Sparklington Christmas thing

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        It's Christmas Eve! I'm so excited! I love the snow and the cheer everyone gets! I never liked getting presents though, I never needed them. I have all I need. I have a great family and that love me and except me for being gay. I have a great group of friends who also except me and have been there for me all the way. I have all I could ever need but of course, my best friend James just has to get me something. He's more than a best friend actually, he's my crush. The others hardly ever get me anything, maybe some money or a card and that's just how I like it. But James is another story...
        "Jooooordan! Tell me what you want!! Please?" He asked, poking me. We were all sat in my friend Sonja's house. A nice, pretty girl with a fiery temper and if I was straight I would probably find her attractive. I wouldn't have a chance anyway though, she and her boyfriend, Tucker are deeply in love. I should probably tell you the names so you don't get confused, There's Sonja, Tucker, James, and Tom.
        "I want something that I can't have." I groaned. It's true, James was as straight as a ruler. I had no chance with him...
        "And that is..?" He pressed, looking eager.
        "Peace and quite." I lied. I could see hurt flash in his eyes before he turned away. "James, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that." I apologized, putting a hand on his shoulder. I glanced at the others who were all so deeply engrossed in their conversation they didn't seem to notice.
         "I know Jordan, I just was--" He hesitated before getting up and walking off, he went up the stairs and I heard a door slam. Sonja, Tucker, and Tom all jumped, looking upstairs.
        "Was that..?" Sonja trailed, looking confused.
        "James? Yeah." I told her. They all looked at me confused but I just shrugged. I was confused to, how come he ran off? What is he not telling me? We never keep anything from each other...well, besides the fact that I have a crush on him. Deciding to just leave it till he wanted to tell me I got on my phone and started playing on it.
         I shot up on the couch and saw James looking at me sheepishly. "James?" I said groggily.
        "Hey, can I, can I sleep with you?" James mumbled. "I, I had a nightmare." He mumbled again.
        "I thought you said you didn't have them anymore..?" I said.
        "I am, but, you make them go away." He told me, rubbing his eyes with his fists. Aw, he looked so adorable! Jordan, stay focused!
        "Okay, come on." I told him, scooting over and holding up the blanket. James climbed in awkwardly, facing me. I faced him as well, smiling slightly.
        "Hey." He whispered. I chuckled under my breath,
        "Hey." I whispered back. We just stared at each other for a while before I felt James's arm go around my waist. I blushed, but smiled wider. James smiled too, pulling me closer. I used his arm as a pillow and his arms tightened. And that's how we fell asleep.
        I awoke in the morning to see James on the floor. He had a makeshift bed and was cuddling with a pillow. I thought he was up here? I watched him for a bit before looking over at the tree. Presents sent by Tucker, Tom, James, and I's parents sat underneath it. There were also presents from the Reid's for each of us. I sat up and snuck upstairs. I woke up Sonja, Tucker, and Tom. With much difficulty might I add! Tucker punched me in the stomach!
        We all snuck back down stairs and sat down. "Why didn't you wake James?" Tom asked in a whisper.
        "Had a nightmare. I wanted to let him have a few minutes of extra sleep." They all nodded understandingly. Tucker shook James a bit and because he's a light sleeper he shot up. He looked at all of us before his gaze landed on me. He smiled awkwardly, blushing. The others didn't notice because Mr. And Mrs. Reid had come downstairs. We all quickly ate some breakfast and the parents passed out presents. I got a couple of gift cards and some money from mom and dad.
        I gave Tom his new present. It was the new Modestep album he had wanted all year. I got Sonja a necklace she had wanted that Tucker couldn't get for her. Though Tucker gave me half the money for it. I gave Tucker the new Pokémon games he hadn't gotten, and James. I wrote him a song. (Okay, disclaimer: The song used here 'Don't wait' by Joey Graceffa is used because I think it fits this. It will be at the top!) It's called 'don't wait'. I can't sing very well so I asked the person who helped me write it, a friend named Joey, to sing it for me.
         I put it on a disc and wrapped it up. While we ate some Christmas lunch we played it. Everyone loved it! Half way through the song however, James disappeared. I followed him outside and into the snow. "James!" I yelled.
        "Go back." He told me, stopping at a small park across the road.
        "Not until you tell me what's wrong! You've been acting funny lately! Did I do something?" I yelled. The wind has picked up and my voice was almost carried away by it.
       "No Jordan you didn't!" He yelled, spinning around. "It's what you didn't do that's caused this! Do you not realize..? No, of course you don't!" He yelled, walking towards me.
        "Realize what James!? What am I supposed to realize!?" I yelled back. He scoffed, though his eyes looked pleading.
        "Jordan, do you think those cuddles were just friendly!? Do you think that wrapping my arm around your waist last night was what regular friends do!? Do you not notice my attempts at flirting!?" He yelled. My breath hitched. Was he actually hinting at what I think he is...?
        "James, do you-do you like me?" I whispered. The wind died away as I said it, but snow fell gently.
        "Yes, Jordan I do." He whispered. Without thinking I flung myself at him and kissed him. He was shocked before kissing me back. His warm soft lips moved in sync with my and he lifted me up, twirling me around.
        "I-I love you." I whispered when we pulled away.
        "I love you to."

One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora