Soulmate watch

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        Pairing: Syndispraklez

         Hi! I'm Jordan Maron! You're probably thinking, 'Why do I care?' Well, you should cause I'm about to find my soulmate! When someone turns 16 they get this watch that tells you how many days until you met your soulmate, and I only have 30 minutes and 45 seconds!!!!! I am currently standing in a park, leaning against a tree.

25 minutes 16 seconds

I looked around anxiously, tapping my foot.

16 minutes 7 seconds.

I ran a hand through my hair, checking my phone and tweeting about what I'm doing.

5 minutes 24 seconds

I took deep breathes, trying to calm down. I wonder who they'll be? Will it be a guy or a girl? What will they be like?

3 minutes 0 seconds

2 minute 59 seconds

My heart beat faster, I don't think it's supposed to do that...

15 seconds

My heart started beating very fast, and I looked over the sea of people anxiously.

5, 4, 3,

With every second my heart beat faster until I was sure everyone could hear it.

2, 1, 0

No one. Well, that's what I thought. I felt a tap in my shoulder and turned to see a guy standing behind me. "Hello, soulmate." He said, smiling. I melted, my eyes staring into his own. "My names Tom."


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