Chapter: 17

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-Jovani's POV-

After Nicholas and I discussed our plan to take down not just Jake but his little gang too, including that little fucker Ace I went upstairs and looked down at Lilly. "You still love her don't you?" Nicholas whispered. "You wouldn't believe how much I really do." I replied. I bent down and kissed her forehead. "Don't tell her I was here. If she asks, Ace was the one who did what I did." I said and he nods. I walk down the stairs and leave her house. I run a hand through my hair and tug on the ends. I open my front door and the first thing I see is my mom. "What happened?" she asks. "Mom I'm kinda tired. Can we PLEASE talk about this tomorrow?" I ask. I was being honest. I was so tired emotionally and physically and I don't could really talk to my mom right now. "Okay but tomorrow we talk." I nod. "Good night." I said and kissed her cheek. She did the same to me and I walked upstairs. I took my shirt off and switched my jeans for some sweatpants. I turned on my fan and threw myself on my bed. I covered myself with my blanket and soon drifted off to sleep.

-Lilly's POV-

I woke up with the WORST headache ever. I sat up and rubbed my head. I looked around and saw I was in my room. I thought I was in the kitchen.... "Nicholas?" I croaked. He wasn't anywhere in sight. I then felt really sick and I pushed away the gigantic pain that shot through my head when I ran to the bathroom and threw up the last known contents in my stomach. After I emptied my stomach I curled up into a ball and silently cried which just made the headache even worse. I got a hold of myself, stopped crying, got up, and washed my mouth. As I looked at myself in the mirror, the memories of last night flooded through my brain as if it was a movie. Jake coming over, him leaving, Ace coming to my rescue and that's all I remember. I don't even remember DRINKING in the first place. After I changed myself into a pair of sweats that belonged to my brother and an oversized t shirt that belonged to Nicholas I walked downstairs and I could smell food being cooked. I gagged a bit but continued walking towards the kitchen. As I open the door I find a shirtless Nicholas leaning over the hot stove as he stirred something. I could see a mountain of bacon which made me feel nauseous. "Nicholas what the hell are you doing? And why are you shirtless?" I asked. "Isn't it obvious? I'm cooking breakfast. You're hungover and you need food in your system. ESPECIALLY since I know that every time you drink, when you get hungover you throw up so I'm guessing you already threw up?" He says. "Yeah I did but I don't wanna eat." I said with a hand over my stomach. "Well too bad. Two reasons. One I slaved myself over a hot stove and two because it will make you feel better so if you don't eat this food I will have to shove it down your throat myself." He says. "Fine you dickhead." I mumbled. "Excuse me?" He said obviously knowing what I said. "Nothin." I said. "Yeah that's what I thought." He said. I let my head rest on the cold counter as I heard the sizzling of the food cooking. After what seemed forever, Nicholas finally finished cooking and he sat a plate that was completely full with food. There were nice fluffy scrambled eggs topped with shredded cheese, nice and juicy sausages, a couple pieces of crispy bacon, and a small bowl full of oatmeal topped with a bit of raisin, whipped cream, and cinnamon. "Thanks Nicholas." I mumbled and he nodded. He sat down with a plate of his own food and scarfed it down in seconds. I slowly ate my food and I could already feel myself getting better. I mean I still had a major headache but stomach wise, I was better than before. "Nicholas do we HAVE to go to school today?" I whined. "Well yeah. Unless you wanna tell your mom and dad that you're hungover." He suggested. "Yeah no. I'll be right back. Gonna get ready. You should too." I tell him. "Who said I wasn't ready? I could go to school shirtless." He said with both hands on his hips. "Sure you are Nicholas. You are turning into Nathan." I said and he faced turned into one of horror. "That can NOT happen. Up the stairs I go!" He said and he ran out the kitchen. I chuckled which made my head throb more. I slowly walked out the kitchen and up the stairs. I walked into my room and sorted out my clothes for school. Today I decided to not dress to impress so I had a oversized hoodie that belonged to Nathan and some joggers paired with my white/black converse. I walked into my bathroom and hopped under the steaming water letting it cascade over my very sore body. My muscles relaxed as I stood under the hot water. I stood there for a while until I finally snapped out of it and actually showered with soap. After I finished scrubbing myself with soap and step out the shower. I wrap a towel around my body and walk out the bathroom and into my room. I slipped into my joggers the second Nicholas came into my room. "Lilly we're late." He said. I shrugged, "So. We just started school. We can just say that there was an accident so there was traffic." I said. "Wow Lilly." He said. "What?" I asked as I put on my last sock. "Nothin. Just that you don't care about being late to school and you actually made a perfect excuse." He said. "Whatever." I said. I slipped my feet into my converse and walked over to my backpack. I picked it up and slung it over my shoulder. "Alright let's go." I said. He nodded and we walked out my room. "Hey Lilly you okay?" He asks me. "Yeah sure why?" I said as I grabbed the bottle of Advils that was on the table by the front door and popped two of them into my mouth to swallow them. "You don't seem like that. Did something like happened last night?" he asks. I stiffened and slowly looked over at him. "Wh-what?" I asked. "Nothing I was just asking because you don't seem like yourself." He said. I relaxed realizing he didnât know anything. We walked to his car and hopped in. He started the car as we drove to school. I looked out the window pretending to listen to whatever Nicholas was saying. "So do you?" was all I heard him say. I looked at him and he glanced at me expecting me to say something. "Sorry Nicholas....still a bit tired. What'd you say?" I ask. "Well I just got a text from Jason and he said that he's having a party at his place this Saturday so I was asking if you wanted to go." He says. "Oh yeah sure let's go." I said. "Nuh uh." He said. "What?" I ask. "YOU Lilly Ryder just agreed to go to a high school PARTY!" He said. "Yeah so?" I was so confused. "You've NEVER agreed to go to a party." He says. "Whatever Nicholas. So are we gonna hit the party or nah?" I ask him. "Woah what did I do to get pissy Lilly?" He asks. "Nothin Nicholas forget it. Go to the fuckin party without me since I'm such a loser." I said and got out the car. I fast walked into the school and walked up to my locker. "Lilly!" Jovani says. I sigh and roll my eyes but then I remembered what Jake said to me so I planted a fake smile on my face and turned around. "Hey Jovani." I said. "Uh hey what's up?" He asks. I mentally rolled my eyes but withheld from really doing it. "Jovani let me get to the point here 'kay?".I ask and he nods. "Let's reinstate our bet." I said. "Wait what bet?" He asks. "Wow you ARE an idiot. The fucking bet that we made before we started dating." I said. "Oh. If you want then sure." He says. "Deal. Let''s close this deal with a kiss." I said. He nods with a smirk and bends down to plant a peck but I deepened the kiss. I grabbed the back of his neck and pressed his lips hard on mine. He was shocked at first but got a hold of himself and his hands flew to my waist as he pulled me closer. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance and I opened my lips letting his tongue enter my mouth. Our tongues fought for domination and we were like this until we heard a cough. "I mean I would LOVE to watch you guys play tongues in front of my locker but I kinda want to get my books." Jada interrupts us with a smirk. I noticed that Jovani had pushed me against Jada's locker. "Sorry." I tell her and she just shakes her head smiling. "So we dating again?" He asks. I shrug, "Do we really have to put a label on us?" I ask acting all cool with this but really that kiss just makes me want to cry because it showed me how much I've missed him. I pushed away the feelings because I can not let Jake do what he was threatening me with. "Uh I guess we don't have to if you want. Just I kinda wanted to tell people you were my girl and shit." He says scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "Ugh fine. It looks like I'M the guy is the relationship." I said and walked off. "You stop right there!" I heard the most annoying high pitched voice. :What the HELL do YOU want slut?" I ask looking at Samantha with a bored expression. Excuse YOU! I don't want you all over my boyfriend SLUT." She says and I laugh. "Oh yeah cuz I'M the one who has slept with every guy and almost every girl at this school oh wait... I believe that's you Samantha." I said with a bittersweet smile. She gasps and puts her hand on her hip. "Just stay away from Jovani! He's MY boyfriend. I mean we DID sleep together. I guess he got bored with you so he came RUNNING to me." She says smirking and her little plastic dolls behind her started laughing. "I had ENOUGH of your bitchy self. You are always messing with people and I"m sick and tired of it! You are EXACTLY like your shitty brother!" I yelled. Everyone around the courtyard went quiet and were watching us. "Watch yourself whore!" Samantha said. "Or what? You gonna be a coward and make your bitchy 'Friends' to jump me to 'teach' me a lesson. Wow EXACTLY like your big brother Jake. BOTH of you guys are shit heads." I said and everyone Ooooo'd. Her mouth opened then closed. She then slapped me and that's what pushed me over the edge. "You are SOOOO gonna regret doing that." I said and she laughed. I punched her straight into her nose and she stumbled back in her 6 inch heels as she fell straight on her ass. "Oh you NOT just fucking do that!?" She screeched. "Oh-ho-ho I DID just fucking do that." I said with a smirk. She slipped her heels off and stood up. She went to punch me but I moved my head to the left making her miss. I then grabbed her hair and pulled back. I punched her in the face again and she fell again. I shook my head that had blood on it that came from her nose. "Girls! Get her!" She cried as she cupped her nose. There were four girls after me and they came at me at once. I was able to punch two of them in the nose but one of the other two grabbed me and the other one punched me in the gut. I doubled over. I then raised my leg and kicked the girl that punched me in the gut. I guess the girl that was holding me was surprised because she loosened her grip on me and I used that as a chance to get out. She composed herself and scratched me with her nails or should I say claws, cutting my upper lip. I licked the cut and smirked. I did a roundhouse kick and kicked her in the face. She crumbled to the ground. I saw as each of the girls were on the ground whimpering in pain. "Mess...with me again...and you'll...get worse than...that." I said pausing each time to inhale since I was out of breath. They all nodded and I smirked. I already knew I was gonna be called to the principal's office so I walked over there without anyone getting me. I walked into the office and told the front desk lady I was turning myself in. She gave me a weird look saying 'why you turn yourself in'. I just shrugged and sat down and waited to be called into the principal's office. I sat there tapping my foot on the tiled floor in boredom. I looked around the clean office. The walls were a boring beige color, and the desks were a burgundy color. Whoever decorated this room had NO sense of well...anything for that matter. "Lilly Ryder?" The principal said. I stood up and walked into his office. "So why are you here?" He asks. "I just got into a fight as you can tell from the bruises on my body and I'm turning myself in." I said. "Did you start the fight?" He asks. "No" I said. "What happened?" He asks with his hands folded. "Samantha Stewart and I......let's say exchanged some words and she slapped me and we got into a fight." I explained. "So this Samantha started it how?" He asks yet ANOTHER question. "Well I just got back together with my ex and when I was walking away she told me to stop I asked her what she wanted and I might've called her a slut and she called me one back and yada yada yada she slapped me and when I beat the shit-" "Language." The principal cut me off. "When I beat the poop out of her she sent her little followers to beat me but I took them all down and after that I walked away and came here to turn myself in." I explained with a bored tone. He pulls out a file and looks through it. "Well in here you have a squeaky clean record. So since this IS your first time actually doing something bad and you turned yourself in, I'll let you off with a warning." He says as he closes what I was guessing was my file. "Alright then. Bye Mr. Principal." I said walking out the door. I honestly thought I would get suspended or something. Looks like it pays off to be a goody two shoes at school. I was obviously already late for class so I went straight to my locker. I pulled out a notebook and shut the locker with a loud bang. I slowly walked to class. I looked at my phone and saw we only had 15 minutes left of class. I walked into the room and immediately all eyes were on me including the teacher's. "Lilly why are you so late?" She asks with a concerned tone in her voice. See it does pay off being the goody two shoes. "I was in the principal's office." I said and walked to the back of the class and sat next to James. "Hey so what happened at the principal's chamber?" He asks. I look at him and say, "Really? The principal's chamber? Nah it wasn't bad. Since I'm such a goody goody and I turned myself in he let me off with a warning." I said. "Nuh uh. Wow." he said. "Mhm.. I know." I said and started jotting down the notes we were suppose to take. "Hey so I got invited to my friendâs party. His name is Jason and itâs this Saturday. Wanna go?" He asks. I hope he doesnât react like Nicholas. "Yeah sure." I said. "Alright awesome. We leave at eight so I'll be at your house at 7:50 a'ight?" He says and I nod. Iâm so glad he didn't react like Nicholas did. I mean yeah it's true I wasnât much into the party scene but I guess with everything going on Jake I think some booze would help me for at least a couple of hours. James and I talked for a bit more and I took notes every time we had too. I would sometimes catch Jovani just staring at me but when he see's that I caught him he would look away. "So you two are back together?" He asks. "No. We just reinstated the bet." I said. He nods and jots down the notes. We only had a minute left so I closed my notebook and got ready to leave. The bell finally rang and I shot up from my seat. "Wait Lilly." Ms. Connor stopped me. "Yeah?" I ask. "Mr. Jackson come here."A kid comes to the desk with a bored expression. "What do you want Ms. C?" He asks. "Since you are failing miserably in my class Lilly here will be your tutor." My eyes widened the second she said I was tutoring someone. "Um Ms. Connor I did NOT agree to this." I said. "But you will. Remember that recommendation letter you wanted me to give to Princeton? Well it's right here in this envelope ready to be sent. All you have do is tutor Mr. Jackson over here and off the envelope goes to Princeton." She says. My jaw drops. "A-Are you BLACKMAILING me?!" I ask. "No. You call it blackmail I call it helping other people in need." She said. I sigh and said, "Fine. But I swear if he gets to my last nerve I'm NOT gonna be his tutor any longer." I said. "Deal." She said and stuck her hand out to me. I grabbed her hand firmly and shook it. "Uh I didn't agree to this shit." The kid said. "Well Mr. Jackson either you get tutored by Ms. Ryder here or you will not be able graduate and you will wither have to attend summer school or be stuck here next year." She said and all I wanted to say was 'Oooo burn!' but I knew it wasn't an appropriate time. "Ms. Connor can I go?" I ask. She nods and hands me a note. I grab the note and my notebook so I could leave. I walk out the class and I walk down the empty halls of Cape High. I finally reached my class and walked in. "Ms. Ryder I hope you have a perfectly good-" I cut Mr. Marcer off by saying, "Mr. Marcer can you PLEASE shut the hell up. Here is the damn note and if you think I 'forged' it you can call Ms. Connor up right now in front of the whole class, then you'll just be embarrassed. But hey, I'm not the teacher here. Well with YOUR teaching skills you shouldn't be a teacher either but I guess if they let YOU be a teacher then I KNOW they'll let a gorilla be a teacher." I said and everyone started 'Ooooing'. I could tell the teacher was baffled since he kept opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water. "You may sit down Ms. Ryder." Was all he said and I smirked. Jovani's eyes were wide as he stared at me with disbelief. Well really ALL my friends were staring at me like that.

Hey guys!!! Ik ik I haven't updated in a while and I'm sincerely sorry for that. I won't be updating very fast since I am one of the co-authors of a series of books my friend Wolfy6533. Check it out on her account when it's published! Alright ❤(love) u guys! 

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