Chapter 10

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My sides were aching, my muscles tight and my breath was searing in my throat, but I had to push on. I leapt over fallen logs and practically flying over tree roots, Merry and Pippin were close behind. We ran as fast as our short legs would take us through the forest, the wind whipping my hair and the cold air making my eyes stream. We made it to the stream; Pippin flew ahead of me, leaping onto the bridge and sprinting off. I slowed down and looked behind me, Merry stopped, puffing heavily as I squinted through the shrubbery, gasping for air.

"Do you think we lost them?" he asked breathlessly, cautiously stepping forward.

"I-I think so," I gasped, "where's Pippin?" Merry shrugged, pointing over his shoulder.

"He made off over there somewhere," he replied, "completely pathetic, one sniff of danger and he's gone."

"PIPPIN, It's alright we've lost 'em," I shouted loudly, Merry quickly clapped his hand over my mouth.

"What're you doing?" he whispered seriously, "do you want them to hear us, they might come back! Don't you remember how long we've been running for?" I lowered his hand from my mouth and nodded slowly. Pippin emerged from the other side of the stream, red faced and puffing.

"That was close," he mumbled, "too close."

"Maybe we should check to see if they're any dogs in the barn before we go raiding it next time," I suggested wisely, Pippin nodded.

"I swear those dogs were not of ordinary size," exclaimed Pippin, "they were huge!"

"I think Maggot purposely kept those dogs in there, just for us, he knew we would be back," said Merry thoughtfully as he sat down on a rock.

"Well, they could never have out ran me," said Pippin bigheadedly, "I was too fast for them, they were soft those dogs." I rolled my eyes, Merry smiled.

"Are you kidding," I exclaimed, "they would have got you if it wasn't for Merry, you would have been eaten!" Pippin frowned, but didn't reply.

I had been mucking about with Merry and Pippin a lot recently, ever since my dilemma with Frodo, I had decided to keep my mind off him and actually have some fun for once. I had been avoiding Frodo for the past month as he was with that girl, Perpetua a lot recently and it hurt to even look at them. I hadn't spoken to Frodo since the night I had spent with him and didn't intend to either. I had been a bit rebellious lately and to be honest, I was quite enjoying it. I had been making sure Frodo caught me with Merry as much as possible; I wanted him to feel the same way as I did about that girl, Perpetua. I think it was working, I certainly did sense some envy radiating from Frodo's facial expression and that made me feel better in a way.

I had especially been becoming quite close with Merry; he really was a great guy when he wasn't mucking about with Pippin. He had shown me all sorts of different fun things to do and some secret tunnels and caves that I had never seen in my whole life whilst living in the Shire. I finally understood that I had been having the most fun I had ever had in a long time. I never realised how much fun I was missing out on, Merry and Pippin were great to be with and it was even taking my mind off Frodo, which was good.

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