually facing them "Don't die"
"That should be a good thing right?" Coral answered
"They word die I mean," Just the word die made me wanna cry, but i didn't because i was gonna be their leader, Leaders don't cry.
Judging by the look on their faces i really downed the mood so i decided to brighten it up before i ran home away from them and the awkward tension i rose. "So, I am gonna run home now, see you tomorrow when we jump to our doom," I said with a half smile before i bolted home. I wanted to lighten the mood but i made it worse. Oh well. I couldn't Stand to let  my mind think anymore.
I skipped dinner because I ate a lot at the party. I landed my head on my pillow and I passed out completely. I can't tell if i dreamt or not because It was black the whole night,all I can remember next was my alarm blaring in my ear and my mom screaming from downstairs.  "GET UP YOU'RE LEAVING TODAY!" Ugh so soon, why did it come so soon. Like of all the things that could go by fast it had to be this.
I didn't wanna get dressed until i heard people talking to my dad. Ugh. I have to make a "show". I got dressed in the only outfit that wasn't a dress, skirt, or in my suitcase. Some jean shorts that go to my mid thigh and a baggy tank-top that say's 'I woke up like this' and on the back it says 'deal with it'. I slipped on some keds, re did my high ponytail i put in before bed and walked downstairs. I saw the mayor and a reporter sitting on my couch and on the other side were my parents.
Thank god I had the sense to get dressed, I have no Idea if it was live or not, I hoped it wasn't. That'll be weird, for me anyway.
"Oh Nixie nice to see you are up, we were just chatting with your parents," A beautiful woman said, her hair was dark brown and her eyes sparkled light blue, The mayor. I had never met the Mayor before but from how Michelle described her, I felt like i knew her just from being around Michelle, Michelle told me her first name was Naomi. It was cool but i think Hunter drooled when she described her. I bet 10 dollars he would faint now. "Come sit down with me Nixie," They mayor said in her sweet voice. I sat down next to her.
"So, Nixie are you excited about the adventure of a lifetime" the reporter asked to me, what should I say  yes or no. I can't even answer that question in my head how am I supposed to speak it. I took a breath
"yeah I guess I am"  I gave a faint smile
" And are you two excited or disappointed that she is leaving?" The reporter asked my parents as she turned her chair to face my parents.
"We are excited for her, but disappointed that she'll be gone for so long" my mother said looking at the camera with her prettiest smile. "I don't know about Oreo though" Oreo jumped on my dad's lap as she said it. Oreo has always end been a photogenic dog
"Nixie we read your paperwork it says you are the leader of the group, so I ask you as leader what do you think the most important thing to do on the island is?" That was it the question I couldn't answer myself, the question in my head for days.
I didn't know what to say so I said the first thing that came to mind "Surviving," I told the reporter. The reporter looked like she was confused so I explained still saying the first thing that comes to mind "We are only children, and  plan on surviving the best we can, the best we know how. In school they don't teach us how to survive in the wild, that is based on instinct. Us we are going to embrace that part of us, the part our ancestors lived as. And we will survive"
"I couldn't have said it better myself" the mayor said he gave me a nod and then a nod to the reporter
The reporter looked into the camera and said "This is Hannah O'Neal with the mayor and one of the 6 kids from Clear view going away today, tune in later to watch the live departure." The camera man put down his camera
"Good luck" he said then her walked out the door
"It was wonderful meeting you nixie." The reporter said shaking my hand and following the cameraman out the door.
The mayor stood up from the coach, she stood up gracefully like a princess. She was the mayor of marina city but she acted like the queen (in a good way). "What a pleasure meeting you Nixie, I will see you later at the departure." She said it gracefully and walked out the door. I smiled and waved.
I looked at my parents who were no slouching on the couch, and. I thought I didn't have posture. Hunter will be so jealous. I tell him.
I walked up to my room, grabbed my phone and plopped on my bed and texted hunter that I just met the mayor, he didn't respond then I got a text from Jack he's at my house and cursing your name, he doesn't want to respond because he jealous-jack. I laughed so hard at that, so I texted him instead. About 30 minutes later I was passed out on my bed. We were supposed to be there at noon but the whole leaving thing doesn't start till one, the mayor came over to my house at 9 so I was able to take a short nap before getting ready and shoving survival papers in the side bag I am allowed to bring.
I woke up to the smell of my dad's burgers. My last meal, I don't know why but that made me laugh, it was like I was on death row. Funny thing the back of my head thinks I am, but I better not worry about that now.
I walked downstairs to find burgers, watermelon, fries, and pepsi. My dream lunch, I guess it's not  a dream anymore. It was already sitting on the table waiting for me . "Thanks mom, thanks dad" I said as i hugged them halfway only because they were sitting down watching the walking dead. Their favorite show, I didn't really like it. I pulled out my phone and watched Netflix while I ate the burger my dad made. I watched one show before I looked at the time it was already 11:30. Woah how long was that nap?  "Mom it's eleven-thirty thanks for the lunch i am going to get ready," both mom and dad looked at me from the couch "I am supposed to be there at noon?"
"Oh we forgot dear," my mother said standing up. How could they forget the day their only daughter is leaving for a month, I mean come on.
I ran upstairs to my room dug carefully thru my suitcase, I put on my swimsuit because we are jumping into the water then I found some camo sweats and I put on a tank top, I did my hair up into a high ponytail. I slipped on some gym shoes that I didn't mind getting wet. I closed my suitcase, picked up the file from my desk and put it into a waterproof sandwich bag and set into my side bag. "Done" I said to myself.
Oreo came running into my room, whenever we got dressed she looked happy but since it was only me she had a sad look on her face, "it's okay Oreo it's only a month," I told her as I bent down and scratched her head, she licked my hand. She is going to miss me so much.
I grabbed the suitcase and my side bag. Boy it's heavy. I carefully brought it downstairs, looked at the time ''    sweet only 15 minutes left'.
"Come on Nixie," my dad said walking out the door, I followed him outside, Mom and Oreo were already in the car.
"Here we go" I told myself before I walked out the door and to the car

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