Chapter: 2 (pic of Jonathan)

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-Lilly's POV-
After first period ended I got up and grabbed all my stuff to go to second period. "Hey wanna walk to second period together?" James came up and asked me. I nodded smiling. "So how do you know the new kid?" James asked. "Oh you mean that jerk over there? Well Jada and I went to the office to get our schedules and that's when we saw him, but technically we met when Jovani asked where everything was since we have all our classes together." I finished. "Wow. This Jovani guy has ALL his classes with you?" "Yep!" I said poppin the 'p'. "Well good thing I'm here to protect my only Puerto Rican best friend." James says slinging an arm around my shoulders. I laughed. "James why do you always have to mention I'm Puerto Rican. It's not like I'm going to forget. I'm not an idiot like you." he laughed. "First of all I like to say it 'cause I kind of find it interesting. I've always wanted to go to Puerto Rico and you are the closet thing to Puerto Rico I've got, so deal with it bestie. And second of all I'm not an idiot, I'm stupid. There is a difference." I shook my head smiling. "Want me to make you some Puerto Rican food? You know to welcome you back." I asked. I'm a great cook since my mom was the one who taught me how to cook all kinds of food. "Sure. Tell me what you are gonna make." James nodded, liking that idea of him getting free food. "Alright I'm planning to make you Sancocho, Tostones, Mofongo, my famous pasteles, alcapurrias, don't tell my parents but I'll make you some coquito, arroz con dulce, and my two all time specialty flan and flan de queso." I listed off. His eyes widened. "Well I have no idea what you said until you spoke english." I rolles my eyes. "Good thing you have a hispanic friend to teach you in all things.....well hispanic!" I said. He smiled and shook his head from amusement. "You haven't changed at all Lilly." he smiled brightly at me and I copied him. "Why would I wanna change, I'm awesome!" I said. He rolls his eyes playfully. "One question. What the hell is coquito?" He asked. "Well Mr. White Boy, Coquito is a coconut drink with rum in it." I explained. "Well I can't wait. So are you just making food for me or are we havin people over?" he asked. "Well now that I think about it we could have people over. No crazy party though. It's gonna be you, Jada, Jonathan, Nicholas, Nathan, and the best person out of the!" I laughed. "Get over yourself. Your ego is way to big. Who taught you to be so damn cocky?" James asked. "Hmmm.....come to think of it I think it was you." I stated. "Well we all make mistakes don't we? Now my mistake came back to bite me in the ass." James said. "Oh shut up. I'm not as bad as you lover boy. Back then you would always be saying that girls were following you everywhers cause they thought you were sexy and we were in the 5th grade." I objected. He laughed. "I was simply stating a fact. Watch I bet you $20 that there are 5 girls behind us following us." "Nah I think it's more than 5 girls." I said. "Fine your on." we both turned around and found 7 girls giggling and pushing up their boobs to look more like sluts. "Told ya. Pay up loser." I bragged while sticking a hand out. He rolled his eyes and took out his wallet from his back pocket to pull out a $20 bill out. "Pleasure doing business with you." I beamed. "Whatever." he grumbled. "Stop being such a sore loser James!" I giggled. We finally reached the classroom. I forgot all about my best friends until James and I sat at the back and the others trailed behind. "Nice to know you care." Jada says. "I'm sorry Jada." I said sincerly. "Fine I forgive you." she smiled. "Alright cool. Can you tell the guys to meet at my house today cause I'm cooking and having a get together, but tell them not to invite anybody." I said. She nodded and did her task. "Alright I texted the guys and they were up for it. What you makin?" she asks. "Well I'm gonna make Sancocho, Tostones, Mofongo, my famous pasteles, alcapurrias, don't tell my parents but I'll make some coquito, arroz con dulce, and my two all time specialty flan and flan de queso. Well technically I already made the flans so that's checked off my list." Jada's fist punched the air from excitment. "I absolutly love your Puerto Rican food. It's the best. How much Coqutio we talkin about?" Jada asked. "Well I'm making enough to not get all of you drunk." "Man, but I wanted to get myself drunk." Jada whined. I rolled my eyes playfully. Before I could say anything the teacher came in the classroom and slammed to door shut making everyone jump up from their seat. "QUIET!!" the teacher yelled. All the voices quickly stopped. "Alright! My name is Mr. Marcer." he wrote his name on the board. "It is pronounced as Marcher. If I hear you mispronounce it you will get a detention slip!" he kept yelling. I rolled my eyes. "Young lady did you just roll your eyes at me!" Mr. Marcer yelled at me. "What if I did? I've had a real crappy morning okay?! So stop yelling at us and freaking start teaching!" I yelled. His eyes were wide with shock. "Whatever." he said and went back to the board to talk about what we were going to do in the class. "Damn Lilly." James whispers. "What was that about?" he asks. "I don't know. While he yelled at me I glanced over where Jovani was and he smirked at me so I got pissed and when the teacher yelled that was just gas to the fire and I snapped." I explained. "Well I believe every guy, including me, though that was hot. I bet you $10 that one of them will come up to you and ask you out OR talk to you and tell you that was awesome." he sticks his hand out to me and I shook it taking the challenge. We spent the rest of class talking quietly while Mr. Marcer droned on and on about crap. The bell finally rang signaling lunch time. "Finally I'm starving!" James yelled. Right when we walked out of the classroom a hand clamped on my arm. "Yes?" I asked turning around. "Hey Lilly. I wanted to tell you that what you did back there was pretty sweet. I mean every guy in that room found that incredibly sexy." he said running a hand through his dark brown locks. I smiled. "Thanks Jay." "No prob." before he leaves he sends me a wink. "God he is hot." James mumbled under his breath. I raised my eyebrows. "What did you just say?" I asked. His eyes widened noticing that I heard him. "Uh nothin. Let's go grab food." and he yanked me down the hall before I can say anything. Did I hear right? Is James gay?! I guess I'll talk to him about that when I get the chance. We walked into the cafeteria and got in the food line. "Wanna tell me now what you said?" I whispered to James. "nothin." he replies. "James I heard what you said about Jay." I say. "Then why you asking?" he finally looks me in the eyes. "James if you're gay then it's cool. I mean I've always wanted a gay best friend and I or any of my friends won't care if you are gay, straight, or bi." I whispered. "Fine. Yes I'm gay." he whispers. I squeal from excitment which gets a couple of glances. We reach the table to find Nathan and Nicholas already there stuffing their faces like pigs. "What up pigs." I say sitting across from Nathan. "Nothing much babe how 'bout you?" I roll my eyes when Nathan calls me babe. "Nothin." I say. "Liar! She fucking roasted a teacher." James says. "Nice lil. Which teach?" Nicholas asked. "Mr. Marcer." I respond. "Dude you got some serious balls if you roasted Mr. Marcer. Bitch how you still alive?" Nathan says. "I don't know, but everybody is going to start talking about it. Watch." I told them. "Hell yeah. So what really happened?" they both asked. I went on to tell them the story and after I finished a bunch of jocks stride over to our table. "Hey you're Lilly Ryder right?" one of the football players named Matt I think asked. I nod. "You the one who roasted Mr. Marcer's ass right?" Nick asked. I nod again. "Damn girl! You got some serious guts to do that shit." I smiled at Nick. "Well if you ever need anythin come to us a'ight?" He tells me. "Yeah sure Nick. Thanks." I smile at him. "No prob Lilly." I smiled at the rest of the guys while they stride off to their table. At that exact moment Jada comes and sits down with her mouth wide open. "Why the fuck was half the football team over here talking to you?!" she asks. "The stunt she did in Mr. Marcer's class." Nathan answers for me. "Well damn. Half of the hottest guys from the football team was here for just Lilly." "Yep." I smiled. Then lastly Jonathan sits down in front of James. "Bruh James is that you!?" Jonathan asks. "Yeah bro it's me." James smiles. "You moved back?" Jonathan asks. James nods. "Yeah. Lilly didn't even reconize me." he turned to me. I put up my hands in surrender. "Not my fault. Last I saw you, you were all scrawny and well kinda ugly, not bulky and hot." I answer truthfully. "Well thanks for the half compliment half insult." He replies. "No problem James." I smile and hug his muscled arm. "So Lil why did Jada text me that you were having a little get together at our house?" Jonathan says. "Well I wanted to do somethin for James coming back and we were talking about Puerto Rico and stuff so I decided to cook some Puerto Rican food. By the way don't tell mom and dad, but I'm gonna make some Coquito." I tell Jonathan. "Well I won't tell them as long as you make extra for the football team. We need to let loose a bit and I wanna bring them some and your Coquito is amazing." Jonathan says. "Uh sure whatever." I reply. "Hey wait. What the fuck is a Coquito?" Nathan asks. We all laugh at him. "Its a coconut drink with rum in it." I explain. They all nod. "How the hell do you guys know what it is?" Nathan asks. "Well I'm Puerto Rican too. I am Lilly's brother." Jonathan replies. "I'm also Puerto Rican." Jada replies. "My parents got a bunch of Puerto Rican friends who bring them Coquito all the time." Nicholas explains. "Oh uh Lilly told me this morning when she called me Mr. White Boy." James said. We all laugh. "Can we invite people?" Nathan asks. "Didn't Jada tell you. I said no." I reply. "Oh come on please!" Nathan begs. I roll my eyes. "Fine, but you gotta tell me who the hell you bringin." I point at each boy. They each nod eagerly. "I'll invite Nick and Jesse." Jonathan says out loud. "I'm inviting Jordan!" both Nicholas and Nathan say. I roll my eyes at the boys childish behavior. The bell finally rings for the end of lunch and I throw my tray away. "Hey James seemed a little distant." Jads said. "Well I don't think I'm allowed to tell you so let me ask him." she nods. I walk over to James and poke his arm. He turns around and asks, "Yeah?" "Jada wants to know why you're distant. I think you should tell your gay." I tell him. "Ugh. Fine." We both walk over to Jada and James speaks up. "alright Jada you gotta promise not to tell anybody this cause this is a VERY touchy subject okay?" he asks her. She nods. "Is there something wrong James?" she asks sincerly worried. "No I'm not in any trouble if you think that." he says. "Okay good. Then what is it James?" she asks again. "Uh well..." he trails off rubbing the bacl of his head. "I'm gay." he rushes. "Uh what I didn't catch what you said." he blows out a breath. "I'm gay." he says more slowly. Jada gasps. "You're gay?"

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