Chapter 7

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Ziva's POV

*the next morning*

It was around 6 am, my body woke up naturally at this time. I went to get up, but Tonys arms were wrapped around me,

"Lay" he mumbled

"I'm not tired" I wine

"Lay down" he whispered again

I put my head down and fell asleep again.

Tony woke me up at 9 am.

At that point I could stay in bed all day. Something I hadn't done in a thousand years.

"Wakey Wakey" Tony whispered in my ears

"Go to hell Tony!" I mumbled and turned over to face my head away from him.

Tonys POV.

When she turned over, her arms lay up and I could see the cuts up her arm, I could really see them. I wanted to kiss them all away, I saw the blood stains from the night before, I leaned over across the bed. I put my hand around her wrist and rubbed my thumb across her cuts really gently, I felt each line. I got a tight knot in my neck, what went through my loves head when she did this to herself, what makes her tick. Wait, did I ever push her to do this!?

When ever I joked around with her did I make her feel like shit?! My hands were shaking, I was so scared, I didn't ever want to hurt my Zi. I leaned down even more and kissed them, my lips barley touching the cuts.

"Tony, stop they're ugly!" she tiredly mumbled as she sat up

"They are not ugly, you every part of you is beautiful." I tell her

She rolled her eyes, and looked at me.

"I'm going to the bathroom" she stated

I grabbed her arm and stopped her.

"Hold up. I'm coming with you" I said

She sighed, knowing there's no way to talk me out of it.

"I'm doing this because I love you" I replied

"I will not cut Tony" she promised me

I let her go ahead but I had her give me her phone, I will not let my Zi do this anymore.

She took a shower quickly also. We then had to go to her therapy, I knew this was going to be very hard for Ziva to open up to this complete stranger. I was getting scared for her therapist. We were in the car making some small talk, we were close to the hospital where her session was. I pulled in and parked, she looked away from the building.

    "I won't do it anymore, I don't want to do this." She mumbled under her breath.

    "You can do this Zi" I told her.

She took a deep breath, and she left.

       Zivas POV.

When I got in there I checked in at the front door and walked to the room.

     "Hello Miss. David" this lady told me


I took a seat in front of her,

     "I'm Angie, I'm going to ask you some questions" Angie told me

When I heard this it felt like a interrogation, but I was on the other end of the table.

    "At the beginning of this year, you were saved from a terrorist camp in Somalia, by a guy named Salem. Care to elaborate?" she began

As soon as my mind heard Salems name it took of, on a horrible and torture of thoughts. I relived those months in less than 30 seconds. My heart raced and my stomach clenched. I felt my blood course though my body,

    "Um." I clenched my arm "I don't want to talk about that"

I felt like Angie knew what went through my head, she nodded. I then became very insecure there, it felt like she knew me, and she didn't.

"Just leave" my mind screamed "your not good enough"

I sat up straight, and sucked in my stomach.

The next half hour went the same way me avoiding the questions. Then Angie finally told me I could leave, I left as fast as I could, I couldn't wait to get out of there.

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