Chapter 20

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*three days later*

Zivas pov

My eyes flutter open and I look around the room. Where am I? The last thing I remember is Saleem killing Tony. Why am I alive! I stood up and walked down the hall a little, I wanted to know if Tony was okay or not.

"Ziva? Ziva. are you okay?" I heard behind me

I turned around and faced Gibbs

"I'm okay, wheres tony?!" I asked right away

Gibbs sighed and took my hand,

"He's in a coma Ziva" he told me

Then I left Gibbs to find his room, I couldn't find it and I felt like crying. I just wanted to see my Tony. Gibbs found me again and brought me to his room. When I saw tony I felt like the worst person ever. If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't be here right now. He would be okay and alive. I just wanted to be a good, strong person for him but I couldn't do this. Gibbs had left me alone to be with Tony, I walked over to his bed side.

"I love you, my fiance." I said

Then I walked to the bathroom and found the last blade I had at my house, witch I put in my phone case a week ago, it was still there at least.

This time I wanted to not wake up, this time I wanted and was going to die. I ran ten cuts long cuts up my arm, each time pushing deeper. Then my eye caught the ring, and I just stopped, Tony would be mad if I died, even if he didn't make it he would be crushed if I died. I looked back to the razor I was holding and I knew what I had to do. I threw the razor in the toilet and flushed.

I felt scared about having to give this up, but I also felt a relief off my shoulders.I knew there would be no more hiding this secret. I knew also I would have to live with the scars, and the stairs from others. I wiped the tears from my eyes, and walked back to MY Tony.

*five months later*

"Ziva, you ready?'' a voice asked me down the hall

"yes Gibbs I think." I replied

Today was the start of my new life, Today was the day I was going to get married to my soul mate, Tony Dinozzo. Nothing was going to ruin today. The only thing I wish is my family could be here, even Ari. Gibbs walked in and smiled,

"you look beautiful, Mrs. Dinozzo" he told me

I blushed like a school girl and he kissed my cheek.

"thank you Gibbs, for everything." I smiled

Then Gibbs took my and we started down the aisle.

*Tony's pov*

The whole day I was running around feeling like I was going to lose my mind, and I felt like I was going to throw up to be honest. I was going to marry the beautiful woman who asked me all those years ago if I was having phone sex. She helped me get over the death of my old partner, who was like my sister, but I had a small crush on her. So I guess like a sisters friend. We helped each other through Jenny, Mike, and her dad. I couldn't believe I was going to marry her, today.

When the wedding was about to start, I stood up there, feeling like I was going to faint. I looked over to McGee, and he smiled at me trying to reassure me. I smiled back and took a deep breath.

I lost that breath when I saw my magnificent wife, she was perfect, and looked so beautiful in the dress she chose.

Once she reached the end of the aisle. I was just holding my breath.

When the Priest was saying everything I was just staring into my Ziva's eyes.


"Do you take Ziva David as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" he asked

"I do" I replied

"and Do you take Tony DiNozzo as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" he asked again

"I do" she said

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride." the priest finished

Then me and Ziva kissed the first time as a married couple.

"I love you" I whispered in her ear after we parted

''I love you too" she replied back.

Today was just the end of the beginning, and now we have the whole story to go.



The End


So I know some of you will say "Ziva wouldn't get married like this shes Jewish."

I'M SORRY I COULD BARLEY WRITE THIS....... I've never been to wedding this was from books and research...

I hope you enjoyed this fanfic :)

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