Something Good [Syndisparklez]

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Pairing: Syndisparklez

Warnings: Boy x Boy and fluffieness... that's about it.

Prompt: Tom and Jordan have been together for a while now, and Tom figures it's time to take it a step farther.

Tom laughed as his boyfriend bounced around excitedly in the front seat. Jordan was very excited to go to the cookout his family had every year on Easter, mostly because he got to see his family, but also because of the candy he would get from the baskets his mother made. His mother would put visible candy in the baskets, but also have surprise candies encased in eggs which Jordan always loved. "Jordan, you sausage. Stop bouncing!" Tom said through his laughter as he started the engine. Chuckling nervously, Jordan apologised while blushing a bit.

"Sorry, Tom. I just can't help it! I love Easter!" Jordan said, smiling and looking out the window as they drove through LA traffic. Tom shook his head with a smile, stopping at a red light.

"I know you love Easter, but it's mostly because of the candy. Why do you get so hyped about candy anyway? You can always go to the store and buy some." Tom asked, still stumped over the question after three years. Jordan shrugged in response, turning to face Tom.

"I just have always felt like something good was going to come out of those baskets." Jordan told his lover. Tom nodded in response, pondering it in his head. Maybe this was his chance.

After half an hour they pulled up to Jordan's mom's house. It was two stories, painted a nice shade of white with just the right amount of windows. A nice patio/deck was at the front of the house, shaded by a large tree that grew in the yard. The laughing of kids and the splash of a pool could be heard over the large amount of talking from the adults and some teenagers. Jordan's mother, Julie (probably not her real name but it's a oneshot) was cooking at the grill, and looked up when the pair pulled in. Jordan yelled with joy and practically jumped out of the car, the slight breeze blowing his regular black shirt and green shorts.

Tom shook his head once again and hopped out of the car, locking it and putting his keys in his pocket. Taking Jordan's hand in his own he started up the pathway and to the deck, smoothing out his grey shirt which he had paired with a black jacket and jeans. "Thomas! Jordan!" Julie yelled in delight, handing the cooking off to one of the older boys to come and greet the couple. "Oh, it's been too long Jordan! And Tom, how are you dear? We only see each other once a year." Tom chuckled as Jordan launched into an explanation as to why he hadn't visited. As soon as Jordan had finished Julie was laughing. "Dear, it's fine. Just come visit more often. And Thomas, what do you have to say for yourself?"

"Erm, I live in the UK?" Tom shrugged, smiling sheepishly. Julie rolled her eyes but pulled the both of them into a hug.

"You're both lucky I love you. Anyway, I have some baskets to make!" Julie said happily, clapping her hands together. As she turned to walk away Tom grabbed her shoulder.

"Um, Julie could I talk to you in private for a second?" Tom asked,looking over at Jordan who had left to talk with some of his other friends.

"Of course. Follow me." Julie instructed, pulling Tom inside with her. "What is it?" She asked as soon as they were sure nobody outside could hear them.

"I...I want to ask for your blessing to marry Jordan. I love him so much, and I promise I'll take care of him. I would never do anything to hurt him. And I-" Tom was cut off by a squeal from Julie.

"Of course you have my permission! You two truly are meant for each other, anyone with eyes could see that you two love each other." Julie said in a 'duh' tone. Tom sighed in relief, bringing out the golden band engraved with 'You're my life line'.

"Good, because I have a plan..."

After the meal - receiving their baskets

Tom held Jordan's hand while nervously bouncing his leg up and down. What if Jordan said no? What if he didn't get the right basket? No, no that's ridiculous, Julie had made sure the quadruple check. "Alright everyone, take out your first egg!" Julie called. After about fifteen minutes everyone was down to their last egg, and Tom was sweating his tits off. "Alright everyone, open your last egg!" Tom watched Jordan as he picked it up. It felt like the longest five seconds of his life as Jordan opened the egg, and gasped. Tom had let go of Jordan's hand and stood up, pulling Jordan with him.

"T-Tom?" Jordan managed out as Tom got on one knee and took the egg, holding out the ring after the plastic egg was sat down on the table.

"Jordan Allen Cooper Maron, I love you so much. And even though you can get on my nerves and act all mother hen when I do something bad, I could proudly say there is no one else I would rather be kneeling in front of and holding a ring out to other than you. Not in one hundred years. But you know that I'm not a sappy person, so I'm not going to try to be. Because you feel in love with me, and I fell in love with you. So I'm not going to act like I know what I'm doing, cause I sure don't. All I know is I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So, will you marry me?" Tom finished, not looking away from Jordan's eyes which were filled with tears. Nodding, Jordan allowed Tom to slip the ring onto his ring finger before pulling his fiance into a kiss.

"I love you." Jordan whispered, pulling away with a smile as people cheered and clapped.

"I love you too, you spoon"


"Hello, babe." Tom called, walking into their bedroom where Jordan sat with a small wooden box, smiling down at it. "What's that?"

"Wedding stuff, come here." Jordan answered, patting the space beside him. Tom obliged and sat beside his husband, whom he had been married to for four years. Jordan had a stack of pictures in his hand. Some were of the ceremony place, others were of the dancing and dining area. Pictures of Jordan and Tom in their separate rooms were next, followed by pictures of the crew, wedding party and guests. Then a few pictures of Jordan and his dad before the ceremony and walking down the aisle.

Then came the pictures Tom was most excited for. A wide picture showed Tom and Jordan saying their vows, Tucker, Goldy and a few others who Tom has chosen to be his best men stood with smiles. On Jordan's side Erin, Sonja and a few others stood with teary eyes, but their smiles were huge as well (though not nearly as huge as Tom and Jordan's.)

Then a smaller picture showed Tom and Jordan kissing, small white petals falling down on them, and if Tom recalled correctly, Jordan had giggled and laughed as the tickled his neck and face. Once the pictures were finished Jordan brought out their wedding vows which they read together. There were a few more pictures before they reached the bottom of the box where a small, round bag sat.

"Jordan, is that...?" Tom started, cutting himself off after Jordan opened it to reveal the same, purple egg Tom had used to propose. "You kept it?" Tom asked, taking the egg in his hand.

"Course I did. I always knew something good would come out of those baskets..."

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