The eyes

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"Cat , you don't have to scream about it, I understand if you don't want to come". I turn. There is no hand, no person, not even someone running.

"Did someone touch me?" I look at Shadow and Isla. Isla is Scot's sister she comes around with us and she is really nice.

"No Cat, no one was near you, are you feeling ok? If you are still scared someone is watching well everyone in the cafe is looking at you." I look around. True every eye was on me, and all listening in.

"What you all staring at!" I bark at the them "Shadow I'm sorry, yes I'll come to see Scot, I think it's the thought of being 18 tomorrow" and the eyes coming back tonight. They will be in the flats garden. I just wish for them to leave me or just do what it wants to do so I have peace and not feeling mad all the time.

"Great and yeah this is you birthday night out" she smiles "Now we must get going" she stands and smiles at me and Isla.

"Go and I'll see you there, beautiful" I jump at the voice "I have waited 18 years for you and now the time is coming" the image of the red eyes appear in my head "I hope you don't keep me waiting" the male voices disappears. I want to scream. This was a first, the eyes never talked and now they are.

"Are you ok Cat?" Shadow put her hand on my shoulder. Her touch makes me jump and I look into her eyes. Mine are full on fear and terror. "Cat?"

"GO" the voice shouts and I stand.

"I'm fi...fine" I stammer "Lets g.... go" I walk and I hear nothing from the eyes for the rest of the walk.

 Music is loud and all the people in here make it really stuffy. Everyone is dancing so close their bodies are practical touching. I'm still terrified. Why did I come? I could have said I had homework or I had to see someone. Was it curiosity or sheer stupidity?

"I need to go behind the bar" Shadow shouts in my ear "please have fun and let your self go" I watch as she turns and pushes through the crowd. Isla went home because she is to young to get in here so I'm all alone.

I can't relax because I know he or the thing, is in here watching me. Seeing what I will do. "I'm getting out of here" I tell myself aloud. It is short lived when a chill runs through me and I'm frozen to the spot.

"You are going no where, beautiful" I feel my skin jump and my eyes widen "Oh you are so beautiful,  and so perfect like the day I saw you" I gasp and feel something touch me, something cold and soft. I can't move "Why do you want to run baby, do you not like this" I feel the hand run across my shoulder and down my arm.

"Why do you want me?" I want to cry and run. I am stuck to the floor and no one can see what is happening.

"Oh baby, you were mine the minute you were born" I feel his breath on my neck and his hands on my waist  "relax and enjoy your self or it will be painful if you don't" I jump and hear him laugh "Oh don't you worry, I'm not going to hurt you, yet" I feel a squeeze on my waist. I can move my head and I look down. White hands. Smooth, soft and strong hands. "Give into me, baby, you know you want to, just let go."

I feel my body relax like it was melting. My eyes start to shut "No I ca... can't, must stay a wake" I try to keep me eyes open but the room was darkening.

The guy comes round. I can't see his face but his eye flash bright red and I know he was the one who had been in my garden. The eyes have black slits like cat eyes and there the last thing I see before I am  falling down, down, down.

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