Chapter 9

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I lay in bed, I felt as if the sky had fallen on my head. I had been lying in bed for the past week, sick as I had ever been in my entire life. I think it had something to do with the night I had spent with Frodo. The whole time, my mother was bustling in and out of my room, giving me this and taking that, making sure I had enough pillows or food, I barely had a second to myself. It didn’t help that Merry and Pippin, kept poking their heads around the door and sniggering.

The day before, after I had a bath, I walked back into my room and got back into bed. I felt my feet touch something cold, wet and slimy, it turns out that they had put some pickled onions in my bed, they thought it was the funniest thing until they got caught by Mother. They had been endlessly pulling pranks, ever since I had caught the cold and it was driving me insane. All I wanted to do was sit on my own with my books and think about Frodo. I really wanted to go and visit him as soon as I could, but I knew I had to wait until I had entirely recovered, because I didn’t think he would really like it if I passed him a cold. I had been doing a lot of thinking and realized that I had probably overreacted that night; I was quite tired that night and anything could have set me off. I was planning on visiting Frodo as soon as I could and apologise for ruining what was otherwise an excellent night.

I spent another whole week, recovering from the dreaded cold, but that gave me plenty of time to plan what I was going to say. On the Saturday morning, I woke to find my nose was clear and I could breathe properly again. I felt refreshed and ready for anything, even though I had lost quite a bit of weight, my reflection looked peaky and slightly gaunt, but otherwise I looked peachy and healthy. I quickly dressed out of my night dress and put on a white shirt with blue overalls. I tied my blonde curls back in a navy ribbon that matched my trousers and slipped out the door. I skipped out onto the path, breathing in the cool and refreshing air as I wandered into the direction of Bag End.

Mrs Brandybuck, Merry’s mother was out the front of her house, tending to her garden, she waved happily, and I waved back. Mrs Brandybuck was a good friend of my mother’s and was very fond of me, she considered me as her second child as I was polite and friendly, completely opposite to her own son, who was guaranteed to cause trouble wherever he was.

“Feeling better dear?” she called after me, “how are you today?”

“Fine thanks,” I replied, cheerily, “Merry’s wandered off with Pippin again, but I’m not sure where they have gone, though.”

“Let’s hope they don’t get into any trouble, before eight o’clock,” she laughed, “Have a good day, dear.”

“You too,” I answered, continuing along my path, appreciating the warm sun and the scent of pollen in the spring air. I was eager to get to Frodo’s house as soon as I could, he didn’t know I had been sick and deserved a proper explanation.

Suddenly I felt two hands grab me from behind, I yelped as they pulled me back, to realize exactly who my attackers were.

“Where are you off to on this fine morning?” asked Pippin, releasing me from his grasp.

“You wouldn’t be heading in the direction of Bag End would you my dear?” asked Merry, ruffling my hair, I pushed him away.

The Love of Two Hobbits- A Frodo Baggins Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now