Chapter 8

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“Can’t BELIEVE you!” I cried, hitting Pippin in every part of his body that was exposed, “you did it AGAIN!” Pippin laughed.

“I had you though!” he exclaimed, glancing at Frodo who was frowning with a slightly amused smile upon his face. I leant back in my chair, just as another head popped up from under the next table.

“You’re here as well?” I said exasperatedly to Merry who had his arms full of sweets, he smiled.

“It wasn’t my idea,” he said, “Pippin suggested it.”

“So, you made the whole thing up?” I asked, blushing, “I feel so embarrassed! Sorry Frodo, I didn’t mean to—”

“It’s alright,” Frodo replied, smiling, “I should have known this had something to do with them.”

“It was a pretty good one though,” laughed Pippin, “the old lady act, classic!”

 “Maybe it’s time for you to go,” I said firmly, “you’ll find the food table in that direction.” I pointed towards the crowd of hobbits across the room. Pippin nodded, he understood how much trouble he could get into from mother if he caused any more.

“Come on Merry, I can see when we’re not wanted,” said Pippin jumping of his chair and heading for the dance floor, searching for some entertainment nearby. Merry scrambled up from under the table and followed him across the room. I giggled and shook my head, Frodo smiled, sipping his punch.

“Lily, w-would you care for a dance?” asked Frodo softly, as I stared wishfully into his big blue eyes, hypnotised by their power.

“Of course I would,” I replied happily, standing up, leaving my empty glass on the table, “outside maybe, it’ll be quieter.” He agreed led me by my shoulder out into the court yard, it was definitely quieter and more peaceful out there than inside. I breathed in the cool night air which felt sharp against my skin and I tighten my shawl around my arms. More music was being played by a small band at the edge of the garden; several other couples were dancing about to the lively tunes. The garden that surrounded the court yard was beautiful, flowers were visible from every direction, neat little hedges that were neatly clipped ran around the paths and colourful fairy lights were draped over the trees, lighting them up in the darkness of night. Frodo grasped my hand, his hand was so soft against mine, and he led me over to where the band was playing. He smiled, held both my hands and began to dance to a spirited and lively tune. I joined in, I did not realize that Frodo was such an excellent dancer; he threw me about, bouncing and bopping, with the biggest grin spread across his face. I laughed as we pranced about, having the time of our lives, oblivious to anyone else in the world, it was just me and him.

We spent quite a while, flouncing about and skipping, enjoying each other’s company, not knowing or caring about what anyone else was thinking. Eventually, Frodo led me off, deeper into the garden to a small lonely white bench, decorated with the wild flowers of the Shire. We sat down, both smiling as we thought about the great time we had just had.

“Frodo that was brilliant!” I laughed, looking at his eyes that were twinkling into the moonlight, “I didn’t know you could dance!” Frodo smiled.

The Love of Two Hobbits- A Frodo Baggins Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now