Chapter 18

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zivas pov

i started to open my eyes and everything was really blurry, i didn't recognize anything around me. My heart started to race, my life was just beginning to become normal again. i wanted to with Tony! where is he? where am i?

"okay i just need to calm down and retrace my steps" i told myself

Okay case was first, me and McGee drive back to the navy base. We were stopped by someone on the road, so I went to check it out. It was......

That's when I stopped remembering...

I got up and walked to the steel door, i had to help myself out of here. I tried to get it open but it was locked. there has to be someway out! i cant just sit here and wait to die!!

i noticed something in the corner or the room. it was a small brown box,

i slowly walked towards the box and opened it knowing and thinking the worse. bomb.

happily it was not a bomb it was a bunch of chains and a couple knifes. I knew that that could not be good either but now i have some protection.

"oh Ms. David, I'm sorry that this has come to this, i wish we could have settled this back in Somalia, but your pretty little boyfriend got in the way and got my twin brother killed." i herd from behind me.

as i turned around to face my capture i already remembered the rest of what happened today, or at least. i think today.

"you... you ruined my life!" i shouted.

"and now I'm just going to ruin it more and more" he smirked

he went around to another room, i felt like crying so much, but no i wouldn't give that bastered what he wanted. i wouldn't give him that satisfaction.

"Ziva what would you like right now?" he asked from a hallway.

"for you to let me go" i demanded

"oh so you wouldn't want to see your precious little boyfriend for the last time?"

i choked. my Tony....

"let him go. kill me i don't care." i pleaded

he pulled someone from the hall. and like i knew it was tony.

"oh but ziva i cant do that, see i want you to suffer. day in and day out, for the rest of your life." he laughed "ill give you sometime to say goodbye"

Saleem walked out and slammed the door.

"tony you need to leave. please i want you to live, you are worth it. im not worth a damn! i will stop him you leave!" i was crying so much

i wanted tony to find someone he loved that wasn't so much work, to get married, have a beautiful wedding, have a beautiful family, kids and a dog in the large back yard, and i want him to forget about the high maintenance pathetic girl who he worked with at ncis....

"ziva, was going to ask you something tonight, but then all of this happened."

he pulled out a little box from his coat.

"ziva David, you are so beautiful, i want you to know that i loved you since the first day i saw you, the day you asked if i was having phone sex." he laughed through his tears "i don't care what you think you are, you think the woman in the mirror you see is someone you should hate, but no matter what you think about yourself. i love you and my life mission, is to prove this to you." he opened the box "ziva David will you marry me?" he popped the question

"yes. yes i will!" i now was crying scared, sad, and happy tears all at the same time

Tony put the ring on my finger and we kissed.

"Times up David!" Saleem shouted

he walked in to the room with a knife.

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