Chapter 14

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*three days later*

Ziva POV

Things have been getting better, I have been doing a lot better with cutting and yesterday Angie told me that we were only going to need to meet once a week now. I still haven't been eating a lot though.

The only thing is I'm going crazy being stuck at Tonys house... Gibbs isn't letting me out of Tony's sight, not that I'm complaining about that part. It's just I have to keep busy, and watching movies isn't keeping me busy. I want to go back to work.

"Tony, when can I go back to work?" I wine to him

"Gibbs said in two weeks love" he answered

I stay there crushed for a minute that long is Gibbs trying to make me go insane.

"Ugh! I'm going crazy not working" I pout

Tonys POV.

I smirks from how shes pouting.

"Well... We could do something" I suggest
She raises her eyebrow and smiles

"What do you have in mind" she replies with a grin

I became a little nervous...

"Well, What do you have in mind" I ask her
She looks me up and down, and shrugs.

"Hmm, I don't know" she tells me

She bit her lip as she said that. I walked over and sat on the couch next to her.

"Well you never answered if you had an idea" she shot

"Well I might have a idea" I told her

"Tell me, or show me your choice" she smirked

At that point I couldn't take her teasing anymore. I leaned over and dragged my thumb over her lips, my hands ran down her back.
Our tongues met in the fiery kiss.

The heat between our lips made a moan escape her lips.

I gently caressed her neck, not wanting to pull away.

I places my hands on her waist, deepening the kiss.

I breathed heavily as our tongues grazed each other.

I felt the hot friction between us become unbearable.

    As she pulled off my shirt, I picked her up and carried her to the bedroom.

     I'm not a guy to tell about that stuff but Let's just it was the best day off I've had In a long time.

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