Chapter 8

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Ziva's POV

When I left I almost walked into Tony,

"Woah my ninja" he grabbed my arm

I turned around and looked into his beautiful lush filled eyes.

"I couldn't do it Tony" I started to ramble on
He held my face up, leaned down and slowly kissed my lips.

"What were you saying my love?" he whispered in my ear

We sat down in the chairs and I turned to him.

"She started with Salem, my mind wouldn't function after his name, it shut down. I hate him I hate him so much." I explained to Tony
He took my hands,

"I know you do, I hate him so much too, he hurt you. I'm glad he's dead" he agreed

I just happened to look over Tonys shoulder and I saw Angie, I put my head down and let my hair cover my face more. I still don't feel comfortable here, or around anyone other than my family. I hate myself for not being able to trust others easily.

"I gotta go to the restroom" I mumbled softly to myself

I stand up, and began to walk off, I got only about 3 feet in before I felt a pull on my arm again. In less than one moment Tony was kissing me again,

"I wouldn't do this if I were you" he told me.

I half fake smiled and put my arms around his neck.

A few moments later a voice cut in my head.

Angie stood there next to us, she smiled at me and Tony.

"Hello again Miss. David" she greeted

I just fake smiled and shook my head,

"Who's this?" she asked me

She pointed at Tony

It's not like I hate Angie, I don't even know her, I'm scared to open up to her, I'm scared she's better than me and will judge me. When I had to answer her question I lost my voice I couldn't say anything. I became a scared shy kid, in a classroom full of older kids. Tony saw my discomfort and looked at Angie.

"I'm Tony DiNozzo, her partner" he introduced himself

"Nice to meet you, I'm Angie" she replied

She whispered something in his ear and he nodded. He went with Angie around the corner,

Tonys POV.

Angie asked if she could have a moment with me, I told her sure.

"Ziva is very insecure around me, I can see that. I saw you guys just now, you two are special, she opens up to you a lot. Could you possibly ask her some questions about how she feels or, could you come in on her next session? I know you two are much more than just partners" Angie states

I just shook my head a yes, I would do anything to help my Zi.

When me and Ziva got back to my apartment, we relaxed for awhile and settled down. Ziva was right next to me, I put my arms around her back as she laid on my chest, we watch some random movie on the tv I've never seen it and I didn't bother to look. I start stroking Ziva's hair softly,

"Gibbs gave me two weeks off to be with you" I told her

"Oh yay" she cheered, and then she turned her head to look at me and she smiled towards me.

I smiled back, she looked at the celling, this was a perfect time to be a little evil. I made my knee drop, witch made her feel like she was going to fall. She then turned back to me and glared at me.

"What" I gave her big puppy dog eyes

"You know what." she jokingly acted annoyed.

We started making wired faces at each other, she stared laughing and then so did I. I was so happy she laughed, she needed me and I wasn't there, now I am and I will do anything for her.

She then suck her tongue out at me,

"You gonna lose that tongue very soon Zi-vah" I began

She then came closer to my ear,

"Try me" she whispered

She went to take off running but I grabbed her upper arm and spun Her around. She landed in my arms and I kissed her very romantically.

After we broke for air, she went for another kiss.

I picked her up and we kissed again as I carried her back to the couch and we laid back down still kissing.

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