Special 100 followers chapter

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Aphmau's pov

When I awoke in the morning I saw a big white blanket of snow covering Phoenix Drop. I started to get excited and I opened my drawer. Then, I heard my door slam open and I saw Garroth's smiling face. "Garroth it snowed!" I yelled and he smirked devilishly. "G-Garroth? Ahh!! Garroth put me down!" I yelled as he threw me over his shoulder. I heard him laugh and I punched his back repeatedly.

"Stop Garroth! Haha" He walked do the stars with me still over his shoulder and I yelled concerned. "Garroth no its cold!" He brought me outside and I laughed. I clung to his shirt as he pulled me away from him. "Nooooo!" He threw me into the snow and I froze. "You jerk! Haha" I stood up covered in snow and Garroth was laughing. "Haha you, you!" He couldn't talk and I picked up a ball of snow.

"Hey Garroth!" I yelled out to him and he looked up. "Bam!" The snowball hit him straight in the face and I started laughing at his shocked face. "Ahh its cold!" I started laughing so hard until Garroth tackled me. We rolled down the hill laughing and snow fell into my mouth. We reached the bottom of the hill and I blushed. Garroth was on top of me and he blushed too.

I grabbed snow and slammed it into his face and jumped out from under him. "Oh no you didn't!" He attacked me and started tickling me. "Ahhh! Can't. Breath!" I was laughing so hard and he sealed my lips with his. I relaxed but couldn't help but laugh and he started laughing. "Its so cold." I smiled and started to shiver. Sorry Aphmau, I didn't mean to make you get cold."

I laughed and hugged him tight. "No, its okay. I had fun." I kissed him and I felt myself be pummeled with snow. "Ewwww, kissy kissy." I heard Levin's sweet voice and I looked back. "Levin!" I yelled and he giggled. I saw Malachi with both fists full of snow and he started to throw it at us. "Nooo stop!" Garroth and I ran away from the flying snowballs.

After about an hour of a snowball war, we went inside for hot chocolate. I set Levin in a chair and made the hot chocolate. I set the cups in front of everybody and they took a sip. I smiled at Levin kicking his feet under the table and Malachi giggling at the warm drink. I looked at Garroth who was sitting in silence and I asked "everything all right Garroth?" He jumped and something fell out of his hand.

"Hm?" His face froze as I picked up a small black box. "What's this?" I looked at it and Garroth swiped it out of my hands. "Garroth!?" "D-Don't look at it!" He shoved it back into his pocket and he seemed flustered. "Garroth what was that?" He looked very embarrassed and he said "I-It was just a little box!" He yelled suddenly and he stood up quickly.

He ran out of the house and Levin laughed and said "hehe Daddy wants to mawwy mommy!" My eyes widened and my cheeks flushed red. "N-No he doesn't!" I ran out of the house and chased after Garroth. When I saw him he was kicking a ball of snow and for some reason I hid. I heard him talking to himself. "Oh my Irene......that was so close." I was confused and I stepped out.

He didn't seem to notice me and he said "Its not like I don't want to marry Aphmau. I love her." My heart started to beat faster and I yelled out "What!?" Garroth spun around and froze. "How long were you standing there!?" I froze and said "I-I-I-I for a long time." Garroth hit his hand into his face and groaned. "How much did you hear?" He asked and I said "All......of.....it?"

I was expecting him to get upset and run away but he just smiled. "Aphmau." I looked up at him and I couldn't breath. Garroth. On. Knee. "What!?" I yelled out surprised at Garroth kneeling down. "What. Garroth. You. Wha?!" He smiled flustered and said "Aphmau, I know it hasn't been very long since we started dating but...........I want to spend the rest of my life with you so, will you marry me?"

Garroth's pov

I asked her, I actually asked her. I feared the worst of Aphmau saying no but I saw tears in her eyes and she started crying but she was smiling. She threw her arms over my neck and kissed me. I took that as a yes and I stood up. "I love you Aphmau." She smiled and laid her head down on my chest. "I love you too" she whispered and I kissed the top of her head.

I grabbed the ring out of the small black box and she held out her left hand. I slid the ring on her ring finger and she started crying again. I hugged Aphmau tight and brought her to the plaza. "Do you want to tell people?" I asked and she nodded. She walked up to Laurence hiding her hand and said "Hey Laurence? Can you gather everyone in the village?"

He gave a small nod and left. I wrapped my arms around Aphmau and hugged her tight. "What are we going to do about Zenix though?" I stopped at her words and I remembered that I still had the carrier stone in my pocket. "Ohhhh I forgot about this..." I pulled out the stone and Aphmau let out a small laugh. I nonchalantly put the stone back in my pocket and acted like nothing happened.

Aphmau started laughing and said "Don't worry about all that. Let's just focus on us." I smiled and nodded. Then, I saw Laurence and everybody gather around the plaza and I yelled out "Me and Aphmau have good news! We are getting married!" There was a loud gasp in the crowed but then everyone started cheering and whooping. I saw Laurence' face go pale but he still smiled sadly.

He walked up to Aphmau and she hugged him. He sighed and said "I guess I'm now stuck with Table~chan" Aphmau busted out laughing and she said "I am excited for your wedding." They both laughed and Laurence looked pained. "No seriously Aphmau. Congratulations." He smiled sadly and Aphmau hugged him. "You'll be fine!" She hit his shoulder and he smiled.

"Ahhhh! Kawaii~chan knew Aphmau~senpai was going to get married. But Kawaii~chan likes to ship Aphmau~senpai and Aaron~kun better." She pouted and Aphmau yelled "Don't you dare Kawaii~chan!" "Eeeeeek!" Kawaii~chan ran away and Aphmau chased after her. I laughed and I felt someone clap me on the shoulder. I turned and saw Dale.

He smirked and I smiled. "Sooooooooo, finally gettin married huh." I nodded and he let out a loud laugh. "I'm happy for you Garroth but, protect her with all your life kay?" I nodded and he smiled. Dale left and I was congratulated by everyone and I started to feel embarrassed at all the attention. It was soon nightfall and I walked Aphmau home. "Thank you Garroth."

I heard Aphmau whisper and I said "What for?" She smiled and looked up at me. Her eyes were glistening and she said "For everything. Now I am just happy I get to be you..........w-wife." I smiled and lightly pecked her lips. She smiled and we reached the house. "DADDY!" I heard two loud yells and I was attacked by two small children. And they clung to me.

"Ahh help." I looked at Aphmau and she giggled. "Come on inside." Aphmau invited me in and I brought Levin and Malachi upstairs and laid them on their beds. "Tell us a story!" Malachi yelled and I sat next to them. "Okay. Once upon a time there was two little boys. They loved to go on adventures-" I later finished the story and they fell asleep.

I went to leave when Levin hugged me and begged me not to leave. I promised I wouldn't and I laid on the bed with him. He fell asleep on my chest and I stroked his head. "I love you daddu." I let out a small laugh and he hugged me. I started to feel tired and I closed my eyes. I heard Aphmau laugh and I wanted to wake up but I was just to tired to open them. I ended up falling into a deep sleep and I felt comfortable.

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