Chapter 11

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Tonys POV

  *about a hour and half later*

After I saw Ziva's cuts, I didn't know what to do, I felt like a failure, I can't stop her from feeling like this, I should be able to help, but I cant! Somehow I ended up at Gibbs, I walked up to his front door, I almost knocked but then I remembered the guy doesn't lock anything, I smiled a little thinking of that.

He is either in the basement or at ncis. I let myself In and I walked down the stairs to the basement, Gibbs turned to face me right away,

   "Yes DiNozzo?" he asked me

    "It's, it's Ziva," I began "She cut again this morning, and she hasn't been eating for almost a week now. I feel like I can't save her!"

I was sitting on the bottom step of his stairs,

    "What do I do Gibbs?" I beg him For advise

    "Let her know that you are there for her, make sure she knows you care, and you love her DiNozzo." Gibbs told me

I jumped at the last part, he said love!?

    "Love!, boss? You know?" I ask

    "Yes I've know for awhile now, and if you two can keep your personal life out of work, you can be with her," he reviled "but you hurt her, I will personally bury you 6 feet down, got it!?"

    "Yes boss," I replied

I was so happy, all of a sudden I felt like I knew the answer to this, I need to be with her, I need to keep my Zi safe.

    "I felt like you would be here," I hear

I look up behind me, and like some beautiful angel she was behind me.

   "I'm sorry, don't, don't hate me Tony" Ziva begins to cry,

I hugged my love.

    "Oh Zi, shh, it's okay, I'm here it will be okay, I'm sorry I left you, I'm here and I'm going to make things better" I whispered to her

She laid her head on my chest, it's so strange I've held so many girls, but I'm scared I'm going to harm Zi if I barley touch her, I don't ever want to hurt her.

    I barley see Gibbs in the corner of my eye, he was smiling at me, this was to tell me that we are going to make it.

   Ziva then looked up and looked over at Gibbs,

     "Hello Gibbs" her voice cracked

     "Hey Ziver how are you doing" he replied

Zi shrugged and looked down at the floor, I could see she was starring at a spot in the floor, I was confused.

   "Come on Ziver lets talk" Gibbs took her hand upstairs,

I sat down at Gibbs bar stool,

   Gibbs POV.

I lead my "daughter" upstairs and we sat on the couch. I held her hand and rubbed her hand carefully.

   "Ziva what happened today" I ask her

She takes a very long sigh

    "I-I cut, I'm sorry Gibbs" she said

     "Why?" I questioned

Another sigh, she took a longer time to start talking this time,

    "I, haven't been eating and Tony found out, I felt useless, judged, I just felt like I needed release." she explained

I felt horrible,

    "May I?" I ask and look at her wrists

She slowly nods and I lift up her sleeve,
Her blood was still lined on the shirt and her skin, there was about 25 lines down her arm bleeding, DiNozzo I think had only told me ten,

     "Did you cut after DiNozzo left you." I ask her

She nods her head yes one time, I saw tears running down her face I stood up and got her Tissues, I gave her them and then I got two old rags from under the sink in my kitchen, I got peroxide and water on the two rags and sat back down with her. I took the water rag and washed off the blood stains from her arm, then I took the peroxide rag to her arm so the cuts don't get infected, when I was washing her arm Tony came upstairs and sat next to her. I finished washing her arm off, then I walked into the kitchen again.

    I got a box of rice mix that had meat and rice, and started cooking, I heard Ziva and Tony whispering,

I knew Ziva could smell the food I was cooking about now

    "NO!" She shouted "Tony, Gibbs, I'm not eating"

   "Yes you are" I replied back to her

    "No please," he was begging me and Tony

I was just to start my persuasion skills when DiNozzo pulled her into the living room.
I could still here them from in here,

    "Your eating-" Tony began

    "No I'm not" Ziva protested

    "You are because I don't want that grass thin model, I what you, and you Zi are sexy, beautiful, and perfect." Tony told her

Wow he did perfectly,

  The rice just finished cooking so I filled up the bowls and turned off the stove, I grabbed spoons and noticed it got really quite quickly.

    "You two better not be making out on my couch" I jokingly forewarned them

   I walked in and they were sitting on the couch blushing. I just rolled my eyes and sat the food down. Tony and I dug into the food, we also watched Ziva, she moved the food around and pretended to eat.

   "Can I have a bottle of water?" she asked me "I can get it if you want"

I nodded

     "I'll get it" I answered

I got her a clear glass, she used that so she could hide the rice in there.

     "Here you go" I gave her the glass

She looked disappointed at the glass.

    Tony leaned in and whisperer something to Ziva.

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