Chapter 1

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It was a cool, grey, overcast day in the Shire, a day full of endless adventures and opportunities that were waiting to be discovered. The rabbits were nestled in their holes, sleeping and waiting until nightfall when they will emerge, ready and fresh for a night full of foraging. The birds were hopping about in the hollow of a tree, searching for something to feed their young. The spring flowers had bloomed and the forests and fields of the Shire were full of colour.

I was curled up in a crevasse of a large smooth-barked tree in the middle of the forest, where the branches grew from the trunk. I had been lying there for what seemed a long while and I was beginning to feel quite uncomfortable. I had been watching a squirrel dart about the tree, not exactly sure what it was that it was trying to achieve. Finally growing bored, I slowly stood up using the tree for support, I looked about the forest. Where was he? I thought, climbing slowly down the trunk of the tree, making sure that I wouldn’t fall. I was doing fine until my last step, where I stood on a piece of slippery moss and flew head over heels, half landing in a rabbit hole. My right leg had fallen in the hole and was now covered in mud and bruises. My hair had fallen over my face and I could barely see past my blonde curls that had collected a large amount of leaves and debris.

“Oh how brilliant.” I mumbled to myself, wrenching my leg out of the rabbit’s residence and rolling onto a tree root. I looked down at what was originally a short pale orange dress, was now brown, mud stained and torn. I cringed at the sight of it; mother would hate to see what I had done to my dress. I stood up and brushed myself off, guiltily trying to rub off a particularly dark stain, but resulting in an even more smudged mark. Letting go of the hem, I marched off into the direction of the stream, leaping over rotting logs and puddles every now and then.

Finally, I heard the slow rush of water and I slowly made my way to the edge of the stream. Silver fish could be seen darting in the icy depths of the water as I peered at my reflection.

“Oh dear Lily, you look as if you’ve been rolling in a mud puddle after being trampled by a horse!” I mumbled to myself in criticism. Busying myself with my hair, I completely forgot what I was doing there and who I was supposed to be looking for, I didn’t notice the snap of a twig behind me. When I was trying to flatten a particularly large piece of hair, I felt two hands grab me from behind and pushed me headfirst into the depths of the murky water. 

“AARGH!” I uttered a shrill scream as I landed with a large splash into the freezing stream. The water was so cold that my muscles contracted, making it hard for me to swim to the surface of the stream. I flung myself onto the slimy bank, gasping for breath. I looked up and saw my two attackers, frowning, they were laughing manically.

“That wasn’t funny.” I said grumpily, still clutching the edge of the muddy bank, half in the water.

“I think you’ll find it was,” said my brother Pippin, who was chuckling along with his best friend Merry. My fist closed around a lump of mud, I heaved it in the direction of the two, hitting Merry Square on in the eye. He spluttered and tried to wipe it from his vision, getting mud in his brown hair.

“There was no need for that,” said Merry, wiping his hands on Pippin’s shoulder.

“There was no need to push me into the river,” I replied as I scrambled helplessly onto the edge of the bank. “You didn’t find me, where were you anyway, you said only in this part of the forest. I didn’t think it would take you this long to find me.”

“Oh, um about that,” said Pippin slowly, “we sort of got a bit hungry and took a bit of a detour into Maggot’s farm.”

“You left me hiding in the tree for goodness knows how long, without telling me?!” I yelled angrily.

“Well, we did get some mushrooms and some-” started Merry, I threw another lump of mud at his face. I wrung out my dress trying to get out as much water as I could.

“Come on, let’s go, I’m not playing another stupid game of hide-and-seek.” I said pushing past Pippin, getting back onto the path.

“Hey Lily, we said we’d meet Frodo about now on Huckleberry hill, do you want to come since you’ve got nothing else to do with yourself?” asked Pippin, following me onto the path.

“Frodo? You know, I’ve never actually met him, I think it’s time to finally meet this boy you seem to endlessly talk about.” I replied turning and heading for the top of Huckleberry Hill.

The Love of Two Hobbits- A Frodo Baggins Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now