Chap. 32|

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This is a shitty chapter. 😭


I woke up to the sound of laughter. I opened my eyes seeing Chancelor playing with both Brylee and Johnathan.

"Look who's awake?" Chancelor asked in a baby voice making the babies' eyes light up.

"Well good morning," I spoke with a smile as I got out of bed.

After getting dressed, I went to the kitchen to get breakfast started.

Chancelor leaves tomorrow to go back to Nigeria and I hope today is just great with no arguing. I just need to get used to doing everything on my own. He's already proven to me that his job comes before his family and that's okay. This is the person that I've decided to lay down and make a baby with.

"You good?" Chancelor asked interrupting my thoughts.

"Yes," I looked over at him as he grabbed a water bottle.

"You sure?"

"Mhm," I hummed as I continued to turn over the bacon in the pan.

"Babe," I said as I turned around to see Chancelor on the kitchen tile down on one knee with a black box in his hand. "Get up," I pointed the fork at him.

"Will you mar-" he said before I cut him off.

"No," I said as I continued turning the bacon over. "Fuck this," I spoke as I turned the bacon off and went to sit outside as I let the tears fall.

(AN: Stop coming for Briana! Let her crybaby ass cry in peace ☺️)

I soon heard a loud knock on our front door. I wiped my face quickly as I went back inside to answer the door.

"What's wrong?" Sasha spoke as soon as I opened the door. "Where Chance at?" She asked as she practically ran up the stairs to find him.

"Ighh" I heard Chance yelling.

I went upstairs to find Sasha actually punching this nigga.

"Sash chill," I spoke softly as she landed one last hook to Chance's ribs. "He don't deserve it," I told her.

"My bad bro," she apologized as she patted his head.

"You play too much, I ain't even do shit" Chancelor said. "Besides try to marry B," he told her.

"So you coming home for good now?" Sasha cheesed. "Finally."

"No Sasha, I refused. He's not about to play with me. I thought having a ring would solve everything but it won't. I don't even really know this nigga."

"What you mean?" Chancelor butted in.

"Just what I said. I think we rushed into all of this," I spoke as Chancelor nodded his head.

"I agree but I'm your family now and it ain't no changing that. So we gotta make this work," he said.

"Let me speak to her for a minute," Sasha said dismissing Chancelor as she went to pick up Johnathan. "Lil crybaby," she cooed as she put him in the air.

"Briana. Isn't this what you wanted since forever?" She asked me.

"Yeah but it's not genuine. He doesn't wanna marry me so fuck it. I will get used to doing this myself, I'm fine. We're fine. Once he finishes his two year term, I'll see if this is what I wanna do." I told her.

"Whatchu mean sis?" She asked confused.

"If I wanna be with him," I told her.

"What!" She screamed.

"All we do is argue and have sex. He was my friend before all of this but everything has changed."

"I think y'all need to talk first." She suggested.

"Talk for what?" I raised my voice.

"About all of this, y'all just gon split?" She put Johnathan down and held him in her lap.

"Sasha, I don't know." I sighed as I ran my fingers through my hair.


(Night time 💀)

As I was sleeping peacefully, I woke up to the sound of Brylee crying. Just as I was about to get out of bed, I felt Chancelor's lips on my cheek. "I'll get her, go back to sleep." He told me as he got out of bed.

I shut my eyes preparing to continue to sleep until I heard my phone ringing.

"What time is it?" I whispered to Chancelor.

"4:33." he responded as I searched for my phone.

After picking up my phone from the floor, I read the screen: August *emoji* missed call

"It's August, I hope nothing is wrong with Ray." I said aloud as I called him back.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Briana, I can't do this." August said as he cried.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I stood at our dresser taking in my appearance.

"Rayna," he paused. "She ain't breathing man." he cried more.

"W-what?" I stuttered. "Where are you?"

"Memorial," he said referring to the hospital.

"Where's Kay?" I asked.

"She's here too"

"I'm so sorry. I'll come and get Kay right now." I told him as I put on some sweatpants and my shoes.

"You don't have to do that. I just needed to tell you what had happened. I'm sorry if I woke you up. I know it's like 4 in the morning."

"No August, I'm coming to get her. She shouldn't be there seeing her mother like that."

"Aight, thanks B."

"No problem, I'm on my way." I told him before I hung up the phone.

"What's going on?" Chancelor asked me as he watched me pull one of his hoodies over my head.

"I gotta get Kay. Rayna in the hospital and August thinks she isn't going to make it," I explained.

"I'm so sorry" he wrapped his arms around me. "Be safe, I'll wait up for you" he kissed my forehead.

"Okay," I mumbled as I left out of the house speeding to the hospital.

Once I arrived it didn't take long for me to find August. Just as my eyes met his, he broke down in more tears. Kay was sleeping next to him in a chair.

I've never seen this man this broken before.

I walked over and wrapped my arms around him. I rocked him side to side hoping to soothe him as I rubbed his back.

Just when he finished crying, he looked up at me staring into my soul.

"She didn't make it," he whispered as a tear rolled down my cheek as I processed his words.


Chance's POV will be next

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