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Lance smirked flirtatiously at the rather pretty alien in front of him, leaning on a nearby cart in the small market. The team had needed to restock on supplies, and had happened to be near this planet, so Coran decided to stop here. "Ya know, you're actually pretty funny," the alien woman giggled, smiling shyly at Lance. The blue paladin opened his mouth to reply when he felt a firm hand on his shoulder.

"Come on, lover boy. Time to leave," Keith told him in his most annoyed voice. Keith took hold of the back of Lance's suit and began dragging him along, rolling his eyes when Lance cried out in protest.

"But Keith-! I was actually getting somewhere!" Lance whined, moving his arms and legs frantically as he tried to rid himself of Keith's grip. Keith grunted and dropped Lance on the ground, who stood up quickly, only to find the woman was gone. "No! She's gone! Keith, why have you forsaken me so~" Lance yelled, turning to watch Keith walk with a pout on his face. Sighing when he didn't receive an answer, he ran to catch up with the red paladin. "Keith~ What's wrong, bro?" Lance asked, partially because he found it slightly funny when Keith was annoyed, but mostly because he was genuinely concerned. Keith huffed and crossed his arms, glaring at Lance.

"There's nothing wrong, it just gets annoying when you flirt with every girl you come across!" Keith groaned, mentally kicking himself when he realized he had said that out loud.

"Aww~ Is little Keithy jealous because he doesn't have my charm and charisma?" Lance teased, smirking. Keith punched his shoulder, his glare hardening as he began to walk on. Keith mumbled something quietly under his breath that Lance didn't hear quite clearly. "What?"

"I said, I'm never going to be jealous with anything regarding you because you're just a 'player' or whatever they call it, and you just fuck with peoples emotions! Have you ever once considered that some of these people might actually legitimately like you? Are all those girls just some big fucking joke to you?!" Keith yelled, turning around to face Lance. Lance stared in shock at Keith's outburst, and he felt a surge of anger rush through him as the words sunk in.

"Is that all I am to you?" Lance asked quietly, staring at the ground and clenching his fists by his sides. "Am I just some player who fucks everything up?! Is that how you see me?! Is it?!" Lance looked up at Keith to find him staring back, the fiery glare he was sporting barely hidden behind his mullet.

"Yes, actually. So if you wouldn't mind, would you leave me alone?" Keith turned to leave when Lance spoke up.

"I can't believe I actually considered you a friend," Lance muttered, to which Keith turned around. "I trusted you, I thought you understood...I don't flirt with everyone because I'm a player. I do it because I want to find someone who loves me...who cares about me. Nobody seems to. Sure, the team may care about me, but they'd choose you over me any day of the week. I'm not good enough for anyone...and for your information, everyone of those people who have given me contact information, I've stayed in contact with, and I don't just flirt with girls..."

"Oh, what. So you're into guys now too?" Keith scoffed, crossing his arms. Lance snapped, what little self restraint he had left leaving as he rushed forward and grabbed the front of Keith's suit.

"I've always been into guys, dammit. And you know what? The only person I've ever loved is a total jackass who makes fun of my sexuality and doesn't even let me explain anything!" Lance spat, letting go of Keith's suit roughly, turning away and clenching his eyes shut, trying to rid himself of tears.

"You...I- what?" Keith stuttered, his features blanking. "Did you just-?"

"Tell you that I'm madly in love with you and want to be with you forever? Yes." Lance opened his eyes to find Keith had gotten closer to him.

"Are you being serious?" Keith asked. Lance nodded and allowed a tear to fall down his cheek. "Lance...I- I love you, too. I got so jealous because of that and oh my god...I'm so sorry." Keith apologized, rushing over to stand in front of Lance. Before either could really think about what they were doing their lips had been placed together and they were making out in front of the ship. When the pulled away Lance grinned and picked Keith up, marching up to the ship to which Keith protested greatly, begging Lance to let him down. They walked into the small entry way like that, where Allura and Shiro both greeted them.

"What's going on here?" Shiro asked, placing his hands on his hips.

"Keith and Lance are finally dating. Saw them outside kissing and everything!" Pidge declared, smirking as Hunk appeared behind her. Shiro and Allura both mumbled 'finally' before walking away. Lance chuckled before sitting down a now calm Keith and turning around.

"Wanna go annoy them?"

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