The Plan Part Four

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Lee quickly became Winston's eyes and ears around the town. His last blood feast had now forced him into hiding as the company now had his picture, well his vampire face anyway. He was pleased that his vampire form covered his tattoos and he scolded himself for being so wreckless but then he laughed because really he did not care and he was bloody hungry at the time.

It was always a pleasure to hunt on Halloween and once again his actions had made the papers, TV and even social media which was a first for him. Lee had shown him how to use twitter, snapchat and he felt quite the celebrity as he read the comments and the following Halloween people had even dressed up as him.

Winston listened intensely, feeding from Lee's inner elbow as he talked.

Rachael now eight years old was still quite popular and her elder brother Jason kept her right under his wing. His passion was restoring motorbikes and he spent the majority of his time in his friends work shop. Jason though from what Lee had seen was a bit of a wimp. He was currently being goaded by another wolf that he could not stand up to. The reason this wolf had targeted him was because they were both trying to attract the attention of a certain female.

Jennifer Pratcher.

For Jason it was love at first sight as he watched her play volleyball, he thought she was beautiful and although she was older than him, and a little more experienced in the dating game, he wanted her and he wanted to be with her forever.

His friends constantly teased him but he did not care.

"Look at you," Duke laughed, "all puppy dog eyes with an inability to concentrate. Just ask her out will you."

So Jason did and was left deflated when she said no.

Winston laughed as Lee told him just like the other wolf did when he heard of Jason's humiliating rejection. However Jason was persistent and continued to try and woo her. He was ecstatic when she finally said yes.

Jenny, as she liked to be called, only said yes so he would leave her alone but to her surprise she found that she really enjoyed his company. He was so nervous when they were first seated at the restaurant he knocked over his glass of water and then hers as he tried to clean it up but as he relaxed she found him easy to talk to, entertaining, very funny and a gentleman. At the end of the date he did not even try to kiss her, he simply asked to see her again.

To his absolute joy she agreed and she also agreed to a third, fourth, fifth date and on the sixth he mustered up the courage to kiss her. Jenny was now falling for him he was completely different from the other vile wolf that was also seeking her attention.

Dennis Stoddard.

Dennis was a functioning alcoholic that liked to bully those weaker than him and with his entourage standing behind him he would fight with his fists and Jason had become his current target as he wanted to show Jenny he was the strongest wolf. Dennis and his brainless followers had begun to hound Jason and humiliate him whenever they got the chance. Jason could not understand why, he'd never had cross words with Dennis or any of his friends; however Jason did not know that Dennis wanted Jenny too. For the past two months they had been following him, making jokes about him, tripping him up or knocking him to the floor.

When Jason asked Dennis, 'Why, he was doing it?' He would scoff at him stating that he already knew why.

Yesterday they had even taunted Jason at the workshop while he worked on his bike when he ignored them they had smashed the headlights in.

Winston's head snapped up, "what did you just say?"

"Jason reacted, his eyes turned yellow and he snarled at them. He must really like that bike."

Becoming Wolf - Sequel to 'Staying Human'Where stories live. Discover now