Thunder [Gratsu]

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"Oi, Flame Brain could you be any louder!?" Gray shouted at the pink haired boy across the room. Natsu was being especially obnoxious today, making loud bangs and yelling about something every five seconds.

"Like you're one to talk, Stripper!" Natsu yelled back.

"You wanna go, Mouth Breather!?"

"Let's go, Ice Princess!" Natsu yelled, cracking his knuckles. Quickly a fight broke out and slowly almost everyone was dragged into it except Lucy and Mira.

"Ugh, I wish these two could get along just once." Lucy groaned, rubbing her temples. Mira giggled and gave her a small glass of water.

"If they did almost the whole guild would be thrown off balance. Sure their fighting is annoying but it's kinda what bonds us together. Gray and Natsu are basically why the guild has survived as a family for so long." Mira said, looking over at the two fondly.

"Really? I also thought they'd be the reason the guild was torn apart." Lucy shrugged, looking down in thought.

"Nah. Everyone knows the fighting is all in good fun. Besides, the whole guild knows Gray secretly has a thing for Natsu." Mira said calmly, causing Lucy to take a spit take.

"What!? Gray has a thing for Natsu!?" Lucy whisper yelled, her eyes widening. Mira nodded with a smile and looked over at the two wizards who were throwing insults and attacks at each other.

"Yeah. You haven't noticed? Gray always holds back while fighting Natsu, he stares at Natsu when the idiot isn't paying attention and has even full on gone protective over him. Honestly if Natsu wasn't as dense as a brick he probably would've picked it up himself." Mira shrugged, cleaning a glass.

"Does Natsu have a thing for Gray?" Lucy asked, leaning on the counter with crossed arms. Mira shrugged again and looked up from the glass.

"Nobody knows. Natsu usually doesn't hide things but he's very reluctant to share about romantic feelings." Lucy's eyes narrowed as she turned her back on Mira to watch the two wizards duke it out.

"I guess it's time for match maker Lucy to come to the rescue!"


Over the next few weeks Lucy tried everything to get the two to confess. Wether it was to each other or one of them telling her, but nothing seemed to work. Gray wouldn't budge and kept a straight face the entire interrogation, while Natsu sat and looked at Lucy with confusion. This made Lucy irritated. What was with these two!?

Walking to the guild with a bad mood Lucy opened the doors to a surprise. No one was fighting...

"Erza?" Lucy asked quietly, walking over to the tall, red haired girl. "Why is nobody fighting?"

"Hmm? Oh, hey Lucy. Nobody's fighting because Natsu and Gray aren't." Ezra shrugged, looking over at the two wizards who sat on opposite sides of a booth. Lucy looked at the two mages with confusion, raising an eyebrow. The two rivals not fighting? Was it snowing in the desert?

"Do you know why?" Lucy asked, her keys jingling together as she sat down across from Erza.

"No clue. They haven't spoken a word at all." Erza said calmly, stuffing her face with a piece of cake.

'Hmm, I wonder why they aren't fighting...' Lucy thought, crossing her arms as she stared at the two boys.

Gray sat with a seemingly permanent scowl on his face, glaring at the wooden surface of the table. Natsu, his long time rival/friend, had asked Gray to meet at the park, under the Soya tree, but it had started to storm heavily almost as soon as Natsu arrived. (Late as usual.) Now they were sat in an uncomfortable silence as neither made a move to start a conversation.

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