The Old Ways Never End

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After a long while of romantic evenings, forest walks, dances under the moonlight and a lot of time together, Frodo and I were ready. It had been quite a while since we had been apart, two years in fact, and that incident was long behind us and forgotten. We really did love each other and Frodo had never been with any other girl since he stopped seeing Perpetua. In fact, Perpetua had eventually settled down with Merry, a lovely match I had thought, although Merry was the same trickster he had always been.

The four of us had developed a really close bond as the days went by; Frodo and I were always willing to join Merry and Pippin whenever we had the chance. Those were the days we looked forward to; when we had no worries or responsibilities, when we could just muck about all day and get ourselves into a lot of danger. The thrill of shooting down a waterfall with no cares or worries about what could possibly happen, or the excitement of exploring the underground caves beneath the Shire still had the same effect on us as it did two years ago. The amount of times I had to stop Pippin getting involved in any trouble was uncanny and the amount of times where I had been dragged into one of their schemes was endless. We were all still the same hobbits, looking for the same amount of adventure and fun as we always have, except this time Frodo and I were an item.

Farmer Maggot spent most of his time hunting down Merry and Pippin; it was always Frodo and I who had to get them out of those tight spots. Although the things we got into were dangerous; we would always emerge safely afterwards, our heads held high and a brilliant story stuck in our minds. At the end of each day, Merry, Pippin, Frodo and I would sit at the top of Huckleberry Hill, reliving our experiences of the day, laughing and joking, nobody had to be left out, and nobody was alone.

Now, nerves were building up inside me, much the same as the nerves that appeared the very first day I had ever met Frodo. I could feel every eye on me, I knew nearly everyone in the whole Shire was watching me; their smiles lighting up their faces, except for a perhaps few individuals. I stepped onto the red carpet, my arm linked in Bilbo's arm as I made my way up the aisle.

I could see my whole family on one side of the carpet, they were all grinning up at me, and my mother was sniffling in the front line, Merry and Pippin I could see were keeping very quiet, avoiding the dark glares coming from Farmer Maggot. I looked back up to the end of the carpet; there stood the hobbit I was going to marry. His chocolate brown curls fell over his smooth, pale face and his eyes illuminated everything around him. He wore a gorgeous blue vest, under a dark suit and I noticed a white rose pinned to his chest. He smiled that beautiful, cute smile that I knew so well and I returned it happily. My dress was handmade by the women of the Shire; it was a lovely white, flowing gown that resembled the clothing worn by the elves, who I adored so much. A wreath of pretty wildflowers was worn upon my head and my blonde curls were pulled back into an elegant bun. It was extremely hard to contain my grin that beared out to everyone who was watching.

I had always wanted a wedding in the forest; I often dreamt about how beautiful I would be and how everything would look. But this was much better than any of my dreams; white wooden seats were lined up along the carpet, they had flowers wrapped around them for decoration. All the young girls wore pretty floral dresses that I had picked for them, each girl wore a grin, and I knew they were longing to be in my place. And a large, mossy oak tree was where Frodo and I would be married beneath; the tree was covered in pretty flowers and lights.

The village vicar carried out the ceremony, excitement was bubbling inside me as Frodo placed a gorgeous silver ring on my hand, I beamed up at him happily. I threw myself upon him in a finishing kiss and the crowd applauded happily. I glanced at Bilbo who stood beside me and he was chuckling softly; I grinned back.

After the ceremony we all gathered beneath huckleberry hill and I threw the bouquet which was caught accidentally by Merry, who laughed along with Pippin. That day had worked out perfectly for me and I couldn't see myself with anyone but Frodo. He and I eventually escaped the endless amounts of relatives who kept appearing and wishing us the best of luck. We trotted over to Merry and Pippin who we discovered were huddled together behind a tree, I supposed they had been hiding for Farmer Maggot who was patrolling around and keenly searching for someone. We snuck up behind them and I grabbed Pippin's shoulders suddenly, he let out a terrified shriek and I burst out laughing.

"Shhh!" I whispered, giggling, "it's only us, you fool." Pippin looked relieved, but slightly angry.

"You gave me a heart attack," murmured Pippin, trying to suppress a grin and Frodo laughed.

"Don't worry, Maggot's gone over there," replied Frodo.

"What're you two doing here anyway?" asked Merry suspiciously. "Aren't you meant to be over there, in the centre of attention?" I shook my head.

"Nope, we fancied a bit of fresh air," I answered simply. "It's too crowded over there."

"In fact, we wondered if you two would escape with us," asked Frodo, "go down to the stream and get on a boat, we really don't feel like the attention." Merry and Pippin stared at us, but their expressions soon changed mischievously.

"Good idea!" exclaimed Merry eagerly, grasping my hand. "Sounds like our kind of fun." We all laughed and sped off, disappearing into the trees. I ripped off my gown and left on my underdress which was a lot more appropriate for running. The wind whipped through our hair, sticks cut our feet, we slipped on moss and constantly fell into puddles, but we still laughed happily. My hair had come undone and it was falling into my face, but I did not care, I loved the feeling of being wild, it gave a sense of freedom and excitement.

This was exactly how I wanted it to be; we weren't grown up yet, just because Frodo and I were married didn't mean we could give up the thrill and excitement of our youth. We raced down towards the flowing stream, and leaping into the boat which carried us off into the distance, freedom was this and this is all we wanted. This was how it had always been; Merry, Pippin, Frodo and I, loyal friends until death.

The Love of Two Hobbits- A Frodo Baggins Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now