Chap. 5|

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My day was longer than normal. It seemed as if time was moving extremely slow. I looked down at the clock on the computer reading 10:48pm. Only 12 more minutes I thought as Aug walked up to the desk.

"What's got you down B?" He asked.

"I'm fine," I half-smiled as I started packing things up.

"Aight. I'll catch ya lata'" he said as he started walking to the elevator.

"Lata'" I said as I seen my relief walk through the door. "I'm so glad you're here," I spoke as I grabbed my purse and put my blazer on.

"Nice to see you too B, how was your day?" he asked.

"It was good," I smiled as I grabbed my water bottle and was on my way to the elevators.

My phone then vibrated in my hands:

From Chancelor 10:56pm| I have food ready for you

To Chancelor 10:57pm| Thanks, I'm on my way up.

My hands started to sweat due to me being nervous at what he wanted to talk to me about. As the elevator stopped on the third floor, I slowly walked in the direction of his apartment. As I got closer to the door, he opened it welcoming me. As I stepped into his doorway, he grabbed my waist and kissed my cheek.

"How was work?" he asked me.

"It was okay, where's my baby?" I asked as Mariah came running around the corner greeting me as Chancelor grabbed my items from my hands placing them on his coffee table as I rubbed Mariah's head.

"I'll make your plate," Chancelor said as I kicked my flats off taking a seat on the couch as Mariah snuggled up with me. "What you want to drink? Water, juice, soda, wine, vodka?" he asked.

"Water is fine," I replied as he laid a plate of chicken parmesan in front of me.

"My favorite" I said as I leaned up and kissed his lips. "You're amazing,"

"How was your day?" I asked as he settled in his seat next to me eating his food.

"It was boring, learning this last language as usual." he told me as I nodded my head.

"Yoruba, right?" I asked.


"What other languages do you know?" I asked curious.

I didn't know much about his career except that he was required to learn many languages and that he traveled sometimes.

"French, German, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Chinese, English, Kanuri, Hausa, Ibo, and almost proficient in Yoruba." he smiled.

"Well damn boo," I smiled as I took a sip of my water. "What are all of the countries you've been too?" I asked him.

"Belgium, Japan, Austria, China, Kazakhstan, Cuba, and going to Lagos, Nigeria." he spoke lowly.

"Oooh Nigeria, when?" I asked excited.

Going to Nigeria seemed like fun.

"That's what I needed to talk to you about." he spoke. "I leave in about three weeks," he said as he put his plate down.

"Three weeks?!" I got upset. "For how long?" I felt myself about to cry.

"About two years." he said as he looked at me.

"You gon leave me for two years?" I asked as I sat my plate down.

"Yeah, I have to. It's my job and duty to go there."

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