Chapter 2

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The bright green hill was perfectly set with punnets of pink flowers scattered over the surface. I enjoyed the sight of the nature that surrounded my brother, his friend and myself as we made our way to the top of the hill. I actually felt quite anxious about my meeting with Frodo, his family was quite famous throughout the Shire and yet Merry and Pippin treated him as one of them. He was probably just another troublemaker like themselves, another idiot wasting his time on pointless jokes and pranks. Though it would be nice to make another friend, the only real friends I ever had were Merry and Pippin; maybe it was time for another one.

When we finally reached the top, a dark brown mop of curly brown hair caught my eye; it was really nice shade of brown…

“Hey Frodo!” called Merry walking over to the boy who sat with his back towards us. The boy suddenly turned at the sound of his name, my stomach dropped. The boy had the most beautiful blue eyes and smooth pale skin; his curls fell past his ears which blew in the breeze. Frodo’s eyes immediately fell to me, his eyes rounded as he studied me, then he must of realized what he was doing and suddenly dropped his gaze to the ground. Suddenly I felt extremely conscientious of the state of my dress and hair; I began tugging slightly on my sleeves.

“Merry!  Pippin! I’ve been waiting for you, where have you been?” smiled Frodo. Oh doesn’t he have the cutest smile? I thought to myself. His eyes flickered back to me; I felt my cheeks growing suddenly hot as my stomach did a backflip.

“Oh, we had to er- take a detour,” answered Pippin, smirking at me, I shot him a deadly glance. Frodo looked back at me and he caught my eye, we held each-others gaze for a few seconds, my heart was racing. Finally Frodo looked back at Pippin.

“So Pip, who’s your friend?” asked Frodo with a slight stammer as he stood up brushing himself off, glancing back at me giving me the biggest smile that I had ever seen. I returned it with a fluttering stomach.

“This is my sister, Lily. Lily, this is Frodo Baggins,” replied Pippin. I stepped towards Frodo, wiping my hand on my dress to make sure it was clean and reaching out to shake his hand. He took it, but his hand lingered, a tingling sensation shot up my arm, finally he slowly let go.

“Lovely to meet you Lily,” said Frodo quietly with a beautiful grin upon his face, his eyes staring straight into mine, I smiled back.

“I’m glad to meet you as well Mr Baggins,” I replied shyly.

“So, what have you been up to this morning, Frodo?” asked Merry, interrupting the short but intimate moment between Frodo and I. Frodo looked away from me and answered Merry.

“I’ve not really been up to much as usual, I’ve just been spending time alone, reading in the forest again,” he replied, “I suppose you have been getting up to mischief, raiding the farm and whatnot.”

He’s so much more mature than Merry and Pippin; he spends his time reading and enjoying nature rather than getting into trouble like those two. I wonder if he likes poetry, maybe we could spend some time reading together. I thought to myself.

“You know us too well Frodo,” laughed Pippin, throwing his arms over him and giving him a friendly hug. “It’s great to see you again!”

The Love of Two Hobbits- A Frodo Baggins Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now