SoulMate [Gratsu] (im sorry again) Part 1

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The door was slammed open so suddenly that even though most should be used to it they still jumped. The whole guild turned around to face the door only to find a panicked Lyon standing there, cuts and bruises lining every inch of visible skin. "Lyon?!" Gray shouted, standing quickly and running to his friend, knocking over a few things in the process.

"G-Gray..." Lyon coughed, looking up weakly as Gray placed his hands on the boys shoulders and guided him over to a chair. Before anymore could be said a pain filled scream was heard from the back of the guild where Wendy sat. The girl was on her hands and knees, hair slowly turning pink with a large amount of magical energy circling around her.

"Wendy!" Natsu yelled, his eyes widening. Wendy's screaming stopped and she stood with a deadly look in her eye.

"Who's hurting her." She deadpanned, ignoring the questioning looks she received as she marched up to Lyon with clinched fists.

"A dark wizard guild." Lyon said as Wendy used her magic to heal him. "Death Pike I believe. They attacked our guild without reason. We were no match. Cheria was hiding with a few other's who weren't equipped for fighting so she could protect them. I guess the guild found 'em." Lyon informed, removing his tattered shirt and gnashing his teeth together. "I-I was too weak to stop them. I came to the only people I know who could possibly stand a chance against them..."

The guild watched Lyon silently surprised the almighty Lyon would come to them. I mean, this guy was one of the proudest wizards they had ever met. "Alright, we'll help you out." Natsu said with a grin, smashing his flaming fist into his palm. "I'm all fired up." Erza nodded in agreement.

"Aye, sir!" Happy shouted, flying up beside them.

"Alright brats. Do we have anymore volunteers besides Team Natsu?" Makarov asked from his place on bar. Elfman, Mirajane, Gajeel and Laxus all stood (or in Mira's case came out from behind the counter.)

"We'll help. Helping a fellow guild is Man!" Elfman yelled, standing beside his older sister, Mira. Laxus and Gajeel both nodded, standing expressionless with crossed arms. Lily flew up from the spot he was stood at on the table and onto Gajeels shoulder, nodding as well.

"Alright, it's settled. Go help that guild, brats!" Makarov yelled, holding up a fist. The whole guild yelled in agreement and the volunteers raced out of the guild with Lyon.


"So, Wendy what's up with your hair? And how did you know Cheria was getting hurt?" Lucy asked as she ran alongside the still pink haired girl. Wendy clinched her fists before explaining.

"Carla and I found out that if you're a Dragon Slayer you have a designated mate. Mine is Cheria. See my hair color? That's what indicates it. But you only get the hair color change if you go into Dragon Force and you have to had fight alongside them using it." Wendy explained gasping as they reached the edge of the town Lamia Scale resided in. The town had been reduced to rubble, the smell of smoke and dust littered the air making them cough a bit.

"Hehehe, so this is the snack Icey brought us? Pathetic. I was hoping he'd bring those Tigers. A much more appetizing meal." A crackly voice said from somewhere within the scattered debris. A small animal like creature was first to appear. It was black with small yellow markings along it's face and front legs, wild eyes looked around at all of them as if evaluating who it should pick off first. "I should introduce myself. I'm Jester, the leader of Death Pike." A sudden roar of laughter was heard from the middle of the group where Natsu stood, holding his stomach and pointing at the creature.

"You''re the leader of the guild who beat up all of Lamia Scale?!" Natsu wheezed, falling to the ground beside Happy who was also in hysterics. Jester glared at Natsu but otherwise ignored him.

"I suppose the rest of my guild should introduce themselves as well." Jester grinned darkly. A young woman slowly stepped out from behind some rubble to their left. She had long white hair with stunning blue eyes, a somewhat torn white dress covered her body and she wore no shoes.

"Hello." The woman said softly, gracefully jumping from her spot to stand next to Jester. "I'm Angel, one of the Four Diamond Gates." Angel introduced, her eyes lingering on Lucy for a moment longer than they should have.

"What? Diamond Gates?" Happy asked with confusion, looking at Lucy who stood with clinched fists.

"The Diamond Gates are extremely powerful. You can't find them anywhere because they were hidden away for that reason. They say the Diamond Gates went so mad with power three of them killed their masters and the fourth one was thrown out of their masters house. According to legend the fourth key wanders around trying to find someone to except it." Lucy finished, her hand going to rest on her keys to calm herself. She had a right to be intimidated after all.

"That was a great history lesson." Two smooth voices called simultaneously. A pair of twins were now stood on Jester's other side, across from Angel. "I'm James." The male twin introduced, bowing slightly. He sported bright red hair and green eyes, a pale complexion and a black suit with the jacket resting only on his left shoulder.

"I'm Jamie." The female introduced, who was an exact replica of her brother save for the big breasts and a rather flashy black sundress.

"And the last of us..." Jester smirked, laying down on the rubble and resting his head on his paws.

"Is right here." A booming voice called. A rather large thump was heard from behind the group and they turned to find a stupidly buffed up man behind them. He had a small black mustache and wore a black cloak, the hood covering all of his face above the mustache and the cloak itself covering all of the man. The man disappeared and reappeared behind Jester, and stood there silently watching.

"Elfman, Laxus, Gajeel you take down the guy who just appeared." Erza said to which the three nodded at. They were suddenly teleported away, Elfman's cry of 'Man' still echoing. "Lucy, Wendy, Carla you get Angel." They nodded and Angel smiled a bit creepily at the three making Lucy and Wendy both gulp. They disappeared suddenly as well, and Gray had to hold Natsu back from going after them. "Natsu, Gray, Happy you get Jester." Erza told them.

"I'm stuck with him?! Can't I just do this on my own I mean look how tiny it is!" Natsu and Gray both shouted, pointing their fingers in Jester's direction.

"Do not doubt me, humans. There is a reason why I am leader of the guild." Jester said wickedly, allowing a Cheshire like grin to spread across his face. Natsu and Gray turned with clinched fists to face Jester, annoyed looks in their eyes.

"Try not to mess up, Flame Brain." Gray mumbled, hoping that Natsu wouldn't hear him which he didn't.

"Natsu I'm hungry." Happy said randomly as Mira and Erza disappeared along with the twins.

"We'll eat later, Happy." Natsu laughed, allowing his fists to ignite. "I'm all fired up."

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