Chapter: 1 (pic of Lilly)

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-Lilly's POV-
Today was the first day of senior year. I was excited except for the part that I couldn't drive my own car since it's getting an oil changed. I woke up an hour earlier than I usually should so I could get ready in my own pace. I walked to my closet and looked through it. I wanted to make a good impression on my first day. I finally decided on a cute purple crop top, a black skirt that were about mid thigh, and my black vans. I walked into the bathroom to take a shower. I washed my hair to make it easier to brush. When I finally finished my shower I got out and dried my hair. I decided to do a long high ponytail with my really long hair and make my hair wavy. I did what I planned and in all honesty I think it looked great. I put my binder and my books in my backpack for school. I ran down the stairs and prepared myself and my brother breakfast. I brewed some coffee the minute I heard the beeping of my brother's alarm and a thud shortly after. I giggled suspecting my brother fell off his bed. I heard him groan shortly after. Jonathan Ryder. My "big brother". Jonathan is my "big brother" because he was born a minute before me. Yep you guessed it, we're twins. I was making some eggs so I sprinkled a bit of shredded cheese and black pepper in the mixture of eggs and a bit of milk to make the eggs fluffy. I was waiting for Jonathan to come down and eat his dang breakfast. I climbed up the stairs again to collect my phone and wallet. I sent a quick text to my best friend Jada asking her if she's excited for the school year.

Jada- Yeah I'm hella excited! How bout u?

Me- Of course I am. Just telling u look for jonathan's car cuz mine in the shop.

"Are you makin eggs Lilly?" Jonathan says. "Yea stupid. Hurry up. We gotta pick up Jada for school." I said. He just grumbles like a little kid. I swear boys are the laziest things in this world. I think to myself. I wait for Jonathan to finish up his food so we can get going. Finally the front door swings open revealing my brother. I jog to his car and step inside. "Why you in such a hurry little sis?" I rolled my eyes playfully. "First of all don't call me little sis cause you're only one minute older than me and second if you really must know, I'm excited for senior year!" I explained. We headed over to Jada's house which was a street in front of our house. Jonathan honked his horn to tell Jada we were here. After a couple seconds I saw the front door swing open and Jada steps out looking fantastic with her long wavy hair and light make-up to make it look natural. She was wearing a white crop top, Jean jacket, black jeans, white high top converse, some bracelets, and a pair of tiny hoop earrings. "Stop staring at me, I know I look amazing." Jada teased. I rolled my eyes but I looked to the side to see my brother's cheeks turning a light tint of pink. I smiled at how he reacted. Jada got into the car and Jonathan drove off. "So we're all seniors now?" Jada said breaking the silence. "I guess so." Jonathan said. "I can't believe how us three were in kindergarten making fun of Nathan and Nicholas. And we all became best friends in first grade. Now look at us. The five of us going for the last year of high school. " I said. "Yea. But sis, we gotta stay close. I know you've been dying to go to Princeton and since you've already applied, I've decided to apply at NYU!" jonathan said excitedly. "OH MY GOD!! I'm so happy but I thought you wanted to go to Duke?" "Nah. Not really. I only was thinking of going was cause of dad. He wanted me to go there so I can continue with my football career, but I've decided to go to NYU. I don't want to do football for a living. Only reason I joined to team was because I thought it would be fun. " He shrugged. I was bouncing in my seat. "Well since we are sharing surprises here then I think I should share mine, Nathan's, and Nicholas'. BTW don't tell them I told you guys. Nathan and I applied to Princeton also! Nicholas applied to Star Career Academy a culinary arts school in New Jersey!" Jada said. "Oh my god guys!! So all of us aren't going to be too far from each other!" I whipped my phone out and did some research. "Jonathan you'll be like 1 hour away from Princeton. And Nicholas is only 1 hour and 30 minutes from Princeton!" I said. Jonathan was grinning like a madman and Jada was bouncing in her seat. We all know we are gonna get accepted cause Jada, Jonathan, Nathan, Nicholas, and I have straight A's. We've had straight A's since we were in kindergarten. Never has any of us gotten a B. Yeah, yeah, yeah, go ahead call us nerds and laugh at us, but wait 'till the day when we're YOUR boss who CONTROLS YOUR paycheck, then we can see who's laughing. We finally arrived at school to see all the new seniors in the parking lot laughing and talking away. Jada and I quickly got out the car when we saw Nathan and Nicholas. Jada and I ran to them and each one of us jumped on them for a hug and they quickly caught us. "Woah. We missed you too, but I saw you yesterday." Nicholas said as I was hugging him tightly. "Ugh. I regret letting you out of the house with you wearing that. " Jonathan said behind me. I got off Nicholas with a fake confused face and turned to my brother. " What's wrong with my outfit? " I questioned with my hand on my hip. "Ooooo dude she put her hand on her hip. We all know when a female does that we're screwed." Nathan said to Jonathan. "It shows too much." Jonathan said. I rolled my eyes and went over to hug Nathan with less enthusiasm. "what I don't get an awesome hug like Nicholas?" Jacob teased. "Nope!" I said popping the 'p'.

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