Chapter 9

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Ziva's POV.

*two hours later

"What do we want to do today?" Tony randomly asks as we are eating a nice lunch at some restraint.

I rolled my eyes he's being way too nice to a broken girl like me, who would even want to be around me. I shrugged at his question. We ordered about five minutes ago and our food is being delivered now.

"This looks good doesn't it Zi?" he asks something else

"Yes it does" I say and give him a smile

I stared at the food in front if me, I though about Salems words, "You are a worthless, fat, stupid, piece of crap!" He's right..... what if Tony starts to hate me for my weight. I know people do, I'm not as thin as like most girls, I should be. When I first got back to America from Somalia, I ate more I was hungry, I shouldn't have.

"I got to go to the restroom" Tony announces

I give him a smile and waited till he was out of sight. Then I quickly threw half of it in the trash, I can't through it all away or he will notice. Tony came back in about two minutes.

He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek,

'I'm doing this for you tony' I though to myself

We made some small talk, as we did I cut up my left food and spread it around acted like I ate. I just drank a lot of water, that's it.

After lunch Tony and I walked around the streets, I was beginning to feel sad again. He saw into me, he reached over and took my hand.

"I will always be right here for you" he told me

I nodded and he pulled me along the streets, about a hour later it was four in the evening wow time flys when were together. We finished up the day by him dragging me in to this park and we walked around for awhile there.

"Zi, you know I love you right?" he questions.

"Yes I know Tony" I answered

"Okay" he replies

*back at home*

(9 pm)

"Zi what u want for dinner" he asks me

"Um, I'm good, I'm full from lunch" I lied to him

I added a fake smile.

"Okay hun"

We watched some tv and then went to bed,
I don't know if it was the lack of food or what but I started having nightmares.

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