Chapter 19

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ziva pov

Saleem grabbed tony and pushed him to the side of the wall, he then grabbed me and handcuffed me to the back of the other wall.

"Now my darling, I will take the only thing you love away from you." he laughed at me

I pulled at the chains to get out of them but it was no use I knew this was goodbye forever, I looked up at Tony as Saleem held the knife to his throat. I mouthed the words "I love you" on last time. I saw blood run down his neck and i just felt like dying. Then I saw the box where the knives were that I saw earlier and they were in reaching distance. I grabbed one from the box, I was going to kill Saleem, but when I looked up, tony was on the ground. Saleem had won, so I knew I just should die also. I pushed the knife to my wrists really hard and dragged them, I already felt dizzy after just a few seconds.

The last thing I remember was a gun shot and yelling, I didn't know who it was by then I blacked out.

Gibbs pov.

McGee tracked down Tonys cell and the last place the gps recorded was a car garage, then the phone stopped recording transmission. We quickly headed there hopping to find the rest of my team.

Once we reached the place I knew this was the place, I just felt it. McGee and I headed in and saw Saleem.

We both fired at him and shot him, we continued on in the building and found Tony and Ziva.

"Call a ambulance now McGee!" I yelled

I went to Tony first and checked if he was alive. Amazingly he still had a heart beat, I ran my hand threw my hair. Then went to check on Ziva. She was breathing but had her wrists cut, and looked like self doing.

"What did you two do" I sighed to myself

I looked down at Ziva and saw a ring on her finger, I smiled even though this was happening

"Nice going tony," I said out loud

~later at hospital~

The constant heart monitors beeping were driving me crazy, so I went out to get me and McGee coffee. The doctors said that they should both recover, Ziva would recover sooner. Still it drove me mad just sitting there. I don't know how I let my kids get so hurt.

(AN... i know its short but hey i got a update out sooo be happy plzzz thxx)

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