Chapter 3

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We spent the rest of the morning, sitting on the top of Huckleberry Hill, enjoying each-other’s company. Frodo sat next to me the whole time, I didn’t pay much attention to the actual conversations we were having, I was too distracted with Frodo’s company than to notice anything else. I had never felt like this before, I felt sort of happy, excited and sick but all together. It was a good feeling though, I liked it, I think it had something to do with the company of Frodo. I kept thinking how impossibly perfect he was, his laugh, his eyes, and the way he would run his fingers through his hair. I think I was in love; I was in love with a boy I had only met a few hours ago, but I didn’t mind, Frodo was perfect in every way. Every time we would catch each-other’s eye, we would both look away smiling; a thousand thoughts were rushing through my mind all at once. Merry and Pippin were too busy mucking about to notice any change in the mood around us, and that was good, because I knew how Pippin would react if he found out how I felt about Frodo.

“Good lord! How long have we been sitting here? It’s getting late, mother will be wondering where we have got to,” exclaimed Pippin, standing up.

“We’d better get going soon,” agreed Merry, also standing up, “won’t Bilbo be missing you as well, Frodo?”

“Oh yes, he will,” replied Frodo, “I think I should also leave”. We all set off for home together through the path in the forest, Merry and Pippin leading, followed by Frodo and I. We both walked in silence, listening to my brother and Merry, singing one of their favourite tunes. Frodo walked closer next to me, my heart was racing and my breath became shortened, I could also hear Frodo’s nervous breath next to my ear. Frodo slowly put his face close to mine, his breath was sweet and warm on my already crimson cheeks.

“Er- I-I was wondering-would you like meet with me tomorrow?” he whispered gently into my ear, making me practically melt to the floor.

“Yes,” I answered exasperatedly, I felt like I could kiss him.

“Meet me here tomorrow morning, alone, is that OK?” He asked quietly, running his finger on my neck, goose bumps formed at his touch. I nodded, he smiled and stepped away, pretending nothing had happened. I tried to remain calm, but really my heart was singing, I felt as if I could have flown away like a happy bird in spring.

We finally reached our Hobbit hole, Pippin said goodbye to Frodo and Merry and I waved. Frodo winked at me and I smiled back, I felt so happy, Frodo asked me to meet him in the forest the next day, I was happy, I was ecstatic! I walked in the door hearing mother’s fussing about the state of my dress and how late we were, but I did not care, I was going to see Frodo the next day, I was going to spend time with him, alone!

“What are you smiling about Lily?” asked my mother as I walked into the kitchen, she was bustling about getting supper ready, I didn’t answer. Pippin walked in with a basket of mushrooms which he placed on the table by the stove.

“Mother, Merry and I are going out tomorrow, could you give us some food to take with us, I expect we won’t be home until late.” Pippin asked, sneaking a muffin into his pocket when Mother’s back was turned.

“You better not be planning on getting into trouble, I don’t want you stealing anymore vegetables from Maggot’s farm,” said Mother as she began chopping potatoes.

“Too late, him and Merry have already done that today,” I said, smirking, Pippin shoved me into the wall.

“Oh really? Pippin, take your sister with you tomorrow, she’ll stop all this mischief,” said Mother sternly.

“No Mum, I can’t go with him tomorrow- I-I have other plans…”

“Plans? What plans?” asked Mother puzzled, looking up.

“I-I’m going out,” I said quickly, heading for the door, “Um, goodnight then.” I disappeared into my small bedroom.

That night I had a sleepless night, constantly thinking about the day ahead, the wonderful day to come, that I and I alone would spend with Frodo Baggins.

The Love of Two Hobbits- A Frodo Baggins Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now