Chapter 2

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Tonys POV.

The next day at work I was at my desk, it was 7:00 am and Ziva was late. I've been calling her every 10 minutes, Nothing! She's going to be dead when Gibbs finds out.

"Probie, have you heard from Ziva?" I asked my coworker and good friend.

He didn't respond, he was typing on his computer.

"Hey McDeaf!," I jokey shouted

McGee gave me a what do you want tony? Look.

"No I haven't"

I got worried about her so when Gibbs came in I told him, he knew that she was never late and would always call first. He grabbed his gear as so did I and McGee and we went to her apartment.

"Ziva open the door" Gibbs pleads

She wasn't answering.

"Here let me pick the lock" I say

It reach down with my knife and picked it right away, I grab my gun and we walk in.

"Ziva" Gibbs yells

We head up to her room, it was locked again. Gibbs kicked it open and walked in.

There I saw her we all did, Ziva was in her bed and her arms were slit open.

"Tony call 911!!" Gibbs yells.

I open my phone and type the numbers, I answered there questions and then hung up. How could I have not seen this! I'm a investigator.

Then the paramedics came and took her to the hospital. I sat in her room,

"Zi, plz wake up I care about you" I tell her movementless body.

I stared at her for the longest time, how could I have not seen her pain? How long has she been cutting? I then watched the doctors pass by, the people go in and out of rooms, the people who had gone in for surgery. I got pulled out of my trance by a doctor.

"Sir, are you okay?'' He asks

I nod a yes to him and focused back on Ziva. I was tired, and not in a good mood .

"Tony" I hear

I jumped at the voice, I looked towards Ziva, she was okay. She probably doesn't remember a lot.

"Ziva, your awake" I acknowledge

"What happened" she mumbles

I freeze, then I take a deep breathe,

"Ziva, me, Gibbs, and McGee, we found you" I start

I could see Ziva does not remember what she had done. She was very confused, lost by what I was saying.

"In your apartment," I continue.

I did know what else to say, so I grabbed her arm and showed it to her. In her eyes I saw the memory flood back to her. I was ready for her to admit to it and tell me about it.

I was so wrong. She jumped up and started yelling at me.

"Get out!" She screamed.

She pushed me out of the door, I stopped the door from closing,

"Ziva we need to talk" I tell her calmly

"Get out of here Tony, if you know what's good for you!!" She yells

She's putting up walls, to block out the world. She has always done that, I want her to be able to take those walls down around me. I stood in the door way still.

She pushed to the ground and had me pined to the ground.

"Leave" she growled

She stood up and slammed the door shut. I walked down the hall and sat down In a chair.

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