Chapter 4

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The sun shone brightly through the round windows of my bedroom, lighting it up with a golden glow. A sparrow sat perched on the window sill, joining in the dawn chorus as it sung its little heart out into a beautiful tune. The flowers were opening, feeding off the sunlight that was brought to this new day. I lay asleep on my round polka dotted bed, dreaming about the day I would spend with Frodo and what would happen. The beautiful music of nature was suddenly broken with a loud Thunk! on the window. This was followed by a series of other noises that were also hitting the window; this woke me up with a start. I sat up in my bed and watched as several other objects were hitting my window, some leaving a slimy mark behind. I threw off my blanket and rolled out of bed, I then headed towards the window, about to yell at Pippin for waking me up.

I wrenched opened the window and as I did I received another one of those objects to my face. It felt cold, slimy and wet, I leapt back and the object fell to the floor, leaving a lovely smelly stain on the carpet. It was an old mouldy tomato, given by the courtesy of Pippin and his polite morning greeting. I stuck my head out of the window to see Merry and Pippin standing in a row of squashed flowers, holding a large wooden bucket between the two of them.

"What on Earth are you doing?!" I bellowed, wiping tomato from my eye, glaring at my brother and his friend. They were both laughing as if it was one of the funniest things they had ever encountered.

"We decided to share with you the leftover food, before Mother threw it away," laughed Pippin triumphantly, "it seemed such a pity that it should go to waste."

"Oh right," I said nodding as I pulled myself up through the window, "very clever, I'd like to see the smiles on your faces when I catch you!" I jumped out of the window, still in my night dress, ready to kill those two as soon as I got the chance. They both dropped the bucket, sending mouldy food flying everywhere and made off towards Maggot's farm. I sprinted after them over the garden, landing on the pavement and slipping on the food left by the boys. I landed face first in what could have been described as a seven-month old cabbage; it was either that or left over casserole. I picked myself up angrily, seeing the state of my white night dress and took off after Merry and Pippin, leaping over the fence and disappearing into the distance.

* * *

I reached finally Farmer Maggot's barn, I quietly scampered in through the door, as I did not want to run into him at all. I knew how much trouble you could get into for trespassing on his property and did not feel this was the right time to be explaining to a grumpy old farmer what I was doing in his barn, only wearing my night dress. I crept past the goose pen, trying ever so much not to awaken the sleeping gander and headed towards the pig sty. From a distance I could see two curly mops of brown hair hiding behind the door to the stables, they thought that I wouldn't find them, fat chance...

Suddenly, the most brilliant idea popped into my head, I knew exactly how I could pay those two back for what they did to me earlier. I crept to the back of the barn, keeping my eyes glued to the boy's heads, making sure I wouldn't be seen. I reached the back door, the padlock was hanging on the latch, but it wasn't locked. I fastened the lock so Merry and Pippin wouldn't have any possible way of escape and I headed back to the front of the room. I opened the front door a little, so it made it obvious that someone was in the shed and scattered a few carrot tops leading to the barn. I reached a basket of turnips and began throwing them at Farmer Maggot's dog's kennel. This set it off, barking loudly to inform his master of intruders; I quickly hid behind a pile of clay pots, peering through a gap. Soon enough, Maggot appeared wielding a pitchfork and yelling.

"Where are they Skip? Where are they boy? This is the last time those treacherous rascals set foot on my property!" exclaimed Farmer Maggot angrily. He caught sight of the carrot tops and the barn door I had left ajar. "Aha! Not very good at hiding you wee little pests, time to meet Maggot, once and for all!" He entered the barn with the dog at his heel. Extremely loud yelling began from inside the barn. I quietly emerged from behind the pots and made off as fast as I could go, laughing to myself at the thought of Merry and Pippin attempting to stutter feeble answers as Maggot yelled furiously at the two.

I eventually reached the edge of the forest. Tired, I sat down puffing on a smooth granite stone attempting to catch my breath. That'll teach those two for throwing rotting food at me at six in the morning I thought, shaking my head with laughter. Suddenly I heard a snap of a twig, I jerked my head up. Was that Farmer Maggot coming to get revenge on the third miscreant? I slowly stood up, careful not to make a noise when another young hobbit appeared from behind a large mossy tree, it wasn't Maggot, nor was it Merry or Pippin, it was Frodo. My heart jumped, I suddenly straightened up, trying not to appear too guilty of anything, Frodo smiled. I smiled nervously back; I immediately realized what I must have looked like; I hadn't yet combed my hair, I was wearing my white night dress which had the mouldy remains of two-month old food, splattered across my front and not to mention part of a squishy tomato and a mixture of mud stuck over my face.

"Lily?" whispered Frodo in his beautiful, charming voice as he stepped forward out of the shrubbery.

"Er- hey Frodo," I replied nervously, I brushed my dress down, trying desperately to rid it of its filth.

"Um, are you-alright?" he asked with a slight smile on his face, I noticed a faint blush creep up his neck onto his cheeks.

"Oh, yes I'm fine, I was just following Pip," I explained, "Him and Merry had a little fun with me and the leftover food and I was just trying to get them back." I indicated the stains on my dress, he nodded understandably.

"Yes, they do enjoy their jokes don't they?" he chuckled, "I'm sort of the outsider when it comes to their pranks, I prefer to not get involved."

I smiled up at him, he really was the most perfect hobbit I had ever met, he was mature and understanding. Oh how I wished he would feel the same way about me as I felt about him. "A wise precaution, you never know what they can get you into." I replied, I began to feel more confident when it came to speaking to Frodo, he was so polite and easy to talk to, I found myself telling him more and more.

"Perhaps I should walk you back to your house and you can get cleaned up," suggested Frodo politely, smiling. His beautiful big blue eyes were gazing into mine, a shiver was sent down my spine.

"Good idea, I'm not sure if it's such as good plan to go walking about in my night dress," I agreed, giggling. Frodo seemed to hesitate, but slowly he held out his hand for me to grasp. My heart was racing, I put my hand in his, his skin was so soft and smooth whereas mine was covered in filth. Frodo didn't seem to mind this and pulled me up from the stone.

"Thanks," I said and Frodo smiled, "shall we go?" He nodded in reply and we walked along the forest path towards my house.

The Love of Two Hobbits- A Frodo Baggins Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now