Chapter 6

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The sun had set hours ago, it was beautiful, the rays of orange and yellow shined off the sky. We all looked up at the sky since we were on the east side of the island we didn't get to see the sun actually set. Nixie didn't look though she just sat there humming If I die Young by The Band Perry . Coral walked over to her and started to sing the actual song and Nixie joined. When she sang it was like an angel was calling from Heaven. I know it's weird, but it was just so beautiful.
Before I knew it we were singing around the campfire. It was so cheesy, it was funny. Nixie was smiling so wide, she looked at me and it didn't go away. Her eyes just became curious. She finally spoke directly to me, "What do you expect me to murder you?" She asked.
I nodded a little grin popped on my face because she spoke to me
"Then sing a song and I won't" Wait, What?
"He deserves it though," Coral said looking at me, with a glare. I didn't know she could glare.
"I know he does, but I also want a life and Murder isn't a good reputation. Now" She paused. I hate it when she pauses "Sing" she points at me
"An angel's smile is what you sell ,You promise me heaven then put me through hell, Chains of love got a hold on me, When passion's a prison you can't break free.." Amber's eyes light up and she sings Shot through the heart by Bon Jovi with me. And soon we were all singing it. Nixies eyes light up with Joy. We all finish the son, or at least the parts we remember.
"Well," Nixie says "Aren't these just so appropriate for today's events." She said it then laughed. She was the only one laughing. The rest had their heads down.
"I'm sorry" It is last thing I say the rest of the night until it's my turn to do my "duty" and stay up all night long, then sleep half the day. Which sucks if you want to try to be friends with a girl you just hurt.
It got late, the watch i was wearing says it is 11 o'clock at night. The others go to bed. I stay up and poke at the fire making sure it is burning still. The fire shines Bright yellow and Dark orange, the wood Darkens to ash from the heat. I pull out my Ipod, it's not like a normal phone looking ipod it's Silver and square with a small black screen and a large round touchpad. I place one headphone into one ear, and go through my movies. Scream, No. Radio, No. Sleeping Beauty, No Way" I scroll to the bottom.Pirates of the Caribbean, Yes.
I look up around the woods, nothing not even crickets all I hear are the ocean waves crashing down. I glance back at the tent one light is on. Nixie. I sigh. Just go ask her, she is still awake.
I walk up across the sand, and into the tent I walk past all the doors really quietly. I get to to the one lit. I shake the plastic hanging over the door area. "Nixie" I whisper. I hear her close something.
She goes to the other side of the door cover and whispers "Yeah"
"I have a movie, and" I pause think should I ask her, I just pushed her out of a plane. "I saw you were still up. Want to watch it with me?" I mentally slap myself for saying it anyway, I prepare for rejection.
"Sure" She says. I look at the door and see her shadow putting on a jacket. She turns off the light and opens the door cover, and smiles at me her angel smile is the only thing i see in the darkness that surrounds us. I smile back. We walk outside making sure not to wake the others, and sit on the same log next to each other. "What movie?" She asks.
"Oh, Pirates of the Caribbean."
"Cool" She laughs a little. I give her a confused look. She notices. "Is just very appropriate." She emphasizes appropriate and laughs after. I laugh too. We are laughing together. The world seems to freeze around us. We seem to snap out of it and I put on the movie on.
Everything is awkward between us, we just seem to watch the movie together. Sitting alone, with nobody between us. I breath in to speak, but she stops me.
"Don't say it" She says it then looks at me
"Say what?" I say, I was going to say "I'm sorry" I want to know what she thought i was going to say.
"I'm Sorry." She says it in a mocking tone "I had a dream and If you say I'm sorry, it will come true."
"A Dream?"
"Yeah the night we got the news that we were going I had a dream that we were sitting on a log, and all I heard you say was I'm sorry." She stops and stares at me "Is that what you were going to say?" I don't answer which is just like one to her. "Okay then, just know I do truly forgive you. It's just," she pauses and looks away from me staring into the fire. "I thought you were just being a jerk on purpose, then I thought about it and how you could never on that to me on purpose." I hear the sadness in her voice "Also, my dad and your dad will probably kill me if I kill you so." She looks back at me and we just stare at each other for a while.
We continue watching the two hour movie in silence, we occasionally laugh at the movie. We talk about which movie Johnny Depp was best in. How Coral just LOVES Orlando Bloom. It was nice, all we did was chill and hangout, like nothing happened. Like we weren't on an island. Like it was just us.
"I don't want to leave you out here alone." She told me and looked off into the woods.
"You're tired, you need to sleep." I look at her and only her. She turns to me.
"So do you." I try to protest again but she puts a finger to my lips to tell me to "shut up" and she grabs the Ipod from my hand. Her finger leaves my lips, so swift it feels as though it was never there. She scrolls through my movies. She huffs, "your taste in movies suck" I watch her leave and go to Tv. I watch her scroll by a lot of my favorite shows. I watch her click on the show Bones directed by David Boreanaz. It is her favorite show.
"Yeah really you have every season, and we are starting with episode one." She clicks on the first episode and then we watch it.
She leans her head on my shoulder and scoots closer and a cold breeze goes by. I act like I do notice. Even though I do notice. Inside I am squealing like a girl, for two reasons. One she didn't kill me but forgave me. Two, she is almost cuddling with me. Almost. It is good enough for me.
I look over at her after three episodes. She isn't watching anymore. She fell asleep. I turn off the show. For a second all I do is watch her, it's sounds creepy, and sure it kind of is. I wonder what I should do. Lift her head to my chest and lift her up from under the knees with one hand, and using the other to hold her back straight. It was easy, she didn't wake. I layed her down on the cot. I pull a blanket over her.
I look over and see an old leather back book. I grab it. I flip through it, it looks like an old diary. I read a paragraph.
August 25, 1949
It's been two weeks since our town sent us here, everything is fine. Unless I count hearing things in the middle of the night good. It sounds like something is splashing in the ocean, but I hear it come from the forest. Elise heard it too, but Edward thought I was crazy till he heard it. I thought Edward would believe me, of all people I thought I could trust him the most. Anyway, we figured out how to not be bored all day. We all explored parts of the island, and I found a cool little waterfall that had a cave in it. The cave had a perfect open view to the sky. Its getting dark and I have to help them make dinner. This is Alice signing out.
Woah. Is this what she was reading? If this was a diary wouldn't she have taken it back with her? I set the book back where i found it. I go back outside and stare back at the fire.

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