Chap. 21|

358 17 14

Not an exciting chapter at all. Lol

"I'm outside," I spoke in to the phone.

"We comin'" Aug replied before I hung up the phone.

About two minutes later, August and Kay appeared. August strapped Kay in the backseat, before coming over to my side of the door.

"Ya' not driving, get out" he demanded as I unbuckled my seat.

"I'm just seven months pregnant, not fucking disabled." I mumbled once I was outside of the car so Kay couldn't hear me.

"Whateva', get ya' ass ova' dea'" he said basically forcing me to sit in the passenger seat as he adjusted the seat leaning it all of the way back.

"You ain't shit" I mouthed as I buckled my seatbelt in the passenger seat.

"Yea, yea" he mumbled before he pulled out of the parking space I was in.

"Hey Kay!" I squealed turning around to look at her.

"Hey Bri." she mumbled staring out of the window.

"What's wrong with her?" I whispered to August.

"She a lul' sick" he told me.

"She could have stayed home then," I said. "We can go back."

"Nah Rayna sick too. Kay just has a slight cough. She'a be fine," he assured me.

"Oh okay," I mumbled.

"Wassuh with you? How da' baybeh?"

"I'm fine, the babies are as healthy as can be. I'm having twins." I told him.

"Forreal? That's wassuh. Congrats. Are you havin' a baybeh shower?" he asked.

"Nah, no one would come." I said truthfully.

"We still gon getchu' a few things. If you need anything, just let me know" he said before he pulled off onto the highway.

"This ain't the way nigga." I said.

"Relax, I have a surprise for ya. Whea' the father of the baybehs at?" he asked changing the subject.

"You know he was a foreign service officer right?" I asked as he nodded his head 'no'. "Well yeah he is, he had to leave right when I found out I was pregnant. He was supposed to be in Nigeria for 2 years but he's trying to get his assignment shortened. Each month it turns into more and more months. As long as he's there for the birth, I'll be fine."

"How ya' holdin' up?" he asked as he glanced over at me shortly.

"I just get lonely sometimes, I do everything alone. It's just something I've sorta grown accustomed to."

"Well ya' know I'm only one call away. Ya' helped us a lot, now let us help you." He spoke before he pulled up in front of this building.

It was solid black brick with a bright ass sign at the top that says Babies Welcome.

"What the hell is this Aug?" I asked.

"Chill it's a spa," he told me. "Mainly for pregnant women and their friends and family. You'a bout ta' be on cloud nine like you just hit a blunt." He joked causing me to chuckle unbuckling my seat belt.

"Kay come on," he spoke to her as her head shot up getting excited to get out of the car.

We all walked in to the smell of bacon hitting my nose reaching the front desk.

"Does it smile like bacon or am I tripping?" I whispered to Aug.

"Na' it do." He responded.

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