Chapter: 12(pic of Ace)

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-Lilly's POV-
Today was the day. Today was the day I get to leave this room, leave this hospital, and go home! "And here's your note for school. You can return to school next week okay honey?" I nodded at the sweet nurse. "Thanks Carol. By the way how are the kids?" I asked her. "Oh honey, they are like any other kids. They made yet ANOTHER babysitter quit. I don't know what to do anymore." she said shaking her head. "Carol you know when I recover fully I can babysit your kids." I told her. Her head shot up and she said, "No no no. I can't ask you for that." She denies but I never take no for an answer. "Carol you were the best nurse here. You are always so full of joy and that made these days less gloomy." I explain to her. "Awww thanks baby girl. How are you?" She asks me with worry etched in her face. "Honestly Carol? I've never been so depressed in my life. Jovani was an AMAZING guy but I guess that was all a trick." I said shaking my head. "Oh sweetie I can't believe that boy would do anything like that, especially since he stayed in this hospital every single day. He actually only left once, but came back the next morning and the only reason he left was because I told him he needed some rest. It wasn't easy to convince him to leave." she explains. "Okay well honey call your ride and get dressed because you are released." She said with a big smile and my lips copied her's. "I'm so happy that I can FINALLY leave this horrible hospital. No offense." "Oh sweet pea, none taken. I hate this hospital too but I gotta feed the kids." I nodded understanding. "Alright I'm gonna leave so you can call your ride. Bye Lilly. Oh and I'll take that offer. Here, call me when you can babysit the kids." She says. "Okay. Here's my phone." We switched phones as we gave each other our number. "Here you go." I said giving her back her phone. She gave back mine and left. I scrolled through my contacts list until I found who I was looking for. I clicked call and pressed the device to my ear. It rang three times until he finally picked up. "This is sex hotline. How can we rock your world?" James said with a feminine voice. "Jame. You. Are. Disgusting." I tell him as my face was scrunched up. I heard his deep chuckle and then he says, "So why did you call the king?" I rolled my eyes. "Well I see somebody is in a chirpy mood. I called you to ask you if you can pci kme up from here. I'm being released today." I explain. "Uh yeah sure but why aren't your parents coming to get you?" He asks. "They went back on their business trip." I shrug. "Oh okay. What about your brother?" "Too busy trying to get over Jada." I shrug again. "Wait what!? He liked Jada?!" He yells through the phone which makes me cringe and pull the phone away from my ear. When I couldn't hear anything I pressed the phone back to my ear. "You done screaming?" I asked him. "Yeah. Sorry." He says. "Well to answer your question, yeah he liked her since 3rd grade apparently." I explain. "She's with Jordan right?" He asked. I nod but then remember her can't see me. "Yeah." I replied. "Damn. I wanna to hit that up." He says. "James you do know he's straight right?" I ask. "Yeah but a lot of alcohol and my awesome charm could make him at LEAST bisexual." He says. I laughed. "Alright whatever. Come pick me up you peanut." I said. "Peanut? I think those pain killers are getting to you." I laughed again. "Yeah maybe. I'm gonna check on Jada. Call me when you're here. Bye and love you." I said. "Love you too baby doll." I smiled and hung up. I walked to Jada's room and knocked three times on her door. I heard a soft 'come in' and I opened the door and walked in. "Hey!" She said. "Why you dressed?" She asks me. "I'm being released today." I tell her with a smile. "Oh that's amazing! The doctors said maybe I'll be released in a couple of days." She said. "Well until you're released I'm going to come visit you everyday. I'm actually waiting for James. He's coming to pick me up." I tell her. "Oh what about your parents or brother?" She asked scrunching her brows together. "Well the parentals are back on their business trip and Jonathan is trying to get over you." I said. "Wait what?" She asks. "Ugh. He liked you since 3rd grade and now you with Jordan and blah blah blah he's all depressed." Her eyes are a bit wide while she says, "Wow. I don't like him that way. He's like a brother to me. You get me?" I nod. "Yeah. I think of him as a brother too." I sighed. "Uh Lilly?" "Yeah?" I look up. "He IS your brother." I processed that and started laughing. "Oh yeah. James told me I'm like this because of the pain killers." I shrug. "I see that." I giggled a bit but stopped after a while of her staring at me as if I grew a second head. My phone started buzzing in my hand and answered it without looking at the caller ID. "This is Naughty girl coporation. How can we BLOW you away?" I asked in a bored tone while Jada is laughing so hard that you can't even hear it anymore. "So you finally agree to come back to me?" His voice sent shivers up my spine and it wasn't a good shiver. "Jake." I growled in anger. "You are CORRRECT!" He yells like a game show host. I glanced at Jada. All the humor that was there a couple seconds ago were long gone now. "You're prize is ME." He tries to say 'me' in a seductive voice but really it just made me cringe. "How'd you get my number?" I growled. "Well I have a couple of my loyal gang members are your friends and they gave it to me." He explains and I stiffen. "Who?" I ask. "Don't worry it's not one of your CLOSE friends but at one point one of my members will become so close to you that when you find out they are in my gang you will be so surprised. Now back to the US." He says. "There IS no us." I ground out. "Oh come on baby. Don't tell me you don't miss me. Don't tell me you don't miss the way my tongue traced every part of your body." He says again trying to be seductive. "Shut UP." I said. I was getting mad. "So it's true?" He asks and I could hear his smug smile in his voice. "NO! Get the HELL out of my life!" I yell and yank the phone away from my ear and end the call. I was breathing deeply through my nose as Jada looks at me with a knowing look. She could see through me and deep down she knew I wasn't just mad but I was sad. She opened her mouth to say something but she was cut off by the 'ding' coming from my phone. I see that I got a text message from James and I let out a relieved breath that it wasn't Jake again. I open the text and read, 'COME OUTSIDE.' I look up from my phone and walk towards Jada. "Hey don't worry babe. I gotta go. I love you and see you tomorrow." I tell her and give her a kiss on the forehead with a hug. "Bye babe. Love you too." she sends a bright smile to me and I give her a small smile in return. I walk out of her room and towards the elevator. I enter the elevator and press the 1st floor button and waited for the cold, metal doors to close. I leaned against the cold metal wall of the elevator and just looked at the numbers that went lower each time we passed a floor. Finally the metal doors opened and I stepped out and walked across the lobby to reach the automatic doors that lead outside of the hospital. When I was finally outside with my stuff in both my hands. I spotted James car instantly and walked there as I saw him come out. "Baby doll!" He yells with open arms as he runs to me. I just let out a chuckle and settle the stuff on the ground before he strangled me. He crushed me with his large muscled arms. "Ok....I...can't.....breathe....James..." I said. "Tell me you missed me first baby doll." He says and I groan. "" He finally let me go and I inhaled deeply finally giving my lungs what they desperately needed. "Well are you just gonna stand there and smile at me or are you gonna carry my stuff in your car?" I asked. "Wow. Bitchy much?" He asks teasingly. "Well I hate this place and I don't wanna stay here. I gotta come tomorrow anyways so the best for me is to get the hell away from here." I tell him and he nods understanding. When James and I were in second grade, there was this HUGE tree that was in the center of the park. I dared James to climb to the top of the tree and since he thought he was a man he climbed it. He was really high but not even close to the top. He went to stand a branch but it snapped which made him lose his footing. He let go of the branch he was holding on and when he was free falling Tarzan over here caught a branch that was in his reach. Another branch was poking his side and he let go of the branch he was holding onto. He wasn't lucky enough to catch another branch and he fell to the ground and broke his arm. Little me was panicking and I yelled for my mom, dad, and James' parents. I ran to him and stroked his little face telling him that it was okay and that everything was gonna be okay. He was actually happy because he didn't have to write in school and it made him really popular. Everyone at his school, in his grade, signed the cast but of course the first one who was allowed to sign the cast was me because he was my best friend and I was his. "What are smiling about?" James' voice snaps me out of the memory. "Oh just remembering when you broke your arm." I tell him and he lets out a deep chuckle. "Everyone called me Tarzan." He smiled. We both walked to his car and once the beat of the song was playing James and I looked at eachother and smiled. He cranked up the volume as the lyrics were being sung. "Let's go over the top talkin' out of control. Girl show me what you got drop that thing to the floor. If our love was a song I'd put that record on over and over and over!" James and I sung along to '808' by Kalin and Myles featuring Jack and Jack. James and I absolutely love that song. "Girl you got my heart beating like a 808. Beating like a 808. Beating like a 808. Beating like a 808." I sang. "Look I said aye, lil mama I can see you twerk nice. See you doin' that thing with your hips that I like. You should slide through, we could kick it for the night. I won't give it to you wrong, girl I'll give it to you right. Main thing, you know what it could be. All up in my arms, you know where you should be, now just give me the word, I'll be your melody. Cause you I know I could see us livin' happy everly After.." James sung. "I know what you wanted from the very start. And I can tell you feel it too when we're apart. But we're here right now with the lights turned down. And the night's still young. And it's clear right now how you feel right now. Tryna have some fun." I sung. We sung the rest of the song dancing in our seats. James and I were literally yelling the lyrics that James thought it would be funny if we put our windows down and sung for the whole traffic. A couple guys sent me a wink. Some guy sent James a wink and James just blushed. Some old people were saying, 'Turn down them hip music!' or 'What the fuck are those kids playing. Sounds like they trying to make a sex tape'. James and I laughed at that one and James actually let out a moan. I caught on and bent down a bit to make it look like I was giving him a blow job as I made my head go up and down. He let out more moans and I tried not to laugh. The guys that sent me a wink were actually trying to look inside the car. Guess they thought we were making live porn. The old people looked so pissed and when some of them drove off I sat straight again and James and I were laughing our asses off. "That was hilarious!" I said in between my laughter. "I know right!" He yells. After the traffic was finally moving in a quicker pace James and I reached home at around 1pm and we left the hospital at 12:30pm. We walked out the car and James gathered my things as I took out a key to open my front door. Before I could go into my house a random girl came up to me. She a couple inches taller than me and to be honest she seemed quite intimidating but I didn't show her that. She had jet black wavy hair, with a blue and pink stripe through it. Her lips full and her eyebrows were literally on fleek! On one of her eyebrows she had a piercing. "Hi the name's Katie. I live next door and I'm pretty sure you know my idiotic brother Jovani." she said rolling her eyes when she mentioned Jovani. "Hey. I'm Lilly nice to meet you. And yeah I know your brother.We're.....friends." I lied. "No you're not." she laughed. "Lilly I know what happened between you and my brother." She smiled fondly at me. "Oh." was all I said. "Lilly on behalf of my brother I apologize. He's a complete fucking idiot." She says which puts a smile on my face. I nod in agreement. "Can I give you my number?" She asks and I nod. "Yeah sure, as long as you let me give you mine." I tell her and she gives me a smile and a nod. We swap phones and exchange numbers. "Here ya go. I got too go do some homework. See you later Lilly." She says as we switch phones again. "Bye!" I yelled out to her and I went into my house. "Jonathan you butt for a brother, I'm home!" I yelled. The house was silent. I guess he wasn't here. Should've known; his car isn't here. I shrugged and hear James come in. "Oh thanks for helping me with YOUR stuff." James says with sarcasm clearly in his voice. "Your a strong boy, you can do it yourself buddy." I tell him patting his muscled arm. "Well now you gotta feed me cuz I'm a growing boy and I need to EAT!" He says and I smile at him while rolling my eyes. "Chinese or Pizza?" I asked. "PIZZA!" He yells and starts jumping up and down like a little kid. I roll my eyes at his childish antics. "Hello this is Jet's Pizza. How may I help you?" The man said. "Umm I would like 2 large, 12 piece, deep dish pizzas with extra cheese on both and pepperoni on one." I order. "Delivery or pick up?" He asks. "Uh..pick up." I answered. "Okay ma'am that will be $18.97. What's your name?" "Okay thank you. Lilly Ryder." "Okay that is all ma'am." I hang up and grab my wallet. "Where you going baby doll?" James asks. "To get the pizzas. You can stay here and do whatever you want." I tell him and he nods. I walked out the house and into my black, 2016 Nissan GT-R. I drove to the Jet's pizza place with my black ray-bans and black New York Yankee's snapback on.
I enter the restaurant with the smell of mouth watering pizza hitting my nose making me inhale. I walk to the counter waiting for a cashier to come. "Hello. How may I help you?" The smoaking hot cashier asks , giving me a flirty smile. "Uh picking up for Lilly Ryder." I reply giving him a flirty smile back. "Here you go Lilly. That's....$18.97." He says. "Here you go." I tell him handing him two $20 dollar bills. "Uh this is too much." He says. "Keep the change." I smile and he gives me the biggest smile. He writes something on the back of my receipt. "Thanks for the tip and here's your receipt. I hope you use that." he says sending me one more flirty smile as I pick up the boxes. I walk out the place and into my car. I place the boxes on the passenger seat. I look behind the reciept and see that he gave me his number and name. "239-554-3039" I read out loud as I type in his number. "Seth." I read out loud as I typed in his name. I add him as a contact but before i did that I wrote in note, 'Pizza guy' and then saved him as a contact. I put the paper in my pocket for safekeeping and drove home. I walked out of my car and grabbed the pizzas. I rang the doorbell not being able to pull out my keys and open it myself. "Who is it?!" I heard James from behind the door. "Pizza delivery for...Open the damn door you twat!" I yelled. "Sorry no open the damn door you twat here." He replies and I grunt. "Alright. I guess I gotta eat these delicious, mouth watering, deep dish, double cheese, pepperoni pizzas in my car then." I said. Seconds later the door flew open. "Oh I forgot that my real name is open the damn door you twat and my MIDDLE name is James. Sorry for the confusion." He says with a innocent smile on his face. "Mmhmm. You're such a twat James." I said as I entered my house. "Uh huh yeah I'm a twat now give me some PIZZA!" He says with wide eyes and his mouth watering. "You need help James. Psychological help." I said patting his head as I sat the pizza boxes on the kitchen island. He practically RIPPED the cover of the pizza box as he dug into the pizza. I grabbed a slice and I bit a piece of it. My eyes wonder to James who's ALREADY on his second slice. "James did you shove that slice down your freaking throat!" I asked. He was already half way down with his second slice and he only took one bite. "Hmm?" He asked with a mouthful of pizza and his eyes that look so innocent. "James you are freaking eating like an animal. You have pizza sauce ALL over your freaking face." I laughed. I saw that he swallowed the pizza in he mouth. "I told you I needed to eat." he shrugs but slows down this time. We finished half a box and went into the living room forgetting about the pizza. "So my GBF what do you wanna watch?" I ask. He looks at me and gives me a knowing smile. I smile back at him and we both say at the same time, "Holidays in Handcuffs!" We both start rolling around laughing our butts off at how good we know each other EVEN if we haven't seen each other for so long. I clicked the movie we were going to watch on tv and I laid my head on his lap. He smiled down at me and ran his fingers through my hair knowing that, that made me relaxed. My eyes closed for a moment, taking it in. My eyes opened immediately when I heard someone putting keys into the keyhole. The door flew open and in came my brother. Well I thought he was my brother. Jonathan was drunk. He was swaying side to side with a big grin on his face. His eyes landed on me and his eyes go wide and his smile gets bigger. "SISSY!" He yells and walks or should I say stumbles to me. "I haven't...*hiccup* seen you since that one *hiccup* time." He says. "Jonathan you're drunk." "Nuh uh. I only had thiiiiiiis many of drinks." he explains. His arms are wide open and he looks at his arms and giggles. Yes a 17 year old guy giggled. "Oops I meant I AM drunk but who cares!?" He says. "Jonathan you need to go to your room NOW." I said. "What's wrong sissy? You didn't miss me? If it's because I couldn't pick you up from the hospital then I'm really sorry." He slurred which added more gas to the fire that was burning in me. "But....." he trails off with a puppy dog look. "I'll handle this." James whispers in my ear. He removes my head from his lap and walks over to Jonathan. "Hey Jonathan?" He asks. "What?" Jonathan asks with a hint of excitement in his voice. "I have a HUGE surprise for you and it's waiting in your room." James says. "Oooo what is it?" He asks jumping up and down like a girl. I guess when he's drunk, his feminine side comes out. "Jada is waiting upstairs in your bed stark naked." James says and that makes my eyes widen. Jonathan processes that in his head and seconds later he runs out the room ripping clothing off himself. James and I followed him and he was standing in front of his door in nothing but his boxers. Boys and their hormones. He takes a neep breath and walks in. He looks around confused and James runs to the door and closes it. "Quick give me that chair." James tells me and I do what he says. I pass him the chair and he wedges it under the doorknob making it impossible for Jonathan to leave his room. "Hey what the hell?! Why can't I open this door?!" Jonathan says pounding on his door. "Because I went to Hogwarts and learned how to become a wizard. I put a spell on your door so you can't open it." I tell him and James puts his fist in his mouth so he could stop himself from laughing out loud. "Really?" I heard Jonathan's voice become chirpy. "Yep!" I replied. "Cool.....Can you make ice cream appear in my room because I'm kinda craving ice cream." he says. I had a mental debate and decided to go along with my lie. "Only if you lay on your bed right now and go to sleep to wear off the alcohol in your freaking system." I said. It was silent on the other end and I was literally thinking about yanking that chair away from it's place to check on Jonathan. "Fine." I hear his feet walk and his bed screech as he threw himself on it. "Mission accomplished." James says as we walk down the stairs. "Yeah....I hope he doesn't remember any of that." I said. "Why?" James asks with genuine curiosity. "Because of what you said about Jada and how he reacted. He said he wasn't gonna react and just pretend like before until he's completely over her." I explain to him and he nods understanding. I hear the doorbell ring and I walk to the door. I open the door and in front of me was Jovani swaying side to side like Jonathan, with the biggest smirk plastered on his face. "Long time no kiss." Jovani says and seconds later he attacks my lips with his. At first I liked it but when his tongue slipped into my mouth after I granted him access I could taste the VERY strong alcohol and I pushed him back. He sucked his bottom lip into his mouth making his very sexy lip ring disappear into his mouth. "I know you liked my lips against yours while my cold lip ring rubbed against your warm lips." Jovani says with a smirk on his face. "You know what Jovani?"
Yep I left u on a cliff hanger. So I wanna tell u guys I'm going to keep adding characters. I mean I feel like these characters I make HAVE to be on the list. So I dedicate this chapter to grayisbae2002  since she's been pushing me to write this chapter and the ones before. She's a very important person so I dedicate this chapter to her! ❤️❤️❤️

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